Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Keperluan dalam kesatuan

Pelawaan berikut adalah pelawaan PAS untuk rakan-rakan dalam Barisan Nasional khususnya wakil-wakil rakyat UMNO, MCA, MIC dan GERAKAN untuk sama-sama dengan Barisan Rakyat yang hari ini menerima mandat yang agak besar untuk membina Malaysia Baru. Presiden PAS dalam kenyataan ini meminta agar perkara membentuk Malaysia Baru di bawah Barisan Rakyat ini dipertimbangkan secara lapang dada. Berikut adalah kenyataan media Presiden PAS tersebut dan isu ini dimasukkan dalam blog arah kita bagi kita berdiskusi mengenai Malaysia Baru



Semalam semasa menghadiri program Himpunan Rakyat dan Munajat Perdana sempena kemenangan PAS di Selangor, di Stadium Malawati, Shah Alam, Presiden PAS Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Hj. Abd. Hadi Awang telah mencadangkan agar satu gagasan pakatan politik baru ditubuhkan bagi mendepani cabaran politik baru di Malaysia.

Barisan Rakyat yang terdiri dari pakatan PAS, PKR dan DAP yang telah diberikan mandat besar oleh rakyat dalam pilihan raya umum lalu wajar menghulurkan tangan kepada rakan-rakan dalam Barisan Nasional khasnya wakil-wakil rakyat Umno, MCA, MIC dan Gerakan agar bersama-sama samada secara bersendirian atau "en bloc" menyertai gagasan politik baru ini bagi membina Malaysia baru yang lebih selamat, sejahtera dan makmur buat rakyat Malaysia keseluruhannya.

Menurut Presiden PAS lagi ternyata hasil dari gelombang kebangkitan rakyat dalam PRU ke 12 lal, Barisan Nasional kini sudah semakin dipinggirkan rakyat dan sudah semakin tidak relevan dalam arus politik negara.

Oleh itu semua pihak perlu realistik dan menerima hakikat politik semasa ini dengan lapang dada. Dato Seri Tuan Guru Presiden mengharapkan melalui gagasan pakatan politik baru ini nanti dapatlah semua pihak bersatu dan sama-sama menyusun agenda dan hala tuju baru negara demi nasib dan masa depan semua rakyat tanpa mengira agama atau bangsa.

Presiden PAS turut menegaskan bahawa gagasan pakatan baru itu nanti perlulah memberi keutamaan kepada desakkan dan tuntutan rakyat iaitu antaranya adalah:

1) Menyemak semula dengan meminda atau menghapuskan mana-mana undang-undang dan peraturan yang zalim dan mendiskriminasi terutamanya Akta Keselamatan dalam Negeri (ISA), Akta Univerisiti dan Kolej Universiti (AUKU), Akta Rahsia Rasmi (OSA) dan yang seumpamanya.

2) Segera melakukan reformasi terhadap amalan demokrasi dalam negara dengan memulihkan proses pilihan raya di Malaysia sebagaimana yang dituntut rakyat dan badan-badan bukan kerajaan khususnya yang melibatkan bidang tugas dan operasi Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Malaysia (SPR).

3) Memperkasa dan memberikan kebebasan kepada Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) sebagai sebuah agensi pencegahan rasuah yang efektif dan tidak lagi mengamalkan pendakwaan berpilih.

4) Mengembalikan keyakinan rakyat terhadap badan kehakiman negara dengan memastikan ianya benar-benar bebas dan tidak tertakluk kepada mana-mana badan atau kuasa politik.Adalah diharapkan cadangan ini dapat dipertimbangkan oleh semua pihak demi kebaikan dan kesejahteraan bersama.

Setiausaha Akhbar Presiden PAS
1 April, 2008

Adakah ini satu perkara yang mustahil untuk kita fikirkan bersama. Adakah pembentukan dalam satu kesatuan akan memberi implikasi yang tidak baik. Mungkin dengan kesatuan ini maka benar Malaysia Baru dapat dibentuk? Mungkin ini mustahil kerana perbezaan ideologi. Namun sekiranya kita meletakkan kepentingan rakyat adakah tidak kesatuan akan membawa kekuatan untuk kita sebagai sebuah negara yang utuh dan kuat penyatuannya. Apa kata anda?


Blogger nina najwan said...

Bukankah hampir semua (kalau pun bukan semua) parti dan calon yang bertanding pilihanraya menyatakan mereka bertanding untuk menjaga kebajikan rakyat? Mereka ingin menjadi WKIL RAKYAT. Mereka ingin memimpin rakyat untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik? Mereka bukan wakil sekelompok rakyat, tapi wakil semua rakyat. Mereka bukan PM/TPM UMNO/BN tapi PM/TPM semua rakyat, mereka MB semua rakyat.
Jadi apa masalahnya untuk mereka bekerja bersama-sama untuk kepentingan rakyat? Mereka dibayar gaji dari wang rakyat, bukan wang parti. Pembangunan negara & negeri juga dari wang rakyat, bukan wang parti. Maka, apa susahnya untuk mereka bekerja sama untuk kepentingan rakyat? Amanah telah diberi, mereka dapat elaun dan gaji dari wang rakyat, maka kembalikan khidmat mereka untuk rakyat, bukan untuk parti dan bukan untuk ideologi sempit mereka.
Pada saya, tidak ada masalahnya untuk semua wakil rakyat dari semua parti untuk bekerja sama, membentuk apa jyuga gagasan, untuk kebaikan rakyat.
Kalau mereka bersengketa dan masih mengamalkan politik sempit kepartian mereka, elok lah kosongkan jawatan, dan beri pada mereka yang benar2 berusaha dan berkhidmat untuk rakyat.
Ohh... lagi satu, kepada ketua kampung, JKKK, penghulu dan lainnya yg setia pada UMNO, cuma berkhidmat untuk UMNO tapi makan gaji dan elaun dari wang rakyat, elok lah kosongkan jawatan dan bagi pada yg berkhidmat untuk rakyat. Wang rakyat nak melantak, tapi khidmat hanya untuk parti? Sempit betul pemikiran manusia2 ni. Nak kata bangang, nanti ada yg terasa hati, tapi lebih kurang macam tu la tu.......

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Satu pelawaan yang menarik. Bagi rakyat sekiranya itu membawa kebaikan apa salahnya, kita bersatu dalam satu kesatuan untuk terus menjayakan agenda rakyat. Tapi mahuku MCA dan DAP bersatu, PAS dan UMNO berganding bahu dan Gerakan dan PKR bermuafakat.

Sekarang ini kerajaan agak sukar untuk membuat keputusan kerana sokongan terbelah. Mungkin andai bergabung wakil2 rakyat dalam Barisan Rakyat maka satu kejayaan dapat dikecapi. Harga petrol jatuh dan ini menjatuhkan harga barangan yang rata-rata bergantung dengan petrol

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kalam Nurani

Mari kita merenung tentang masa depan, dengan melihat apa yang berlaku pada hari ini.

Pertama sekali, adakah kita sedar, negara yang kita bina sekarang adalah hasil usaha orang Melayu, Cina, India dan kaum-kaum lain yang terdapat di negara ini.

Apa yang berlaku kita tidak boleh nafikan lagi dan akhirnya kita kena menerima hakikat bahaya Malaysia adalah milik semua penduduk yang ada di dalamnya.

Sudah tiba juga masanya untuk politik memperjuangkan sesuatu kaum itu berakhir kerana hanya dengan cara itu sahaja perpaduan yang berkekalan.

PS: ulasan penuh di Laman Marhaen

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seandainya pemimpin Malaysia yang ada pada hari ini benar-benar ikhlas untuk berbakti kepada rakyat seperti mana yang mereka uar-uarkan, cadangan ini pasti tidak menjadi masalah. Tapi sayangnya kebanyakan wakil rakyat yang ada hanya berjuang untuk poket mereka. Sebab itu mereka sanggup buat apa saja hatta menderhaka kepada sultan kerana nawaitu yang di dalam dengan kata-kata di bibir tak sehaluan. Ibarat menanam tebu di tepi bibir. Halal haram tolak tepi. Sesetengahnya lebih takut kepada suara rakyat daripada balasan Allah. Taubatlah dan insaflah kepada yang berkenaan. Tugas memimpin itu satu amanah yang berat dan jika pemimpin kita benar-benar menghayatinya mereka berat hati nak menawarkan diri apatah lagi merebut-rebut jawatan. Oleh itu saya cabar pemimpin-pemimpin kita jika benar cakap serupa bikin, sahut cadangan presiden PAS. Amacam????

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pelawaan PAS itu baik tetapi apa sebenarnya Malaysia Baru yang disarankan. apa bentuk Malaysia Baru. Adakah Malaysia Baru adalah Malaysia yang mana orang Melayu menggelongsor dari kuasa politik dan kembali separa dengan bangsa lain untuk kita kenalkan bahawa kita adalah Malaysia Baru.

Adakah kerana perubahan yang dicadangkan seperti sistem mahkamah dan akta seperti ISA maka kita sudah dapat Malaysia Baru.

rasanya tak semudah itu. Malaysia Baru bukan diukur sekadar perubahan kuasa politik tetapi lebih kepada perubahan total tanpa sekatan politik.

Malaysia Baru sepatutnya didefinisikan sebagai satu perubahan terhadap struktur sosio politik dan ekonomi dengan masyarakat adalah pada tahap penerimaan dan tinggi serta mempunyai kekuatan dari segi memilih untuk masa depan negara atau masa depan sendiri.

Saya percaya Malaysia Baru adalah penyerahan bukan sahaja kuasa ekonomi apda bangsa lain malah kuasa politik turut diserahkan, dikongsi dan kemudiannya dimiliki. Sayang Melayu

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sesudah 50 tahun merdeka dan berada dalam minda kepompong umno yang mengkhayal dan mempesona dalam ilusi ketuanan melayu, kini baru lahir titik kesedaran.Terdapat segelintir minda melayu UMNO yang selama ini disogok dengan mitos dan cerita penglipurlara oleh pemimpin2 dan media UMNO sudah mula sedar dari kemabukan fanatik bangsa yang merugikan bangsa itu sendiri.Kini mereka sedar bahawa sejarah sebenar ialah bukan Onn Jaafar, TAR, Mahathir atau Husin Onn yang berjuang menentang Inggeris. UMNO tertubuh untuk menentang Malayan Union bukan untuk menggasak British supaya memberi kemerdekaan kepada Tanah Melayu. Tidak ada pemimmpin UMNO yang ditangkap atau ditembak oleh Inggeris semasa era perjuangan kemerdekaan. Dan generasi ini sudah sedar bahawa sudah 50 tahun UMNO menipu bangsanya sendiri. Berjuang atas kertas untuk bangsa tapi secara hakikinya hanya saudara mara dan sahabat taulan sahaja yang kaya raya. Golongan marhaen terus merintih dan menjadi generasi peminta sedekah dari pemimpin2 UMNO. Tapi minda Pak Kadok menang sorak kampong tergadai masih majoriti dalam UMNO. Masih melekat dalam benak mereka bahawa UMNOlah penyelamat bangsa bukan Islam. UMNOlah pemerintah yang ulung, bukan Nabi s.a.w. UMNOlah segala2nya. Oleh itu apabila ada orang yang menyatakan 2+2=4, maka mereka kata salah sebab selama ini UMNO sudah mengajar mereka bahawa 2=2 =2. Oleh itu jika ada apa-apa cadangan baik dan bernas dari mana-mana pihak, maka pemimpin UMNO akan mengarahkan hamba sahayanya supaya menyatakan semua idea itu tidak betul.

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wakil rakyat tidak seharusnya dipelawa untuk apa bentuk pakatan sekalipun, kerana mereka hanyalah WAKIL kepada rakyat. Rakyatlah yang patut dipelawa untuk apa-apa pakatan sekalipun.

Rakyat telah memilih wakil mereka atas kapasiti pakatan atau parti yang mereka wakili. Adalah cabul jika seseorang wakil rakyat itu mencari wadah perjuangan baru dengan membelakangkan rakyat yang telah memilihnya.

Jika wakil rakyat ingin beralih arah, atau berubah angin, dia MESTI mendapatkan pandangan para rakyat yang telah mengundinya. Dan pandangan ini hanya dapat ditentukan dengan meletakkan jawatan, dan pilihanraya kecil diadakan. Tiada jalan lain.

2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saya setuju. Saya cadangkan supaya Umno, Pas, PKR, MIC, Gerakan, MCA dan DAP berada dalam Barisan Rakyat ( BR )ini. PM lantik dari PAS dan TPM dari UMNO. Pembahagian kerusi kabinet ikut peratus penduduk. Melayu 65%, Cina 25% dan India 10%. MB atau KM mestilah penduduk mojoriti. Kalau buat macam ni Insya Allah Aman, Makmur, Selamat, Berkebajikan, Adil dan sejahteralah rakyat dan negara kita.

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SEBAGAi rakyat malaysia tak salah kita merenung pelawaan pas kepada bn agar menyertai pakatan rakyat,,,pas membuat pelawaan atas dasar sayangkan islam dan melayu jadi tidak ada sebab mengapa kepimpinan umno tidak boleh fikirkan hal ini,,andainya pas dan umno berada dalam satu pakatan nescaya islam dan melayu akan kuat,,kerana inilah parti yang mendukung pejuangan orang melayu,,,pas dan umno perlu bersama kerana saling mengimbangi antara satu sama lain,,,bila umno dan pas berjalan seiringan pastinya salahguna kuasa dapat dihapuskan kerana adanya golongan ulama yang boleh menegur apa yang tak kena,,,,tak salah kita bermuhasabah diri demi satu kebaikan,,,bukankah kita mencari keradhaan ilahi,,,hanya 2 parti ini bergabung dibawah satu pakatan maka islam dan melayu dapat dipertahankan,,,,ayuh pemimpin umno bincangkan perkara ini dalam egm yang akan dibuat nanti,,kalo xmau masuk pakatan rakyat,,,apasalahnya berbincang agar pas masuk bn,,,,

12:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umno information chief Muhammad Muhd Taib pointed out that the contributing factors to BN’s performance in the March08 election was due to the role played by bloggers, news portals and short messaging service (SMS).

"It wasn’t a level-playing field between the BN and opposition. BN did not use the portals, SMS and ICT (information and communications technology) to the fullest," he said.

Muhammad noted that the BN lost in the "virtual elections" while opposition had cashed in on using video CDs showing temple demolitions which caused the swing of Indian voters.

Source: Mat Taib jabs Dr M, defends Pak Lah

Why did the BN not use the sms and bloggers? BN had plenty of bloggers who are Pro-Umno and Pro-BN. BN had the main stream media - NST, TheStar and even The Sun, and not forgetting TV and radio stations which are controlled by Zam . BN had billions of dollars to splash out to the voters and each and every BN candidates were to receive millions for their campaign expenses. BN had the whole government machineries, the civil servants including the uniform services, postal voters, and the Election Commission Rashid.

But BN and Mat Taib said "it was an uneven level playing field". What then is an even playing field? It is hard to understand. Umno leaders had often portrayed that the economy is an uneven level playing fields for the Malays; yet all government contracts are awarded to PKK registered Bumiputera contractors only. All Class F contractors are 100% Bumiputera. All land are given to Bumiputeras. All Director-general of govt service institutions are Bumiputeras. Khazanah is Bumiputera-controlled. Malayan Banking Bhd, Telekom Malaysia, Petronas, Tabung Haji, PNB, State SEDCs, Felda, Felcra, Risda, Mardi, Intan, Bernas, Bank Negara, Sime Darby, MAS, IWK, Pos Malaysia, PKNS; you name any institutions or corporations or government departments, quasi-govt corporation; it's all Bumi-controlled; yet it is said to be uneven level playing field for them instead of the contrary. Yet we have to swallow this rhetorics and being blame for all the problems.

The truth is, the beneficiaries and the Bumi people who reap the wealth, reaped billions; but the people are so few of them - Mat Taib is a billionaire; Khir Toyo is billionaire; Khairy and Kali are billionaires; Syed Mokhtar, Kamaladdin, Mukhriz, Mokhzani, are all billionaires. Patrick Badawi is Indian and part Chinese but is a billionaire because of Pak Lah and his family; he is an exception. Vincent Tan is billionaire because of Mahathir. Ananda Khrisnan is a billionaire because of Mahathir's help. Quek Leng Chan is billionaire because of Umno. Lim Goh Tong is billionaire because of Tengku Abdul Rahman and Tun Razak who gave him Genting casino. Samy Vellu is billionaire. Subramaniam is somewhere there. Ling Liong Sik is billionaire. Ong Ka Ting is trying hard to be. Chan Kong Choy would have been if PKFZ is fully paid. But all are somewhat related to Umno.

Nik Aziz is not even a millionaire. Lim Guan Eng was driving a 1980s Toyota Corona before he became Penang Chief Minister. Datuk Seri Dr Wahid Omar retired as JKR Director-general and is staying in a single-storey terrace house. Now he is thinking of buying a double-storey terrace house. Tan Sri Omar retired from JKR as the Director-general and thereafter had to think carefully about whether to buy a Citreon car worth RM120,000 or a cheaper one. My few good friends who were JKR senior management staff are driving Proton Perdana even after they had retired. But please asked ex-JKR D-G and Samy's good buddy Tan Sri Zaini what house is he staying and what car is he driving. DID DG Keizrul's house was robbed and his son reported to the police that approx RM1mil worth of assets was burgled. See the difference?

Khir Toyo was only a dentist before he became MB. See his house now and what car he drives and how many cars he have. Have you read the book $500mil Dollar Man Mat Taib by Alatas? Did you know what car Khairy drive and the car number plate? Did you know Kamaladdin bought Pak Lah a house in Australia worth RM60mil? Did you know Mukhriz got a project from Telekom Malaysia worth RM250mil before Khairy reduced it to RM50mil?

Level playing fields? Ya, leveled by the Oligarchy. Ordinary Malays will remain poor unless they get involved in Umno and fight for positions to be at least a divisional chairman; then it's the road to prosperity. In a more constraint environment, MCA pun boleh; MIC pun boleh. Malaysia boleh.

5:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The talk of 'crossing-over' in Malaysian politics is all around now. This is holding generally true especially in the East Malaysia. Why are all this happening?

The truth as a matter of fact is that in East Malaysian politics, no one can tell what comes next. The main reason for all this is that since independence (or even before the independence of Sabah and Sarawak) we, the East Malaysians (Borneons) were never really given real responsibilities in choosing our political destiny. All along we had been governed, and the moment we get hold of ourselves, we were straight away nipped in the bud and never given the chance to stand on our own very feet. The so-called power or local power that we hold is generally a facade to conceal the main hands that govern us, which then was the British and now the federal government of Malaysia.

With no real power in our hands, Sabah and Sarawak can never be true to their commitments to their own states and people. These two states differ from each other slightly. For one, Sarawak has been controlled by a one person for more then a quarter century. Why not? He is the ‘godfather’ of the state, thus he runs all and thus the people are all in his clasps. One can fight, but money talks, especially among the naive and the ignorant. So here, as long as the godfather is obedient to the federal government, he will get all the mandate from the federal government.

But, now we are sensing some changes. There are some people testing the waters now, and with the changing waves coming from the five new opposition states, who can tell how brave and daring are the unsatisfied leaders of Sarawak now?

Sabah is another case. We, the Sabahans, are people full of spirit by nature. We dare to climb the mountain, after all we believe that our ancestors' spirits rest on the highest mountain in South East Asia. Mt Kinabalu is our symbol of pride and dignity. This we had proved during the rising of the local-based party PBS. We raised tall and conquered without fear. But unfortunately, that just remained so and didn’t progress further. We must not forget that there are many other factors to it. We, the Sabahans, are not free citizens. Democracy and independence are just facade as we are far away from them.

Sabah itself has no money or real power to substantiate itself. Sabah's economy, namely the rich natural resources, is controlled by the federal government. And the power that could make the real changes in the state is all in the hands of the federal government. Though the local-based party has managed to come forward fully charged, in the end, they get exhausted without the support of the federal government. Thus to go against, and to oppose the federal government is suicidal for the Sabahans. We have our people's mandate, but the federal government has the beef and the veto to block us from making any real move. All this is causing our once high-spirited leaders to turn delusional.

So what have all this brought unto us? In the end, the very leaders that we supported, trusted and took pride in all suddenly realised that they are sitting in limbo. Combined with the human basic nature of greediness, one by one our leaders fell into the jaws of the wolf. We, the ordinary citizens, became their prey, all exploited and used to the core. Anwar Ibrahim knew about all these

for he was the master in 1993 together with the then PM. Musa also knew all about this and has practiced the same tactics ever since. Here I am talking about money and promised power to entice the leaders. They paid and promised power to the potential candidates to jump, and thus Sabah is very well known for its ‘frogs’.

Aaa...the poor native people of Borneo, the submissive, the ever-obedient and who have been divided through the racial and religious lines...poor them...for they have been time and again been turned into the unwilling victims. They are the naive and the ignorant subjects of the powerful and the rich from the beginning of their coming-out-of-the-jungle time. The illegal immigrants have risen many times, subtly protected by the most powerful in the land, and have claimed themselves as ‘Malays’ and over-powered the just mere-natives-people-of-the-land. Here in Sabah we are nothing but the simple-minded natives and remain submissive - the forever subservient.

So what next for the politics of Sabah and Sarawak? Your guess is as good as mine. Beware Pak Lah, if you don't look after your subjects across the South China Sea, who knows, the next morning you will be greeted with the worst nightmare in your political life. All we know is that the genie of ‘frog’ has been released and has proven its effect before.

5:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In The Sun, Gerakan acting president Dr Koh Tsu Koon yesterday blamed the “arrogance of power” of certain Umno leaders for the party’s defeat in the general election.

Another delegate, former Gerakan Women's Chairperson Kee Phaik Cheen who spoke at the closed door session put it succintly, "Stop pointing fingers at others."

Speaking from my own experience, Gerakan leaders should shoulder the blame for being both timid and subservient to UMNO's hegemony. It is not a secret that the leaders believed they stand to gain more by being on UMNO's good book than acting otherwise like speaking up against the gross political indecency of certain UMNO leaders.

In fact, my relationship with Gerakan's main leaders went sour because of my constant criticism of UMNO. Hence, having to listen to one after another speeches of putting the blame squarely on UMNO is both hilarious and disappointing to me.

On a number of occasions, Dr Koh had warned me against speaking up and posting my views on Malaysiakini.com. He did the same to Paranjothy, a youth leader, who vented his frustrations against UMNO after the Hindraf demonstration. He even suggested to a director at another policy institute to take me in so that I can leave Sedar Institute.

I am not washing his dirty linen here but from his statement yesterday, it proved that Dr Koh still missed the most crucial point in reforming his party. He should have shown more leadership in owning up to his lack of courage and political direction as the main cause of defeat than putting the blame solely on UMNO.

Penang's BN suffered the worst defeat among the four states captured by the opposition, garnering less than 38% of popular votes. Surely, Dr Koh must be responsible for the outcome. From the chief ministership issue to poor political campaign strategy, he was the main driver.

Yet, at yesterday's dialogue, the acting president of Gerakan distributed copies of a news report on PKR President Wan Azizah who praised him as an examplary leader who conceded defeat gentlemanly. In a democratic process, this is expected of all defeated politicians.

Koh said Gerakan would like to play a role of reformer in the BN but has to reform itself first.

Can it become a reformer and can it be reformed? Your guess is as good as mine.

5:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PERGOLAKAN MELAYU ( 10 tahun sekali )

Kalau kita lihat kepada sejarah politik Malaysia, berlakunya satu isu besar terhadap politik Melayu berlaku dalam tempoh sekitar sepuluh tahun sekali. Pada tahun 1946 keabangkitan orang Melayu menubuhkan Umno menentang Malayan Union. Pada 1957 orang Melayu berjaya mendapat kemerdekaan negara. Pada tahun 1967 berlakunya peristiwa berdarah Melayu-Cina ( peristiwa 13 Mei ). Pada 1978 berlaku rapat umum di Kelantan dengan kejatuhan kerajaan PAS. Pada 1987, krisis Mahathir Ku Li dan tertubuhnya Parti S46 yang akhirnya menjunamkan kerajaan BN di Kelantan. Pada tahun 1998,berlakunya krisis Mahathir - Anwar yang membawa kepada penubuhan parti serpihan baru Umno iaitu KEADILAN. Kini 2008, masuk kepada 10 tahun kelima. PRU12 telah berlalu dengan kekalahan BN yang tidak diduga. Maka kini telahpun terserlah bibit-bibit yang menampakkan satu lagi episod pergolakan Melayu akan berlaku.

9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pak'Lah berjuang untuk rakyat Malaysia, memberi ruang yang luas terbuka untuk masyarakat meluahkan perasaan...tapi AJK Bahagian/Cawangan UMNO tidak buat kerja dan cuma mencari projek sahaja dalam UMNO, oleh itu Pak'Lah perlu dikekalkan bagi menyapu semua AJK yang tidak berkerja....


1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 12th General Elections is over and MCA, MIC and Gerakan have been given a hard message by the communities they purport to represent. But the message is not for them, it is for Umno and the message is that if MCA and MIC continue to be treated as underlings who are to be shouted down if they speak up, they will be no use to Umno in future elections.

But will Umno change? In my opinion, ‘no’. Umno will probably be thinking of ways to threaten and deceive the races to vote for BN. Fortunately, threats of racial strife no longer work as the ghost of May 13 seems to have been laid to rest forever after the result of this election.With widespread use of the Internet, deception by the controlled mass media is less and less effective.

All along, racial politics has kept BN in power as BN represented the only de facto ‘multi-racial party’ which all races can vote for. BN is, of course, not a multi-racial party at all but a collection of racial parties. It does not work when one party in the coalition has dominance over the others.

It means that the community rights of the subservient parties will not be looked after. The premise of more representation in the government for more support from the community is false as more representation without the power to speak up means nothing.

What helps Umno time and again is the voting along racial lines. Chinese will not vote for PAS and Malays will not vote for DAP. So a mixed seat actually helps BN. A study showed that the Election Commission has been gerrymandering to create more mixed seats which are easier for BN to win and they are preferable to Malay majority seats which can go to PAS.

However, the rise of a true multi-racial party in PKR which is acceptable to all races has thrown a spanner into BN’s works. No longer can the BN depend on the safety of mixed seats. It's unclear how the political landscape will shape out but PKR will have to take the lead.

The rise of PKR with a strong, charismatic leader is a new dawn for Malaysian politics and may herald the beginning of the end of BN hegemony.

2:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Tun is right to ask for ‘credible foreign agencies’ to investigate the 1998 judicial affair as there is no one credible enough in Malaysia for the task (no trustworthy judge, no straight community leader, no corrupt-free senior civil servant, in fact, no decent Malaysian with the required capability as assessed by the Tun). Abdullah Ahmad Badawi should respond to the Tun's call and immediately appoint a ‘credible foreign agency’ for the task.

While Pak Lah is on this task, he should also seek to clear Mahathir of the numerous ‘unfounded’ accusations made by various ‘irresponsible’ people against the Tun. After all, it is only fair that the Tun is given a proper chance to clear his name once and for all. The Tun is so confident that he has done no wrong or harm to the nation while he was PM.

Given the Tun's age and situation (he has had two heart bypasses and is in his 80s), the ex-PM needs to be cleared first. Abdullah should ask the appointed ‘credible foreign agency’ to investigate the Tun first. It is up to Pak Lah to act now or prove the Tun right once again is his accusation that the current PM is incompetent and sleeping.

2:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umno screams, rants and raves about 'struggling' for Islam. Umno boasts about being the largest Islamic party in the world. Umno thumps its chest and argues that PAS can only talk about Islam while Umno can do more than talk since it is in power -- meaning, it has to the power to serve Islam.

Well, read this Editorial from today’s New Straits Times. This editorial from a newspaper owned by Umno demonises PAS and therefore in the same breath demonises Islam. In the Malay language newspapers that are read by Malays, Umno talks nice things about Islam. In the New Straits Times read by non-Malays, Umno demonises Islam.

Such is the two-faced Umno, which Islam labels as munafik.

WHILE there was no formal pact between Pas, DAP and PKR, there was an understanding not to contest against each other in the March 8 general election, and they worked together to woo the voters during the election campaigns.

And when they emerged with the biggest block of seats in the state legislative assemblies of Penang, Kedah, Perak and Selangor, they were able to put together state governments with working majorities. In these circumstances, their decision to come together under a common banner is a logical progression.

However, while the newly-minted "People's Alliance" pledges to work together on common principles, it is quite clear that it has not been political principle but political power and the politics of preservation that have been the glue that has brought and bound them together. This is one interpretation of the nature of the alliance given the sharp differences between them over ideology and policy.

And nothing has served to drive a wedge between them more than the goal of an Islamic state that Pas aspires to. Indeed, it was on this divisive issue that the Barisan Alternatif, the earlier incarnation of Pakatan Rakyat, fell apart.

DAP leaders have made no bones about being passionately opposed to the Islamic state. It is a bogeyman that has scared and alienated many. But now, we are made to believe that it is no longer an issue because Pas has not made it an issue for some time now.

It is understandable that the partners in the alliance are reluctant to talk about the issue because they are not likely to stick together for long if they do.

However, there has been nothing to suggest that Pas has changed its spots. It has been political expediency that has driven Pas to soft-pedal on an issue that constitutes a cornerstone of its politics and the core of its political appeal.

To all intents and purposes, while the Islamic state issue seems to have been buried by Pas during and after the elections, it still remains an elephant in the room which is too large to get around by skirting the issue.

At the moment, there are probably more immediate practical problems about co-operation on matters in governing the states under their control that have to be considered.

Nevertheless, in articulating a vision for the alliance that all its component parties can rally behind, it is critical that its collective leaders spell out the common stand on the Islamic state and hudud laws. Political doublespeak doesn't cut it.

2:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Islam about hatred and evil? Lets not quote from the Koran itself, as there is nothing in that book which is not conventional wisdom or worth quoting.

The Arab hordes after Mo that went out to make WAR on other nations and convert them to Islam by the sword. The truth is Islam wasn’t acceptable to these people and Iranians are being to know about their glorious past - that is before Islam.

Muslims are hypocrites. They tell you there is freedom in religion but apostasy is illegal and punishable by death. This is only ONE of the main reason why Islam has so many ‘believers’, not because its the truth.

The fact is, if you compare to other religions, you will see that lots of violence emit from Islam. Any muslims will claim that those people are not real muslims. But when we read history, we cannot deny that Islam is spread by the sword. If allah really exist, why Mo need to fight the meccans is any one’s guesses. It’s a joke that the Almighty need wars and humans to spread his words.

6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

banyak komen disini yang aku baca mengenai ajakan pas untuk membuat pakatan rakyat.....masalahnya mahukah pas untuk berpakat? adakah jujur dan telus apa yang keluar dari lidah mereka....kerana mereka (pas) pernah berada di dalam gabungan barisan nasional bersama-sama umno tp kenapa mereka keluar....adakah semua di sini tahu perkara nie?

11:30 AM  

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