Monday, August 21, 2006

Hak Siapa tercalar

Sekali lagi dengan kesempatan yang ada kita berbicara mengenai isu - isu yang mampu meragut jenama Melayu. Sungguh malang sekiranya artikel ini turut menjemput celaan dari bangsa - bangsa lain seperti artikel yang pernah ditulis sebelum ini. Artikel - artikel seperti Tanah Melayu ketuanan Cina 1 klik sini dan Tanah Melayu Ketuanan Cina 11 klik sini telah digores dengan celaan yang bertalu - talu. Ini hanya memberi gambaran betapa perlunya masalah hubungan antara ras ini dikaji dan diselesaikan dengan seberapa segera. Kita tidak mampu lagi melihat isu - isu yang melibatkan ras ini dilihat dari sudut yang sempit , konon - konon ianya akan melahirkan masalah perkauman justeru itu isu - isu ini perlu diselimuti dan disimpan di bawah tikar yang semakin lama semakin mengelembung. Menutup sebelah mata terhadap isu - isu masalah ras ini akan hanya membuak impak besar sekiranya ianya meletup. Ini lebih memburukkan keadaan.

Penegasan pernah dibuat dan sekali lagi kita perlu ulangi bahawa artikel ini tidak harus dilihat sebagai satu dokumen provokasi supaya perhubungan ras yang sedia ada tercalar dan tergugat. Ini bukan hasrat dan bukan matlamat kerana konflik perkauman akan hanya merugikan semua kita. Ini bukan artikel yang mahu menaikkan semangat mereka yang membaca untuk menimbulkan perasaan benci dan curiga antara kaum. Artikel ini membicarakan seperti mana artikel yang sudah - sudah mengenai isu Melayu, arah tuju Melayu dan kedudukan mereka sekarang ini. Kita mempersoalkan kewujudan kita dan bagaimana kita mahu merealisasikan kewujudan ini sebagai satu teras dan bukan hanya bayang - bayang yang muncul dimalam hari, bertaut pada entiti sebagai satu reflesi gelap yang tidak bermuka. Ini kita harapkan tidak berlaku pada Melayu - pada bangsa dan agama kita.

Kita kena sedar hakikat bahawa kita terdiri dari masyarakat berbilang bangsa dan kehadiran bangsa - bangsa lain di negara ini adalah hakikat yang perlu kita terima. Kita sedar persaingan kehidupan adalah begitu sengit. Kita perlu tahu kondisi - kondisi yang perlu ada untuk bersaing dan kita perlu sedar kenapa perlunya kita mempertahankan, apa yang ada supaya tidak tiris dan merugikan bangsa kita sendiri. Dalam itu kita tidak boleh tolak bahawa setiap mereka bernama Melayu perlu bukan sahaja mempertahankan apa yang ada tetapi berusaha agar kita berdiri sama tinggi dan duduk sama rendah dengan bangsa - bangsa lain.

Persoalan yang sering wujud adalah mengenai hak keistimewaan orang - orang Melayu. Sering dipersoalankan bukan sahaja oleh bangsa lain malah oleh orang - orang Melayu itu sendiri. Hak Keistimewaan ini wujud dalam usaha untuk menstabilkan keadaan agar Melayu tidak hadir terpinggir - merasa kecewa dengan penyerahan negara ini tanpa memperolehi sebarang keistimewaan. Ini perlu disedari oleh bangsa - bangsa lain dan perlu kita terima hakikat tersebut bersama. Mempersoalkan perkara - perkara ini oleh bangsa lain pasti akan menimbulkan kerisauan dan ketidakpuasan hati orang - orang Melayu. Mereka harus menerima ganjaran dari apa yang dikorbankan dan kini ganjaran - ganjaran itu seakan mahu ditarik balik dengan persoalan - persoalan lantang terhadapnya.

Walau bagaimanapun agak malang bagi Melayu kerana dalam masa yang sama Melayu sendiri turut mengabaikan kepentingan Melayu. Kita bertindak seolah - olah Melayu perlu dipersalahkan sedangkan punca kegagalan khususnya Dasar Ekonomi Baru masih tersembunyi. Kita perlu menyedarkan semua rakyat Malaysia bahawa Dasar Ekonomi Baru yang dilancarkan oleh Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak merupakan penyelesaian kepada dua perkara utama:

  • Masalah jurang ekonomi antara kaum
  • Masalah politik

Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak dalam ucapannya pada 17hb Februari 1971 : Seminar Perikatan yang pertama mengatakan " Saya ingin berterus - terang di sini, bahawa perpaduan negara TIDAK AKAN WUJUD sekiranya kedudukan ekonomi yang tidak seimbang dikalangan rakyat berbagai kaum tidak diatasi dan kemajuan serta kemakmuran negara tidak dinikmati dengan adil dan saksama"

Dua faktor penting yang ditekankan oleh Tun Razak adalah :

  • Ketidakseimbangan ekonomi antara kaum
  • Kemakmuran negara tidak dinikmati dengan adil

Rumusan dan penciptaan Dasar Ekonomi Baru ini wujud kerana kerajaan sedar bahawa ketidakpuasan hati rakyat khususnya perasaan curiga wujud apabila jurang ekonomi antara kaum begitu ketara dan kemakmuran perlu dipertingkatkan serta dinikmati dengan adil. Selagi ini tidak berjaya dicapai selagi itu kita akan melihat masalah ras akan menjadi satu ugutan dalam negara. Ini mampu mengugat bukan sahaja kestabilan politik tetapi akan mencacatkan usaha untuk membangunkan negara.

Kita sudah sedia maklum mengenai perkara - perkara yang melibatkan jurang ekonomi antara kaum. Kita tahu ianya akan menimbulkan ketidakpuasan hati khususnya di kalangan Melayu yang masih ketinggalan jauh sedangkan mereka telah berkorban untuk berkongsi tanah air ini. Ini juga terdapat dalam kenyataan Tuanku Abdul Rahman :

Perbezaan kaum berlaku tahun 1956 lagi. Orang - orang Melayu sedia memberikan hak - hak yang munasabah dan patut kepada orang - orang bukan Melayu. Orang Melayu telah memberikan pengorbanan yang banyak daripada hak - hak sebagai bumiputera Tanah Melayu kepada bangsa - bangsa yang bukan Melayu. Belum ada satu bangsa anak negeri yang telah berbudi sebegitu banyak seperti yang telah di perbuat oleh orang - orang Melayu. Sungguh pun ada jaminan hak - hak keistimewaan Melayu dan Perjanjian Persekutuan tetapi tidak sekali mencegah atau menyekat bangsa lain yang bukan Melayu daripada mencari kekayaan dan kesenangan dan lagi sehingga sekarang hak - hak keistimewaan itu masih belum lagi menghasilkan keadaan setaraf Melayu dengan bangsa - bangsa lain. Tunku Abdul Rahman

Ini juga adalah hakikat yang telah diterima oleh kepimpinan bukan Melayu di negara kita apabila Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak memulakan apa yang disebut Dasar Ekonomi Baru. Peristiwa 13 Mei 1969 diambil ikhtibar dan perkara utama yang perlu ditangani adalah jurang ekonomi antara kaum. Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak percaya sekiranya Dasar Ekonomi Baru ini gagal maka kita akan berhadap sekali lagi dengan krisis perkauman yang akan merugikan keseluruh rakyat Malaysia.

Perkara kedua yang mampu mengugat keharmonian negara adalah apabila kemakmuran negara yang tidak dinikmati dengan adil. Isu ini mengambilkira beberapa faktor seperti pengagihan ekonomi bukan sahaja antara kaum malah antara satu - satu bangsa itu sendiri. Ini perlu juga juga kita teliti.

Perkara - perkara sebegini akan mengoncang satu - satu bangsa dan ini akan melibatkan bangsa - bangsa lain. Mengugat keharmonian satu bangsa tertentu khususnya Melayu akan menerbitkan krisis sosial yang melibatkan perhubungan antara ras. Ini sedang berlaku dan keadaan seperti ini perlu ditangani segera. Kemunduran orang - orang Melayu, biar apa alasan sekali pun akan menimbulkan kocakan antara kaum.

Hak siapa yang tercalar

Sebelum kita membicarakan mengenai hak siapa yang tercabar kita perlu tahu hak - hak kita khususnya Melayu dan lokasi cabaran tersebut. Kita harus melihat beberapa kenyataan oleh kepimpinan kita khususnya mengenai hak keistimewaan orang - orang Melayu. Hakikat perlu diterima dan ini sekali lagi bukan sesuatu yang asing sehingga mahu menyebutnya sudah dikira sebagai hasutan.

Kita semua - baik bangsa Melayu mahupun apa bangsa sekali pun harus menerima bahawa hak keistimewaan orang - orang Melayu adalah kompromi antara Melayu dan bangsa - bangsa lain. Mengorbankan Tanah Melayu dengan memberi kerakyataan kepada bangsa - bangsa lain adalah kompromi yang mewujudkan penciptaan hak keistimewaan orang - orang Melayu. Ini perlu disedari dan ini perlu dihormati. Orang - orang Melayu sanggup memberi kerakyatan dengan mengorbankan tanah air dan sebagai balasan mereka diberi hak keistimewaan. Ini pun bagi Tuanku Abdul Rahmah sesuatu kompromi yang tidak separa kerana perolehan hak keistimewaan tidak juga menjamin kedudukan Melayu untuk menjadi setaraf dengan kedudukan bangsa - bangsa lain dari sudut ekonomi khasnya tetapi kompromi ini telah memberi kedudukan separa antara Melayu dan bangsa - bangsa lain dari sudut pemilikan negara ini. Ini menurut sesetengah pihak adalah satu kompromi yang tidak seimbang. Kita sedar pada waktu itu kedududkan ekonomi orang - orang Melayu adalah dalam keadaan yang agak daif dan pemberian hak - hak keistimewaan tidak menjamin kejayaan Melayu, tidak menjamin akan meningkatkan taraf kehidupan Melayu dan tidak juga menunjukkan bahawa pengejaran ekonomi itu adalah pada padang yang sama rata TETAPI disatu pihak lain kompromi ini telah memberikan mereka kerakyatan yang sudah terjamin, hak sebagai rakyat Malaysia juga terjamin dan kehidupan mereka untuk memiliki kuasa ekonomi dan politik juga terjamin.

Maka adakah wajar kalau hak - hak yang selama ini ada oleh orang - orang Melayu kini dituntut atas dasar kesamarataan atau kini dengan satu terma popular dicipta, Bangsa Malaysia. Mempersoalkan hak - hak ini, menuntut hak - hak ini digugurkan dan melenyapkan atas konon - kononnya ini membuat bangsa kita manja adalah alasan untuk menghapuskan hak - hak yang ada. Ini bagi kita adalah mereka yang lupa pada hakikat perjanjian yang telah dibuat atau apa yang kita kenali sebagai satu kontrak sosial yang telah dibuat.

Dengan ada nya pandangan berbeza mengenai syarat - syarat pemberian taraf kerakyatan dan hak keistimewaan orang - orang Melayu maka kita perlu membicarakan - hak siapakah yang tercalar dan sekiranya ada oleh siapa?

Menurut artikel Chandra Muzaffar - Haluan perhubungan etnik di Malaysia beliau menyebut :

Saya masih lagi akan mengatakan bahawa " kedudukan istimewa " itu tetap perlu. Sekali lagi kita melihatnya dari perpektif sejarah. BAgi orang - orang Melayu, peenrimaan penduduk bukan bumiputera sebagai warganegara semenjak tahun 1948 bererti bahawa sebuah negara Melayu, yang beraspirasikan sejarah dan nasionalisme Melayu tidak akan tercapai. Orang Melayu telah turun "darjat" dari sebuah "negara" kepada sebuah "komuniti di kalangan komuniti lain. Perubahan status ini tidak akan mempunyai pengertian yang begitu mendalam jika sekiranya kedududkan ekonomi masyarakat Melayu teguh. Ia menganggap dirinya dan juga dianggap oleh komuniti lain nya sebagai kumpulan yang mempunyai ekonomi yang lemah dan mundur. Oleh itu adalah dirasakan perlu diberikan "ganti rugi" kepada masyarakat Melayu.


Penyedaran ini bukan bertujuan untuk memainkan sentimen atau api perkauman. Ianya adalah untuk kesedaran dan kajian kemana dan dimana hak keistimewaan orang - orang Melayu sekarang ini berjaya membawa Melayu dan adakah perlu bagi kaum - kaum lain untuk terus memulakan tuntutan demi tuntutan untuk mengkikis hak - hak yang ada. Ini juga untuk menyedarkan kita kedududkan kita sehingga hari ini.

Akhir sekali kita amati petikan kata - kata ini yang pernah tersiar dalam artikel - artilkel saya yang lampau.

" Masalah etnik yang wujud akan terus wujud. Kesilapan bukan terletak kepada Perlembagaan atau kedudukan bahasa, agama dan komuniti atau dasar untuk menolong orang Melayu. Realiti ini adalah berkecuali. Apa yang lebih asas ialah cara perbezaan etnik diatasi, cara bagaimana kepentingan politik dan ekonomi dipersesuaikan dan cara mana keharmonian dicapai. Ini akan menentukan keadaan perhubungan etnik. Oleh sebab inilah mereka yang memimpin merupakan faktor yang terpenting" Chandra Muzaffar


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apabila orang memberi tumbukan kepada kita,kita menerpis tumbukan itu,takkan kita nak duduk diam dan biarkan kita ditumbuk,
melainkanlah kalau kita ditumbuk ala Rahim Noor menumbuk Anwar Ibrahim.Saya memang menyokong hak melayu dari segi hak tanah rizab sebab negara lain pun ada melindungi pendudk asal mereka seperti Amerika,tanah rizab Red Indian,Taiwan(tanah orang asli) dan negara lain pun ada.tapi adakahsampai nak masuk universiti tempatan pun kita tidakdiberi peluang walaupun mendapat keputusan cemerlang kerana kita ni bukan melayu??MCA ingin tubuhkan UNITAR utk mengatasi masaalah ini,UMNO pulak tak bagi?Selepas bersetuju ditubuhkan UNITAR,diberi alasan pulak kerana terpaksa kerana melayu sudah hilang kuasa!!Saya merasa sedih melihat ada pelajar yg begitu tertekan hingga membunuh diri,tetapi ade juga orang yg mentertawakan isu itu kerana mereka senang-lenang diberi biasiswa dan tempatoleh kerajaan!Kalau begitu dlm hati UMNO ini ada niat utk menghalau bangsa lain dari Malaysia ini dan merampas kesemua harta mereka,tetapi tidak berani kerana takut kepada negara lain!Saya berterus-terang saja,kerana sudah hampir jadi tidak siuman dituduh,ditekan kerana saya bukanlah tauke yg menipu melayu utk kaya!

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Malaysia is not a place to invest your money.

The policies are so loop-sided that you cannot chose the best people to work for you but to employ those malay graduates who are way below "standard".

In the first place, these malays are not of intellect quality but the foreign and local companies are forced to employ them.

So, if a foreign company has a choice, they will not invest in a country like that where competition is solely based on skin color, and "know who" not "know how".

Malaysia now lags behind both China's and India's science and technology sectors, and regional rivals Singapore and Thailand now attract more foreign direct investments.

Why is it so that we lag behind all those countries? Just study who are the planners in the counties education system.

Here we have third class educationists in the form of Umno-malays, most of them are third graders in their school days, planning the education policies. They are actually failures academically and now trying to teach others about education.

Then look around the schools and universities. Just a cursory glance will tell you that the teaching staffs are not of first class materials. Many are byproducts of unemployed graduates who managed to get teaching as their only choice of vocation.

Similarly the universities teaching staffs are third rated too. When you have such lousy teachers, would you expect first class materials?

Whatever Malaysia is advocating, Malaysia is heading to doom! Agriculture, commerce, education, health, politics, social interaction, everything that Malaysia embarks is doomed.

The information and communication technology that Malaysia implementing is as good as doomed since day one when the corrupted and racist Mahathir laid hand on it.

Anything that is the genesis of this corrupted and racist Mahathir is doomed, be it
Agusta, Daya Bumi, education - English to malay malay to English, EPF, Felcra, Felda, Formula 1, general election, MAS, math and science in English, military defense, MSC, National Service, NEP, North South Highway, Perwaja, polis task force, Proton, Wawasan Schools……….the list is endless. Nothing works in Malaysia.

Now the religious Badawi is implementing 9MP using Islam with the doctrine advocated by the corrupted and racist Mahathir.

This is more severe than the doctrine by Mahathir since Badawi adds another critical and negative dimension into the corrupted and racist doctrine, that is, the aberrant Islam!

This further decreases the efficiency in the utilization of good human engineering practices in a highly competitive global world!

The only way Malaysia can succeed is to embrace good human engineering practices compassionately, since only good human engineering practices can attain excellent, efficient and effective production in order to compete with other formidable ICT nations.

This means the practices of meritocracy, no NEP and racial discrimination!

With a corrupted and racist government practice corrupt, discriminatory and racial engineering practices, the effective job activities and efficiency in productions are definitely to be lagging.

This means high production costs, inefficient manufacturing processes, poor research and development designs, with expensive and inferior products! Example - Proton!

The government might as well close down Cyberjaya, encourage goat rearing and save costs. At least the loss in capital is not as severe as in ICT ventures and by the year 2020, every people is guaranteed with a roast lamb!

The biggest joke is, the people themselves are to be blamed for supporting the current and always has been and probably forever will be, the BN.

That is keep it up and make them more and more arrogant.

We want to be hubs of everything and master of none. That is why we know for sure Vision 2020 will not be achieved. It is easy to set a vision and really another to achieve it.

Principally as a small nation with limited human resources, not making optimum use of its human resource by sidelining a major more advanced sector of its population through the NEP, will create many many more "Tak Boleh".

With people only interested in sitting beside a money machine, where Malaysia will end with is already a certainty.

Any cure? No, no way. The entire makeup of the Malaysia society from greed, corruption, politics and third world mentality etc, will doom any effort to rectify it. We can't even talk simple things like "understanding each other" let alone major issues like corruption, etc.

Even God has got no solution for Malaysia the way it is going.

If the mindsets of the malays here actually reflect the general people then I am afraid there is no hope. Simply hopeless. Nothing much is going to change to the good.

In fact it will be towards the extreme. What can you expect? We are simply good in blaming others for our problems. In fact we are world class in doing that. With a mindset like that, by year 2020 we should be toward Zimbabwe or probably worst.

Thank you 'Tun mamak' for all this. Because of your need to be more melayu and to remain prime minister, your 22 years of ruling had made the people to have such attitude and mentality.

Sorry folks, I am one of those who don't believe Vision 2020 can be achieved, and not be a long shot.

Umno first consideration is not achieving Vision 2020 as what they are trying to tell us, but their paramount and top priority is to ensure that their ketuanan and NEP policies are intact in whatever goals they conceive.

This is where the stumbling block lies. Never mind if third grade graduates become lecturers or professors, so long their ketuanan and special rights policies are adhered to.

Even in business or industries enterprise, the business people have to satisfy Umno demands that these corporations/industries satisfy the NEP and special rights rules first.

So, is it that difficult to understand Vision 2020 has never been a top priority, but the ketuanan policies are, and these override all else, even if it means that Vision 2020 is not achieved.

'First class mentality' for Malaysians? When most of them are spoon-fed by the government and they behave like the baboons in the UPM cafeteria? Not in my lifetime! And I am still relatively young!

First class mentality starts in school. What chance does the young have when they are exposed to under qualified teachers? And a failed education system?

Whilst in Japan, I witness a scene where a homeless man, in filthy clothes and hair, rummaged through a few rubbish bins, spilling their contents onto the ground. When he finally found what he wanted, he actually put the rubbish back into the bins! I was shocked!

Back here in Malaysia, the educated and privileged don't even bother to look for bins to throw their rubbish in! What kind of mentality is this, compared to the homeless man? It is a sad, sad world we live in, man……….

The NEP will be a huge stumbling block towards Vision 2020. When leaders of business and industry are not chosen on the basis of meritocracy but purely on the basis of being a malay, how la?

And it is only getting worse and worse as it has become a 'right'. Can't see it changing anytime in the next 13 years.

Malaysia leaders always lamented that 'we have first class infrastructure but third class mentality'.

What they should actually say is that 'we have first class infrastructure but third class leaders' - That is more like it.

They can't even ensure that computer lab for schools do not collapse after few months completed. Need more examples? What are they able to do then? Don't try to get the answer from this third class people.

All I can say is thank God or Tunku Abdul Rahman for giving away Singapore to Chinese rule! He was right otherwise Singapore will be in deep shit like us now!

As much as we don't like Singapore that much - we must agree that the Chinese did a damn good job in running their tiny island!

The mega dictator started many mega projects and most of these projects became mega failures. We are left with mega problems to solve.

Man, may I ask - is dividing Malaysians into bumi and non-bumi, not racist in itself? So it likes the pot calling the kettle black! Well, whether you like it or not, we are living in a racist society now! Especially in Malaysia!

And, in case you are still in the dark - in Malaysia we practise racial politics! MCA for the Chinese, MIC for the Indians and Umno for the malays! So what is wrong if we are racist in our opinions? Isn't everyone racist to same extend? Some more and some less!

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is your problem? Pak Lah said that now he is walking the talk with the 9MP, but those are not what we want from his talk talk days. We want him to fulfill his pledges in having a transparent, accountable government. Stop giving us lies!

Sick! Simple and dirty way to become billionaire in Malaysia.

Singapore (transparency, efficient and clean government) had proven to the world that they have struggled and gone far better than Malaysia (racist and corrupted government) in terms of economy and others even though they have been separated from our Bolehland since 1963.

Hello Malaysia……….Wake up!

Sadly, the government is not setting and leading a good example for the private sector and people to follow, e.g. transparency, social responsibility, non discrimination, equal employment opportunity, competency and accountability, and etc.

It is the private sector, in particular the multinationals with huge resources, that are setting and leading a good example for the local businesses to follow.

Always country's culture. We might not know whom pocket is filled with money but we sure know about this kind of process. Worse still a lot being supportive of certain parties just to get projects as that. They are selling their soul for money. This is just of the thousand cases repeat happened.

They give the contract to one company to earn all the money - what some more is crony way of awarding the contract. Hope BN government will feel the pinch later.

Pak Lah is Mr Clean? Oh my God, biggest lie of all!

Biggest sin of Pak Lah is inaction and ignorant! With all the power he is holding now coupled with the biggest margin ever in election victory, Pak Lah can do many things. But he chose not to. He just let all his cronies and airheads ministers grabs whatever things they want, do whatever they want!

I think Pak Lah is the laziest prime minister we ever produced! He could be totally incompetent too. Probably that is the reason why Mahathir wants to remove him at all costs.

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine our prime minister lecturing on the real facts of peace and harmony in Malaysia.

"We (government) do not practise social fairness and meritocracy. We practise racism and discrimination in our university entry, jobs, housing discount allocation, and education system. We extort and blackmail non-malays through shares equity and Approved Permits. We dish out handouts to malays, etc. That is how we achieve peace and harmony in Malaysia."

The only reason why there is peace and harmony is because the non-malays are tolerant, progressive, peace, moderate, magnanimous and loving, despite the racism, keris wielding and discriminatory policies.

If the future leader is bollocks then the future of this country is also bollocks.

The education system in this country from top to bottom is going from bad to worst, we are producing robots, incompetent, hapless, crony and brainwashed leaders.

Going by that, the track record of the Umno government is nothing less than embarrassing and shameful.

While the rich and famous in the Umno coalition is feasting off the richness of the land christened Malaysia, thousands more are languishing in sickness, poverty and adverse social circumstances.

I care for my fellow citizens regardless of race and religion and there is nothing more I wish to see that for them to be able to lead a decent life through diligence and honesty. But such values are of no worth in a corrupted and racist system like the Umno government's.

The current debate is not about religion, race or political ideology. It is about good values or rather, the lack of them in the current Umno politicians.

One must not mistake hatred against racism with hatred against race. The former is admirable, and the latter is deplorable.

From the comments of you malay, I can conclude that he is either delirious and confused or he is simply a typical Umno politician - paranoid, conceited and colored-vision.

Your comments clearly show your insecurity as well as your inferiority complex. Unfortunately, your comments suggest that your views represent all the malays.

It also shows that you, as representing the malays, concede that you are not prepared and will never be prepared, even in the future, to meet with competition. You suggest that you need to be wrapped in cotton wool for all time.

The world does not owe you a favour and will not wait for you. A big problem is that you expect the world and everyone to owe you a living. Get real the world owes you nothing!

You may be the ketuanan of Malaysia but what kind of Malaysia will that be by then if you continue with your tunnel vision and refuse to meet and compete with the rest of the world. You will be in a very small country and a small world of your own. You may be the ketuanan of such a country which may be weaker than a banana republic in time.

Under those circumstance, it may not be important whether you are the ketuanan of such a country which is not third rate but fourth rate, and which may be open to be taken by a stronger force. By then you will be too weak and friendless to defend yourself.

Please don't think that Malaysia belongs to one particular race, you are insulting yourself, and your race, don't ever forget that some key leaders in top government are with mixed blood, not pure malays……….please know your mission as a Malaysian, to live united with the other races and fight independently with the globalised world.

Don't be narrow-minded anymore, do correct thing to make things right.

The "bumiputera" stole the land from Orang Asli. By right all of Malaysia should belong to them. If recall history as the current generation of malays came over from Sumatra, Jawa, and the island around.

If your thinking remains the same - please go back to Indonesia where you can proudly call yourself bumis there.

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you malays can't even achieve total prosperity after 50 years of special tongkat given by the government, then do not be jealous or even envious of other races achievements. Think about it.

In order to make Malaysia strong, malays have to change their mindset and not depending on the government too much. I think it is time for you to "stand" and try to earn things you have got, not being feed by the government.

You can't run this country alone. You are not the only one that is doing sacrifices.

Everyone here does, so stop getting yourself a bigger slice of the cake while trying to take away ours, when your cake is being given by the government but we earn it with our own blood and sweat.

What do you mean that what will happen to malays if Malaysia fallen into Chinese hands? Did Singapore ever kill the malays? Did they forbid them to take their mother tongue?

It is just that the malays have to fight for their own and they eventually did fought their way out and earned their slice of the economy cake, without significant help of the government in Singapore. They still earn similar income to other races.

Maybe Singapore is nothing. But then how do you exactly explain that a small island that was ejected by Malaysia, no resources, they got nothing……….not even they have enough water, but yet their currency is higher than Malaysia? Can somebody tell me why?

Maybe it is because Americans helped them? But it is because of their fairness and transparency, not to mention a highly efficient government. This is something that we can't deny. Malaysians have to learn their mistakes and try to correct their "government help" or "tidak apa" mindset.

And Malaysian malays still fall behind Chinese even with the help of the government. Why? Please do not blame for nothing.

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mahathir tirades against the present government and its leadership is to create a distraction from his many failed policies and the cronyism he practised. Malaysians should not be fooled, Mahathir worked well with his many crony friends. This is the name of the game.

We should bring back the law that tried to introduce in parliament years ago, a law allowing for past leaders to be prosecuted for misdeeds they had perpetrated during their rule to amass tremendous wealth.

Top leaders in Japan and South Korea have been prosecuted and Indonesia Suharto is still not out of the woods yet.

So people, wake up. The current spat between Pak Lah and Mahathir is just a distraction. We must be vigilant in our efforts to prosecute those who have stolen from the masses.

Mahathir attacks are merely another way of asking what happened to all his cronies contracts. Pak Lah must stay strong and reveal every contract and payments in the past that have today bankrupted the country.

Or we can follow our Indonesian brothers and become one of the most corrupted countries in Asia.

Mahathir has had the key to this cave for 22 years and his band of thieves has been making a comfortable living off it. Now with the key in Pak Lah hand for three years, Mahathir band of thieves are really getting quite hungry again.

Pak Lah and his new and young band of rascals are now beginning to enjoy the bounty of Ali Baba's cave. Both Mahathir band and Pak Lah posse are dirty and we are now waiting to see how down and dirty they will get. Whoever wins, the country will be robbed blind.

This talk about fighting for country, race and religion are all bull. This fight is about money with a capital Mahathir. It is not about policy or how to help the malays. The race and religious issues are only tools these people use to keep them in power. There is only a sideshow to keep us blind.

Have we have forgotten about the billions that Mahathir cronies have siphoned from the Ali Baba cave. The whole Umno government system is about gaining the position to hold the key to Ali Baba cave. There are big caves and small caves.

Mahathir said that we are not good negotiators as the government always ends up with the short end of the stick. The truth is we are not bad negotiators but corrupted negotiators. Those in the position to make decisions are paid off so that we get bad terms.

The small caves are those in control of the city and town councils. It is so clear that this is a case of corruption. I guess we are so used to it that we have accepted as the norm.

What can we the ordinary people do? Use your vote wisely the next time around. Your vote counts, believe me.

I strongly feel that Mahathir is very upset about the construction of the crooked bridge to our country which Pak Lah and the other ministers had scrapped. If your government has decided that it is for the good of the people then let it be.

Why is Mahathir now saying that he will stop his tirade against the government if the project is restarted? I simply do not understand. Maybe the government should investigate if Mahathir is linked to the companies involved in the project.

Mahathir has to look at himself in the mirror before he says things about others. He too, has covered up many things during his days as prime minister. However, the government and even the people of Malaysia did not get to the bottom these incidents but chose to 'forgive and forget' instead.

I sincerely hope that Mahathir will seek his own path in retirement and leave the rest to his successor. It is already the 21st century and he has to understand that the people of Malaysia are not like the ones before.

They are more aware, have studied more and know what is fact and what is not. If the government of the day really can't carry out the duties they are entrusted to, the citizens will know how to get rid of them in the next election.

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The BN-led government has been providing crutches to so many crippling GLCs for the past 20 odd years: Renong, Proton, PLUS, Perwaja (which is total failure), MAS……….and perhaps many more (I do not have so many inside scoops), what next?

So do we need these GLCs for Malaysia economy? Yes and no.

-Yes, because if we want to stay afloat and let everyone has access to quality of life, then get those GLCs running, get the projects going, so employment can be managed and probably social problems such as poverties, drugs, crimes, can be contained. BN will wins election in election out, as long the people are happy.

That perhaps you would like to say, is the "sorry state" of our Malaysian voters. That is why BN wins election in election out.

-No, because if this situation continues where we sit safely in our comfort zone, we will eventually lose out in many aspects, to many at-present-not-yet as developed as Malaysia countries.

The people must unite and sit out these short economic pains, if really those GLCs is in irrevocably bad shape and need to be close down. As in a Chinese saying, "Short term pain is better than long term pain."

I would add lastly that the "sins" of the ruling government are aplenty: transparency and accountability (the lack of them), lack of political will (this administration) or too much of it (the last administration), corruption and blatant cronyism.

Proton, MAS and most of our GLCs are all the same: totally no accountability, seriously lacking focus, plenty of abuses of power, most of its executives and bosess absolutely have no competence in running a company, greedy, doing things beyond their means, badly corrupted, etc.

I am extremely sad the tax money I paid to government every month is being spent in such manners. Why should we pay the taxes at all if our money is not put into good use? Where is the justice?

If Malaysians can be 50% as smart and clean as how the Singaporeans run their country, Malaysia will be a heaven for its people!

The only reason Proton or other GLCs with huge losses could carry on business is because of the financial support from the government.

Taxpayers monies are wasted on one bad investment after another. The government is totally irresponsible by scarifying interest of future generations. Someone has to pay the debts, if not this generation, it will be the next.

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apartheid-like government will always push for apartheid-like policies. The government of Malaysia is clearly not for all races but to the selected one only. All agenda is for that particular race.

Disparity exists, no doubt about that. Studies can be made until the cows come home, still no effort is coming to solve the problem.

Basically this is due to the system. For as long as programmes are geared for political purposes, achieving any success will be just the dreams.

Inequalities must be addressed without indulging in ethnic, religious or state considerations. We should put a stop to even think about them.

Change the government. Change the system. Wouldn't we in our right mind take that chance! Unless we are brave enough don't expect anything would change. The system is now our culture.

Hi malay, why bother with other country if yours is the crappy one? Hello to retard malay! Correct your own doing first then you can judge others. Typical Umno dog!

You must be one of the NEP byproducts, i.e. mentally less competitive than your fellow Malaysians of other races. It really shows from your statements that you only possess 50% of brain capacity of normal humans.

God help you guys and this country. I can contribute the other 50% if only malays like you would be willing to listen.

Interestingly although while we say bumis have achieved 19% of the country share of economic wealth, we are talking only about malay bumis. The other bumis in particularly the Dayak, Dusun and Kedazan from Sabah and Sarawak in comparison have achieved 0%.

Admittedly these "minority bumis" who sometime referred themselves as second class bumis have been lagging behind the malays, no need to mention the advanced Chinese or Indians.

Whether this situation is by accidence or by design, the failure of the NEP to uplift their livelihood or the false belief that they enjoy being classified as bumis have become a point of contention to these communities (who are the majority population in east Malaysia).

Please don't make us to laugh!

Let us all go to sleep and wake up in year 2020. Guess what? They will still be crying for the NEP? Why?

It is the same twenty years ago, it will be the same twenty years from now. What would you expect from Umno? They will never allow their brethren the independence they so fear.

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Complaining and pointing out small worthless individuals in the field of corruption will not yield any results. Let us look at a bigger and a more thorough example:


I don't need to justify why I state this, due to the fact that the whole world knows about it. Somebody might come and argue, stating that corruption at this scale happen everywhere. I agree.

But Umno is different, they play dirty and show it to everybody, with the most obvious ways. In certain ways I think they play dirty just to show who is in control.

A lot of Chinese leaders are also crook and want money only, and when Umno Youth speaks, they keep quiet, taking care of their own asses only. We must be realistic, whatever races, religion or politicians, there are good and bad people.

Nobody going to help us unless we help ourselves. Don't depend so much on MCA and Gerakan. We serve us well when we vote for no matter what party. Ask the ruling party don't say they are helping Chinese all the while, at the main time they get money and title for themselves. While the Chinese community don't get any things.

You are so right too! Malaysians prefer to have no respect for law and order. They prefer to bribe their way through everything. And they complain about corruption!

Corruption is bad for society, bad for you and me. You better believe it. If not, wait till you are stopped by the police for doing nothing wrong and asked a bribe to be let go.

A graffiti I saw this morning in the Kuala Lumpur suburb, on the wooden wall surrounding a field, with its 1000 car parks says it all: "If you meet Umno and a snake, kill Umno first."

7:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let us give Mahathir credit where it is due. His push for industrialisation and infrastructure development are his finest legacies. However, his failures are glaring.

He has allowed racial divisions in this country to deteriorate to the breaking point. Over the 22 years of his reign, the word 'muhibbah' went out of fashion.

He allowed corruption to flourish. Perhaps by rearing a pack of cronies, it was easier for him to implement his mega projects. Under his rule, the civil service remained corrupted and ineffective.

Another area where Mahathir has failed miserably is in education. Instead of developing world-class centres of higher learning, we are now saddled with 60000 unemployed graduates.

Mahathir is a man who believes that the end justifies the means. He destroyed the independence of the judiciary to ensure that no one could challenge his authority.

There are many lessons to be learnt from the antics of the longest serving prime minister of Malaysia.

It is really disturbing to read the comments of Mahathir especially those regarding the News Straits Times, where he calls for the sacking of its group editor just because he is non-malay.

Such racist comments coming from a highly respectable elderly politician and former prime minister for all Malaysians is very alarming and frightening. If a man of the stature of Mahathir can say such things, we dread to imagine the thoughts in the minds of his followers.

If Umno, being the dominant partner in the BN, discriminates against the minorities, then who can they turn to for the protection of their basic rights?

It would be a great favour for the nation as a whole if respectable elderly leaders like Mahathir devote their energy and time to promote harmony, peace and well-being of all Malaysians irrespective of race and religion.

The younger generation needs their invaluable moderate guidance to cultivate goodwill and racial tolerance. The last thing they need instilled in them is bigotry and intolerance.

It is an irony that Mahathir has asked Pak Lah to resign as prime minister when the latter has the people's mandate to run the government. And resign for what?

It is now for Pak Lah to go to the people and explain in every state, what has happened, what is happening and what lies ahead.

Stop the rot. Pak Lah should also make recommendations to the king to strip Mahathir of his 'Tun' title as this may have protected him against any suits.

By removing the security granted with this title, we can then reopen all the files pertaining to Cyberjaya, EPF investments, Perwaja, Petronas and all the other projects.

It is becoming uncivilised of Mahathir to pursue his 'mega outstanding projects' at the expense of the people. This from someone who used Petronas as his piggy bank.

For me, it came as a no surprise. Mahathir is one of the most potent and dangerous leaders of Asia. An opportunist who is willing to stoop low in order to achieve what he wants.

When he was at the top, he needed to safeguard his position. He used money politics. He fed Umno top brass with millions in government contracts in order to garner their support. He allowed corruption in Umno. He allowed corruption in the civil service in order to have their support.

People who went against him were jailed. Newspapers were controlled. He created multi-millionaire cronies who were (and are) willing to spend millions to ensure that he held on to power.

When he was losing support, he reverted back to his racist politics. He cried at the Umno assembly as though the party was on the brink of collapse and extinction.

Today, he shamelessly goes around criticising the present government. It is like a pot calling other black.

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The top problems in Malaysia are corruption, corruption and corruption. Get rid of corruption you get rid of all the problems associated with it.

Corruption can be broadly defined as the misuse of public office for private gain. Abuses by government officials such as embezzlement and nepotism, as well as abuses in bribery, extortion, fraud and influence peddling.

The effects of corruption:

1. Corruption in elections and legislative bodies reduces accountability and representation

2. Corruption in the judiciary suspends the rule of law

3. Corruption in public administration results in unequal provision of services

4. Corruption in selecting or promoting officials without regard to performance will stifle progress

5. Corruption siphons off the resources needed for development

6. Corruption undermines democracy and good governance

7. Corruption undermines democratic values in trust and tolerance

8. Corruption undermines the legitimacy of government

9. Corruption undermines national economic development

10. Corruption weakens government institutions by disregarding official procedures

Corruption generates economic distortions in public sector by pulling investment from essential projects such as education, health care and low cost housing into projects where bribes and kickbacks are more plentiful.

Corruption lowers compliance with construction, environment, or other regulations.

Quality of government services are reduced due to inefficiency as the result of corruption, thus budgetary pressures on government increases and ultimately, the citizens foot the bill and are denied the share of the national resources as well.

In the public sector, corruption undermines economic development. In private sector, corruption increases the cost of business and stifles healthy competition.

Corruption shield companies with connections from fair competition, thus making our country less efficient and less competitive in the global market.

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Malaysia is now regarded as the sick man of South-East Asia. Even foreign direct investment has deserted us for China, India, Thailand and even Vietnam. Eventually, Indonesia will also surpass us.

Then maybe we have to send our people to work there as maids or in the Indonesia plantation. It seems the role will be reverse and those working in Indonesia may have to remit money for our folks in Malaysia.

Thus, the country will lose out in the entire field in 10 or 20 years time. Then we have only African countries to compare. Even the African countries will overtake us and we are left alone with all the white elephant buildings. Be proud of the form and structure only.

The mistakes of BN policies were that, they did not invest in people. In order to compete, investing in people is the most important competitive advantage a nation could have. When talking about investing in people, it tends to focus to one race only due to the affirmative policy. The outcome from this race is not favourable also.

When we ask monkeys to lead our country. Look at the number of failed projects. If you examine the management system carefully, they are usually led by people who do not have the expertise in the said fields.

Take education for example. It is Umno who decides the policy. The saddest part is those involved are not academicians. They themselves are under achiever academically. Similarly the other fields are managed by blokes.

It won't stop there if the government still want to protect malays interest only. Policy such as NEP will only bring us trouble. Instead of moving forward, the government choose to stop just to wait for one race.

Abolish the stupid NEP. They are not producing malay elites, contrary they are enriching a few idiots and depriving a whole lot of malays.

Even if these malays can get entry into University Malaya, so what? The quality of education is so bad, public and private sector shun them. Their professional degrees are useless as the global market doesn't even recognize Malaysia medical and engineering degrees.

Look at Singapore, they have malays too, but do they suffer? Not only they did not suffer but they able to stand on their own and compete against other races. Sadly, it won't happen in Malaysia.

We had a lot of capable brains but it is the government who do not hang on to them. Programs to bring back the professionals abroad won't succeed because they do not look at the money offered but fairness, opportunities and the government policies is what they concern the most.

The above are actually a sampling of the negative perceptions the business community have of this country. One need not be a futurologist to see this "downfall" coming.

Our government does not value brains. It looks at the skin. Look at the cabinet, civil service, GLC, police, universities, and everywhere. It is race that determines who hold what position. Coupled with our corruption, emasculation of the judiciary, Islamization policies, and suppressing of press freedom - our future is indeed bleak!

Those who want to see this, continue to support the Gerakan, MCA, Umno and the BN.

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't give a damn! We must make sure that 70% of the graduates are malays! If they can't get employed, create more job opportunities in civil works! Still can't revolve it, force the private companies to employ at least 30% malays in their companies!

Still can't solve it? Increased to 60%, to reflect the current population percentage! This is our land, we can do whatever we want. You don't like it, get lost! Semuanya ok!

If your kind (malays) have a little sense of dignity, should commit suicide long ago!

Furthermore, the suppression of information and subscribing to spoon-fed knowledge and spoon-fed news etc. We will be heading towards a cow ranch society. No need to exercise thinking power, the government do not need you to think and they prohibit you to think.

Talking about centre of education excellence. Talking about achieving developed country status. You don't need to look far to see how far are we from achieving it.

I wonder whether our ministry of education has any feeling of embarrassment or shame when he meets his counterparts of other countries.

It is not that Malaysia universities could not be in the top. We have been there in the past. The policy maker doesn't want it. They are willing to sacrifice Malaysia competitiveness for a particular group.

It has been 50 years. Malaysia has suffered for 50 years due to certain policies. With the natural resources we have, we could have achieved more than what our neighbour Singapore achieved.

It is so sad. Malaysia is a country with vast potential but under achieve. As time travel, this potential is gradually dwindling. When will they wake up?

60000 unemployed graduates summed up the quality of the universities: low quality staff, low quality students. Smarter undergraduates are all local-overseas universities graduates or overseas graduates.

Since the 1980s, Singapore has been stealing all the good ones and that is why Singapore is well ahead than Malaysia in human resources. And they are now even stealing from Europe, Japan and US.

What is the result of our investment in Biovalley or Cyberjaya? Bolehland is good only for ideas but can't walk the talk. Vision 2020 is only a dream.

Politicians and rich peoples here rarely send their children to local universities. They know why.

Universities are seen as an opportunity for Umno to consolidate its political power base. As long as malays are given degrees even if they do not qualify for them, Umno rightly feels this will buy them loyalty. It is in fact Umno interest that malays remain insular insecure, narrow minded and uneducated. This makes it easier for them to control the noose.

Paradoxically, when you have uneducated malays, political Islam too flourishes. PAS and Umno are reverse sides of the same coin. They both flourish when there is ignorance, insecurity, racism and religious bigotry.

Malaysia public universities are not about education in its widest sense. They are political to a lesser extent PAS and breeding grounds for Umno.

Non-malays who want quality education so that they can be trained to be intellectual and to the best of their ability have to seek alternative sources. This often means going overseas. Sadly, most talented Malaysians do not return which is a terrible waste. But does Umno care? Like hell they do!

PAS and Umno are self serving. Malays must be kept in a pen like sheep and ensure they are dependent on you. One way is to give malays 'position' in the form of university degrees but make sure they are worthless in quality so that only Umno will recognise your degrees and not the world.

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

even i called my great grand parents a refugee from china to malaysia, I think after 4 generations, their grand children or great grand children should be the purely malaysian. I am absolutely agree with what Mr Anwar in his article, to achieve the stability between races thats why all races in the same standard. Ok Malays were given the chances, how long? 50 years.. and they still not able to make it yet? Must be somthing wrong... Umno, I know their mission is to help the Malay. I was born in Malaysia, I was raised in Malaysia, I am a Malaysian, MCA, I dont think they did enough for our Chinese race to achieve what we want, but we still make it to the best stage because, we know no one will help us, we need to be independent. Malays, I dont mean to be racist, I just wan to comment about your UMNO, do u think they really fight for their own right? Or just behaves like a mother that never allow her kid to go out and see and also compete with the real world. Special rights is for people who really really needs it, those in rural areas, with no money to manage their farm, Ok, Umno fight for them, no education, no school, ok right for them. But not until u know... feed to spoon into their mouth, even those malays who is millionaire still get a discount to buy his property. HELLO, WAKE UP. UMNO, FIGHT FOR UR MALAYS the RIGHT WAY, NOT SPOON FEEDING. Your Young generation is too sure they will get a seat in the university with only 1 distinctions or even just get a credit in their result, thats why.. they just do what they can, they not really fight for what they wan how are they going to learn it, INDEPENDENT, since 1957, malay, not yet independent. If ur young malays are really do it the best, i am sure they can compete with other malaysian, chinese indian thai or baba. If you cant compete with ur own country people, dun mention world class. vision 2020? lagi no need to talk about it.

Do you Umno really thinks ur people still need the special rights?? YES, but not all.... special rights is for people that really need them, not for every single malays. You got to let them know, your young generation, If they dun give alot of effort, they wont get what they want... Thats the real world.. it applies in every single living creature on this earth.. you got to find your own food.

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

saudara anuar telah menganalysis masalah-masalah melayu dgn teliti. saya(bangsa cina)kagum dgn semangat saudara yg ingin membangkitkan bangsa sendiri. saya setuju hak tanah rizab mmg hak melayu tetapi adakah "masuk unuversiti kerajaan" jg terkandung dlm hak istimewa? kalau beli rumah, bumiputra ada special price pun tak apa, tetapi beli kereta pun ada AP utk melayu? kalau saudara bersusah payah menubuhkan sebuah syarikat, adakah saudara rela memberikan 30% equity kepada orang lain secara percuma? tengoklah quota quota yg dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan, kontrak pembinaan hanya diberikan kepada kontraktor bumiputra. adakah orang bkn melayu membina bangunan tidak dikira sumbangan kpd negara? kaum bkn melayu diberi kerakyatan dan mereka ingin menyumbangkan masa dan tenaga dlm pembangunan, melibatkan diri dlm kemajuan negara, kenapa niat yg baik ini terus ditolak, kerana mereka bkn melayu? dan difitnah pula dgn dakwaan meragut kepentingan melayu, mengambil kesempatan drpd melayu dan apa saja pencapaian bkn melayu adalah hasil perampasan terhadap melayu. dasar ekonomi baru harus menekankan perkembangan ekonomi, bukannya menyekat dan menyalurkan kekayaan dari kaum lain ke kaum melayu kerana tiada pihak yg bermanfaat pada akhirnya. kita semua perlu sentiasa ingat, globalisasi dan saingan dari luar negara bertambah sengit. kalau kerajaan kita sibuk saja membahagikan harta, bukannya mengukuhkan dan memajukan ekonomi, tidak hairanlah negara kita akan merosot pd masa hadapan.

2:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walau dari sudut mana pun, kita jangan biar kita dijajah lagi. Hari ini yang menentukan kuasa adalah duit, maka kita lihat semakin terjajah kembali bangsa Melayu-Islam, contohnya telah berlaku keatas Singapore.
Kalau diThailand, Filipine hatta diEropah, memang ini takan terjadi. Lihat sahaja betapa jauh Pulau Falkland dari Britain, tetapi tidak dibenarkan walau seinci Pulau Falkland jatuh ketangan Argentina...
Hari ini rancangan jahat musuh Melayu-Islam adalah dengan merendahkan kedudukan agama Islam yang mana seterusnya mencabar mahkamah syariat yang kita ada. Bila mana mahkamah syariat lemah dan tidak berfungsi, maka dengan berdolak-dalikkan hak sama-rata, hilanglah hak Melayu-Islam dan rancangan seterusnya untuk menguasai segala lapangan samaada dari sudut ketuanan hingga ekonomi mudah untuk kaum lain dan kembalilah kita kedalam zaman penjajahan.
Sesejak dulu, telah ada pihak yang berfikir untuk menduduki bangsa kita seperti melaungkan ideologi kominis dan mendapatkan hak sama-rata, dan jika dulu mereka berjaya, siapa tuan kita, tentunya Cheng Peng...
Kita cintakan keamanan dan kerana itu harus terus perjuangkan agama, bangsa dan negara kita...

5:28 PM  
Blogger Anuar Mohd Nor said...

Tahniah kepada semua pengirim komen, kerana kali ini blog arahkita nampak lebih bersih dan bebas dari kata - kata nista yang menghalang kita berbicara secara terbuka dan bebas. Komen - komen yang diberi bagi setiap artikel saya sebelum ini ada yang agak keterlaluan dan lebih melepaskan kebencian antara sesama.

Saya akan meneliti semua komen - komen yang diberi dengan serius sekali. Ini perlu bukan sahaja untuk meneliti sentimen yang ada tetapi juga dapat membuat analisa sempurna mengenai hubungan ras yang perlu dibaiki bagi menutup ruang - ruang perbalahan dan sengketa yang akan merugikan negara ini. Saya juga akan memberi komen - komen saya dalam membicarakan isu - isu Melayu secara jujur dan terbuka. Dengan cara ini masalah dapat diketahui dan dinilai bagi kita rakyat biasa membuat sebarang keputusan khususnya apabila sampai pilihan raya akan datang. Walau bagaimana dalam masa yang terhad saya akan cuba memberi penerangan mengenai isu - isu yang dikatakan sensitif.

Terima Kasih
Anuar Mohd Nor
H/P 012-6544762

2:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sebenarnya, saudara anuar tdk perlu menghiraukan komen komen yg ekstrem, tdk berisi, tdk rasional, kasar, keterlaluan(menyifatkan manusia dengan binatang) dll yg bukan bukan. gejala ini menunjukkan betapa seriousnya masalah antara kaum yg disebabkan oleh polisi polisi kerajaan kita. kebimbangan muncul dlm hati saya jika tercetusnya perbalahan kaum, kesannya ke atas negara tentu memudaratkan.
betapa sedih saya berasa apabila saya membaca sebuah artikel di forum bahasa melayu yg menggelar org cina dan india di msia sbg "bangsa asing". frasa ini seumpamanya kami(bkn melayu) tdk berbeza dgn pendatang asing dari indonesia, thailand, vietnam, filipine. nenek moyang saya(org cina) telah menghabiskan masa dan tenaga sepanjang hayat mereka dlm pembangunan negara ini, begitu juga datuk dan bapak saya, tetapi masih dianggap sbg orang luar. saya juga akan meneruskan semangat datuk saya mendermakan akal dan tenaga kpd tanah kelahiran saya ini. ingat, kalau imej msia tercemar, kita sama dipandang rendah, tdk kira kaum apa.
kpd mereka(bkn melayu) yg telah berhijrah, janganlah mengeluarkan kata kata yg tdk bertanggungjawab jika tiada cadangan dan penyelesaian yg berisi.

berusahalah utk keesokan hari yg lebih cerah!!!!!

2:58 AM  
Blogger Anuar Mohd Nor said...

Kepada Anak Malaysia

Sekiranya diperhatikan dengan terperinci artikel Hak Siapa yang Tercalar. Saya tidak mengklasifikasikan kaum - kaum lain sebagai bangsa asing.

Sekiranya ada pada artikel sebelum ini saya mohon maaf.

Saya mengajak semua pelayar blog ini membuat ketetapan pertama:

Menetapkan bahawa penggunaan terma bangsa asing kepada kaum - kaum lain di Malaysia adalah tidak tepat dan salah

Saya akan akur pada ketetapan ini kerana saya percaya bangsa - bangsa lain di Malaysia tidak boleh diklasifikasikan sebagai bangsa asing.

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Undang-undang hak keistemewaan untuk perseorangan atau untuk sesuatu bangsa semua mesti di hapuskan. Hak keistimewaan ini adalah sistem feudal bagaikan dulu kala apabila taraf seseorang itu berlandaskan keturunan dan bukan bergantuang kepada usaha atau kebaktian mereka. Sistem apartheid, kasta dan perkauman sudah tidak boleh diterima kerana ia terang-terang bercanggah dengan keadilan alam.

Adakah boleh dikira yang kaum Melayu lebih berkorban dengan memberi kerakyatan kepada bangsa lain? Keputusan pemimpin dulu untuk berkompromi adalah untuk kebaikan semua dan ia tidak boleh dikatakan ia sesuatu pemberian yang tidak memberi kebaikan kepada kaum Melayu. Bukankah kaum lain juga banyak berkorban dengan hidup dibawah polisi perkauman semenjak kermedekaan. Dengan polisi perkauman ini, bukankah titik peluh bangsa yang didiskriminasikan sedikit sebanyak dinikmati oleh hanya bangsa Melayu? Bukankah bangsa bukan Melayu bertolak ansur apabila polisi perkauman asyik diperbaharui, ditambahkan dan dipanjangkan?

Adakah kaum lain perlu berterima kasih dengan penerimaan polisi "Malay supremacist" kerana mendapat kerakyatan? Tidak, apa yang perlu ialah mereka menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara supaya semua dapat menikmati kemajuaan tidak mengira kaum mereka. Penerimaan sistem perkauman adalah bagaikan beterima kasih kepada penyamun hanya kerana penyamun tersebut telah memanfaatkan kita.

Setiap insan itu mesti diberi pilihan untuk cara hidup, setiap usaha itu perlu mendapat ganjaran yang setimpal dan setiap kesalahan perlu ada denda yang setimpal. Inilah hukum alam yang sukar dielakan, kerana hukum sebeginilah yang mengazamkan manusia supaya terus maju.

3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish to ask saudara Anuar as I do not have the answers:

1) is it true that according to Islam, all humans are equal, perhaps the difference is muslim and non-muslim, so differentiating and cofering different rights to people base on race is actually unislamic?

2) what does the general Malay population think of their role as catalyst for national integration and progress, given that they are the majority of the population?

Apart from calling Chinese and Indians "pendatang" and an ungrateful lot, can Malays play a positive and inclusive "big bro" role and unify the country torned by racist sentiment?

3) When Chinese or whatever race ask for a right, how come it always end up as being construed as treatening Malay special rights?
e.g. asking money for vernacular schools, approval for building of church, rearing of export income generating pig farms etc, keeping dogs in our own property?

It seems that when we ask for something for ourselves, it does not mean Malays have to sacrifice something.

Hope my questions are not too taxing, thank you.

4:20 PM  
Blogger Anuar Mohd Nor said...

To Mr Lee,

I'll will get back to u soonest.

Thank You

1:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Saudara Anuar and hope you can avoid traffic jam....teruknya!

9:49 AM  
Blogger Anuar Mohd Nor said...

Jawapan ringkas untuk Mr Lee

Maaf kelewatan kerana masa agak terhad. Pertama sekali "I am not the “absolute authority” in giving out Islamic clarification tetapi mengenai dasar - dasar yang mendiskriminasi bangsa - banga lain ianya bukan ajaran Islam. Itu memang tepat dan tidak boleh diperbahaskan lagi.

Dalam Islam perkara - perkara keadilan dan kebebasan serta hak adalah menurut ajaran Islam dan tidak boleh menuruti interpretasi seperti yang di buat oleh fahaman -fahaman lain. Contoh yang ketara adalah hak kebebasan beragama. Islam tidak memaksa mereka dari agama lain untuk memeluk agama Islam tetapi bagi yang telah atau lahir dalam Islam mereka tidak dibenarkan keluar dan tindakan keluar dari agama dianggap sebagai murtad dan ada peruntukan dalam Islam untuk menghukum mereka. Bagi yang lain kebebasan memeluk agama adalah hak individu tetapi ini tidak bagi Islam.

Sungguhpun begitu sekiranya soalan ini menjerumus kepada hak - hak keistimewaan orang - orang Melayu penerangan telah saya berikan mengenai kenapa wujud hak -hak keistimewaan seperti yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan.

Kewujudan hak - hak keistimewaan adalah satu janji yang dibuat bagi memperakui kewarganegaraan yang diberi. Sungguhpun begitu perlaksanaan hak - hak keistimewaan Melayu lebih ketara pada tahun 1971 selepas krisis antara kaum di Malaysia.

DEB digubal kerana kepimpinan masa itu termasuk kepimpinan Melayu dan bangsa - bangsa lain percaya ; kemiskinan dan jurang perbezaan ekonomi antara Melayu dan bangsa lain khususnya Cina , sekira dapat di selesaikan ia akan berjaya mengatasi bukan sahaja masalah ekonomi malah politik. Ini perlu dibuat kerana kita tidak mahu berdepan dengan masalah kaum di Malaysia.

Tun Abdul Razak turut memaklumkan bahawa DEB yang menyerap hak - hak keistimewaan orang - orang Melayu bukan satu diskriminasi kepada bangsa - bangsa lain dan ini dipersetujui oleh wakil kaum - kaum lain. Malah kejayaan bangsa lain adalah bukti tidak wujud diskriminasi dahsyat di Malaysia.

Malangnya amaran musibah ( disaster) Tun Abdul Razak mengenai kegagalan DEB hari ini nampak seakan berlaku. Ini menjadi kerisauan kita. DEB hari ini gagal dan peratus pencapaian Melayu adalah sebanyak 3 - 6% malah menurun dari tahun - tahun Tun Abdul Razak menjadi Perdana Menteri. Kesilapan dan kesalahan DEB amat jelas, bukan hanya ketirisan tetapi pengkhianatan. Siapa yang mengkhianati Melayu telah banyak saya hujahkan.

Saya tidak mengambil masyarakat bangsa lain sebagai bersalah tetapi banyak saya perkatakan mengenai kesalahan dan kesilapan mereka yang melaksanakan Dasar Ekonomi Baru tersebut.

Dengan kedudukan Melayu masih terpinggir dan DEB gagal maka kedudukan Melayu semakin merosot malah mungkin dalam Melayu sendiri ada perbezaan jurang kekayaan - kemiskinan yang semakin besar dan ketara.

Adakah pada ketika ini - kita mahu hak - hak keistimewaan Melayu dihapuskan?

Sebenarnya Melayu sekarang masih berada atau menuju kembali ke tahun - tahun 1970an. Mereka perlu disedarkan bahawa kita harus mengubah bukan sahaja diri sendiri tetapi harus berani membuat perubahan sehingga ke peringkat kepimpinan Melayu itu sendiri.

Ini adalah berdasarkan kegagalan membawa Melayu ke satu tahap yang membanggakan.

Sebenarnya kegagalan DEB bagi saya menunjukkan kemungkinan hak - hak keistimewaan orang - orang Melayu selama ini tidak singgah kepada Melayu biasa tetapi singgah kepada Melayu tertentu yang pernah yang saya gelar mereka sebagai elitis Melayu.

Saya tidak percaya masalah ras ini terwujud atas alasan teori biologi - khususnya budaya. Saya percaya kemunduran orang - orang Melayu adalah kerana mereka tidak pernah diberi peluang untuk mengetahui. Mereka juga rajin berusaha khususnya mereka yang hidup sebagai peladang, petani dan nelayan. Mereka kuat berkerja tetapi hasilnya minima. Kita ambil pekerja ladang Kelapa Sawit -pengiat ekonomi masih daif tetapi minyak kelapa sawit tersebar ke seluruh dunia.

Masalah besar kita adalah kepimpinan yang korup dan khasnya kepimpinan yang membelakangi Melayu. Mereka berpendapat dengan mengadakan " jutawan segera" pemberian saham dan projek - projek tertentu dapat menaikkan taraf Melayu.

Mereka berpendapat bahawa taraf Melayu akan maju sekiranya mereka memiliki saham - saham syarikat awam dan sebagainya.

Ini tidak tepat dan terbukti salah. Kita ada PNB - Amanah Saham Bumiputera yang melabur untuk memberi keuntungan saham - bererti Melayu hanya wujud pada kulit dan bukan pada teras.

Sebenarnya terlampau banyak hujah -hujah yang boleh diberi tetapi masalahnya kefahaman perlu kita wujudkan bukan sahaja untuk orang -orang Melayu tetapi bangsa - bangsa lain.

Dalam berhujah tidak dapat tidak saya merasakan bahawa kalau ada bangsa yang didiskriminasi ianya adalah MELAYU golongan bawahan.

En Lee, saya fikir kemungkinan diadakan sesi perbincangan secara terbuka untuk kita sama - sama berusaha memahami antara satu sama lain dan betapa perlunya kita melihat dan memberi pengkhususan kepada masalah Melayu.

Ini adalah kerana masalah Melayu dan ketidakpuasan Melayu akan melimpah menjadi masalah kepada lain lain bangsa. Apa pun masalah kemiskinan bangsa lain juga perlu diberi perhatian kerana sekiranya tidak - kita turut akan menghadapi bencana yang tidak akan selesai.

Bagi saya sekiranya DEB berjaya maka kemungkinan kita tidak akan mencemburui antara satu sama lain. Adakah dalam keadaan ini kita perlu mendesak Melayu untuk mengugurkan hak keistimewaan mereka?

Sekian buat sementara

12:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

berhubung dgn jawapan saudara anuar kpd mr lee, saya percaya saudara bukanlah rasis, tetapi ingin berterus-terang dlm masalah melayu. artikel pertama yg dibaca saya ialah ketuanan cina, yg begitu sensitif, dan mudah salah faham krn tajuknya membuat pembaca(khususnya org cina spt saya) berasa tdk selesa. pd pendapat saya, DEB tidak berjaya krn pemimpin-pemimpin melayu telah salahguna hak-hak istimewa yg ada utk mencari kekayaan sendiri shj. kenapa ada org dapat pinjam rm 9mil dgn begitu mudah? mana dpt cari kawan yg rela pinjam wang sebanyak itu tolong beritahu saya, saya tak sabar nak kenal kawan sebaik itu. apabila ditanya lagi pelbagai persoalan, dia beraksi spt hero melayu, kononnya mempertahankan kepentingan melayu, org cina yg dikorbankan dgn tuduhan dan fitnah yg tdk bertanggungjawab. apa dia pertahankan sebenarnya? amat jelas, wang wang gelap yg dihisap selama ini. ada pula pengikut pengikut buta yg menyokongnya tanpa berfikir panjang. dapat ke masalah melayu diselesaikan dgn pemimpin mcm ni? org cina dituduh dan disalahkan, kebanyakan org melayu masih miskin, asalkan dia org terus menghisap darah rakyat atas nama memperjuangkan nasib melayu, peduli apa korang hidup atau mati. yg lebih menyedihkan, kes ini hanya satu drpd kes kes yg ditimbulkan oleh TDM. kes mcm ini sudah menjadi budaya dlm parti itu mengikut TDM, sehingga BPR ditubuhkan semata mata utk pameran shj. artikel saudara mempunyai pelayar yg begitu banyak, saya berharap artikel seterusnya akan merangsang pelayar memberi komen yg positif. disertakan bersama artikel TDM yg baru

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

testing...i was inform by Mr Lee that no bloggers are allowed to post any comment...testinh

1:30 PM  
Blogger Anuar Mohd Nor said...

testing again,

1:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saya mengambil initiatif untuk "post" hujah Mr Lee yang di email kepada saya kerana masalah teknikal yang wujud"

Thank you Saudara Anuar,

I have to write to you since no bloggers are not allowed to post comments anymore.

Firstly, I admire your willingness to share your thoughts openly with people who would agree or disagree with you. You remained clam and polite eventhough some response might have upset you.

You have given much thoughts to something that means a lot to you and I appreciate your answer but I think 2) and 3) were not addressed:-

“2) what does the general Malay population think of their role as catalyst for national integration and progress, given that they are the majority of the population?

Apart from calling Chinese and Indians "pendatang" and an ungrateful lot, can Malays play a positive and inclusive "big bro" role and unify the country torned by racist sentiment?

3) When Chinese or whatever race ask for a right, how come it always end up as being construed as treatening Malay special rights?
e.g. asking money for vernacular schools, approval for building of church, rearing of export income generating pig farms etc, keeping dogs in our own property?

It seems that when we ask for something for ourselves, it does not mean Malays have to sacrifice something.”

Here's my response to your answers.

Maaf kelewatan kerana masa agak terhad. Pertama sekali "I am not the “absolute authority” in giving out Islamic clarification tetapi mengenai dasar - dasar yang mendiskriminasi bangsa - banga lain ianya bukan ajaran Islam. Itu memang tepat dan tidak boleh diperbahaskan lagi.

- ok, get yr point so it’s a good start. Thank you for taking time to consider and reply.

DEB digubal kerana kepimpinan masa itu termasuk kepimpinan Melayu dan bangsa - bangsa lain percaya ; kemiskinan dan jurang perbezaan ekonomi antara Melayu dan bangsa lain khususnya Cina , sekira dapat di selesaikan ia akan berjaya mengatasi bukan sahaja masalah ekonomi malah politik. Ini perlu dibuat kerana kita tidak mahu berdepan dengan masalah kaum di Malaysia.

- this I agree, our history and what happened in Indonesia, 1997/8 would indicate that affirmation action was correct for Malaysia.

- The only weakness in DEB are only 2 fold:-

1) failure to set & adhere to a deadline (so that Malays knew that they have to work for self-betterment within a time frame and this would only benefit themselves and fellow Malaysians)

2) weakness in execution as the benefits did not flow onto Malays equally. That’s why we can see a Datuk K spending much on divorce and marrying Siti while many Malays are still in poverty

- the non-expiry of DEB can only make Malays more dependant on government handouts and Malays can never learn to be strong and independent. A new type of "candu masyarakat", perhaps?

Dengan kedudukan Melayu masih terpinggir dan DEB gagal maka kedudukan Melayu semakin merosot malah mungkin dalam Melayu sendiri ada perbezaan jurang kekayaan - kemiskinan yang semakin besar dan ketara

- nowadays Malays head local GLCs (and bleeding them to death) and many renowned listed companies, appointed as Deans and VC of universities, whereas Chinese owned banks such as Hock Hua, Lee Wah Banks are a thing of the past

- I would say that certain Malays are rich and powerful; emerging as the prime pillar of economic strength in Malaysia. Chinese businesses may be more numeorus but they are mainly of smaller scale. The biggest companies in Malaysia are Petronas, Telekonm, Tenaga, YTL, Sime Darby, and I think most of them are controlled by Malays. This is a sure sign of success of DEB and Malays, would you agree, Saudara Anuar?

Sebenarnya Melayu sekarang masih berada atau menuju kembali ke tahun - tahun 1970an. Mereka perlu disedarkan bahawa kita harus mengubah bukan sahaja diri sendiri tetapi harus berani membuat perubahan sehingga ke peringkat kepimpinan Melayu itu sendiri.

- I agree but who can take over? Majority of the voters do not have access to a balanced media reporting channels to debate the pros and cons of the government. So long the BN buys votes with handouts and nice slogans I think the majority ignorant voters can be swayed away from seeing the real issues.

- In Taiwan, the President’s wife got slaughtered in TV for accepting SOGO vouchers and the President had to apologise. That’s a nation for its people. (but their parliement fighting is disgraceful)

Sebenarnya kegagalan DEB bagi saya menunjukkan kemungkinan hak - hak keistimewaan orang - orang Melayu selama ini tidak singgah kepada Melayu biasa tetapi singgah kepada Melayu tertentu yang pernah yang saya gelar mereka sebagai elitis Melayu.

- I agree so Malays must adopt a “charitable culture”. You already have the zakat mechanism here but since when we hear rich Malays donating and helping poor Malays? If Malay poverty is a national issue, patriotic and rich Malays should assist their fellow umat islam but I have not heard the likes of AP Kings and Datuk Ks donating like what Bill Gates and Warren Buffet did. (unless they are true generous people who shun good publicity…..HAHAHAHA….)

Mereka berpendapat bahawa taraf Melayu akan maju sekiranya mereka memiliki saham - saham syarikat awam dan sebagainya.

- Agree, please tell your fellow Malays that wealth do not come from share ownership and hand outs, it comes from pure hard work and nowadays, command of knowledge and information.

- Do you know that there is a Malay guy with deformed hands and legs at the Masjid Jamek LRT station called Azmin? He tried selling crackers by shouting his lungs dry and I heard 2 smartly dresses Malays mocked his sales pitch. I am more than happy to pay him some money without taking the crackers (bad for my cholesterol level, I think). I admire him – no contracts, no proper bodily function and yet not willing to sit back and be taken care by his family. He works for pittance but more for his pride and independence, self respect and esteem. If a crippled Malay can do that, what about those working in government offices and have tea breaks at 8am, 10am, 3pm and 4pm?

Dalam berhujah tidak dapat tidak saya merasakan bahawa kalau ada bangsa yang didiskriminasi ianya adalah MELAYU golongan bawahan.

- Agree.

- But don’t forget, we have poor Indians, Chinese (yes there is), KadazanDusun, Orang Asli….so poverty is race blind. We should help all poor people, not only poor Malays, but POOR MALAYSIANS
En Lee, saya fikir kemungkinan diadakan sesi perbincangan secara terbuka untuk kita sama - sama berusaha memahami antara satu sama lain dan betapa perlunya kita melihat dan memberi pengkhususan kepada masalah Melayu.

- I agree but open dialogue will only work if we approach this issue calmly and not from racial point of view but from national interest point of view but who dares to have one? Also need to avoid the "passionate" UMNO Youth style because that does not allow rational exchanges to occure - not saying you would adopt this but other people just might do so...and it is getting to be the trend in Malaysia.

I am all for an open discussion, as compared to UMNO Youth having their own session and MCA Youth another place another time. I agree that Malays form the majority of the poor but every poor and deprived Malaysians deserve some attention and necessary assistance. I would say able Malays, Chinese, Indians have a part in helping all poor Malaysians but the current administration do not have the political will to put in an appropriate mechanism. Solve the poverty problem and we will solve the Malay problem

Ini adalah kerana masalah Melayu dan ketidakpuasan Melayu akan melimpah menjadi masalah kepada lain lain bangsa. Apa pun masalah kemiskinan bangsa lain juga perlu diberi perhatian kerana sekiranya tidak - kita turut akan menghadapi bencana yang tidak akan selesai.

- exactly, well said. Poverty is race blind

Bagi saya sekiranya DEB berjaya maka kemungkinan kita tidak akan mencemburui antara satu sama lain. Adakah dalam keadaan ini kita perlu mendesak Melayu untuk mengugurkan hak keistimewaan mereka?

- if DEB was successful, the special rights relating to economic clout may not be necessary anymore and taxpayers money can be used for other purposes and we can enjoy better hospitals, schools, public amenities, cultural shows, etc.

- by then we have to define what constitute "special rights"; perhaps the sancity between Malay and Islam? To us non-Malays it is not an issue if Malays wants a special position for Islam

_ we have to move beyond Malay vs Chinese and all that crap. It is Malaysia vs Vietnam, Thailand, China, India etc for economic survival

_btw, I think Datuk K still qualify for a 7% discount buying luxury houses but average Mutusamy, Chong and Fernandez earning much less will have to pay the full price.

Lastly, I am not anti-Malay. I am all for equal opportunity for all races in Malaysia and for that to happen, I prefer to see independent and capable Malays working together with other races, not wanting more from Chinese, especially. We don't have that much and you guys outnumber us.....


1:55 PM  
Blogger Anuar Mohd Nor said...

To Mr Lee,

Terminologi – kaum pendatang dan bangsa asing adalah satu terma yang sudah usang untuk kita merujuk kepada kaum – kaum lain. Sungguhpun begitu kita perlu bukan sahaja menolak rujukan sebagai pendatang tetapi perlu menyempurnakan maksud tersebut dengan perbuatan. Penyempurnaan melalui perbuatan ini memerlukan berbagai usaha sunguhpun saya yakin ini bukan satu usaha yang mustahil bagi orang – orang Melayu untuk menerimanya. Ini merujuk bahawa mereka bukan lagi asing dalam masyarakat Malaysia.

Orang Melayu hari ini sedar atau harus sedar bahawa kepimpinan kita telah memperakui kewarganegaraan mereka yang sebelum ini memang di rujuk sebagai "pendatang" dan hari ini sebagai mereka yang lahir dan hidup sebagai rakyat Malaysia.

Kita harus sedar dengan perjanjian yang dibuat maka mereka, TIDAK HARUS DI RUJUK sebagai bangsa pendatang dan bangsa asing.

Kita perlu sedar bahawa kita orang - orang Melayu sudah menerima atau perlu menerima hakikat semua kaum yang ada di Malaysia sebagai rakyat Malaysia berpaksikan perbuatan kepimpinan Melayu dan raja – raja Melayu suka atau tidak suka.

Menyedari hakikat ini adalah penting untuk bagi orang - orang Melayu dan bagi kaum – kaum lain sedar mengenai asas yang telah dibentuk dan dijanjikan oleh kepimpinan – kepimpinan kita baik kepimpinan Melayu atau kepimpinan bangsa - bangsa lain.

Ini perlu bagi sama - sama menjamin keharmonian yang mahu dipupuk dan mahu dibentuk.

Sebagai bangsa Melayu yang mendominasi negara ini dari sudut majoriti kependudukan maka adalah tugas kita menghormati apa yang telah dijanji dan perlaksanaan janji ini perlu.

Persoalannya, adakah hari ini orang – orang Melayu CUBA untuk membelakangi apa yang di beri dan dijanjikan oleh kepimpinan kita sebelum ini?

Sekiranya ada, maka orang - orang Melayu telah mencabul perjanjian yang kita buat dan ini adalah satu kesalahan yang tidak boleh dimaafkan.

Sekiranya tidak maka adakah pula orang - orang Cina mencabul perjanjian yang telah dibuat oleh kepimpinan mereka?

Sekiranya ada maka ini juga satu kesalahan yang tidak boleh kita maafkan.

Oleh kerana itu kita berpegang kepada janji – janji kita untuk memastikan keharmonian yang mahu dipupuk, kerjasama yang mahu ditingkatkan. Kita pegang pada apa yang telah kita janji dan mereka akan turut pegang pada janji yang ada. Di sini letak asas permulaan untuk kita hidup bersama dalam satu keluarga yang besar dan berbilang kaum.

Bermula dari situlah maka asas – asas kehidupan antara kita bersama mula dibentuk. Dari asas itulah maka kita mula bergerak memikirkan mengenai apa yang mahu kita laksanakan bagi memajukan Negara.

Sekiranya asas ini di khianati oleh mana – mana pihak maka kita khuatir ianya seperti mengundang bencara bagi Negara.

Kemudian, kita membincangkan mengenai peranan Melayu sebagai kaum majoriti untuk bertindak sebagai katalis intergrasi bangsa. Persoalan intergriti ini, ibarat memerlukan kedua belah tapak tangan untuk ditepuk bagi mengeluarkan bunyi. Majoriti atau tidak, semua kaum harus menerima hakikat bahawa semua berperanan untuk membentuk atau sekurang – kurang mengusahakan kearah perpaduan dan intergriti antara kaum. Bagaimana ini boleh dilakukan?

Asasnya untuk memahami hakikat kewujudan kita dan jangan sesekali memungkiri janji yang telah kita buat bersama. Ini bukan sahaja ditujukan kepada orang – orang Cina atau kaum lain tetapi juga pada Melayu.

Penciptaan berbagai dasar kemudiannya bergerak dari asas yang telah kita bentuk. Dari situ kita bertindak untuk menyempurnakan kedudukan sosio – ekonomi orang - orang Melayu agar mereka kelak tidak cemburu terhadap pencapaian kaum – kaum lain. Ini juga adalah langkah yang dipersetujui oleh semua bangsa di Malaysia. Langkah ini mampu dianggap sebagai langkah pertama dalam membentuk satu bentuk intergrasi yang mantap dan bukan rapuh seperti yang ada sebelum peristiwa hitam 13 Mei 1969.

Langkah membentuk DEB juga adalah satu janji yang harus diterima oleh orang – orang Melayu dan tidak seharusnya dimungkiri.

Melayu menerima syarat pembangunan untuk meningkatkan pencapaian ekonomi sebanyak 30% dan bukan 50% atau peratus yang besar bagi menunjukkan majoriti mereka sebagai bangsa terbesar di Malaysia.

Janji tetap janji dan dasar pencapaian 30% itu dijangka akan merapatkan jurang pegangan ekuiti perniagaan ( ekonomi) yang kelak akan menyelesaikan masalah ekonomi dan politik khususnya perhubungan antara kaum.

Dalam melihat statistik pengagihan itu ada juga Melayu yang bertindak mempersoalkan kenapa 30 % sahaja , tetapi persoalan telah di pinggirkan kerana kita tidak mahu lebihan tuntuan itu menjadi satu bentuk diskriminasi terhadap kaum – kaum lain.

Orang Melayu tidak boleh mempersoalkan statistik tersebut dan pengakhiran kepada DEB bukan pada tarikh tetapi harus pada pencapaian.

Adakah DEB itu kita berjaya menjadikan partisipasi Melayu sampai kepada 30 % pegangan seperti yang disasarkan? Satu persoalan yang semua tahu akan jawapannya. Saya mahu menulis panjang lebar mengenai kegagalan DEB dan kegagalan kepimpinan Melayu seperti yang diakui oleh Tun Dr Mahathir tetapi itu akan mengambil masa yang panjang ( sungguhpun akan diusahakan) tetapi cukup untuk menegaskan kepada Dr Mahathir Mohamed dan kepimpinan seangkatan dengannya supaya menunding diri sendiri – mengakui kesilapan sebelum kita menuduh bangsa Melayu sebagai bangsa yang lemah dengan budaya yang kolot dan kini diikuti dengan cacian yang serupa oleh kaum – kaum lain terhadap Melayu.

En Lee,

Pembahagian pegangan ekonomi antara kaum masih berbeza jauh. Kita mampu menceritakan mengenai GLC dan sebagainya – pegangan adalah dari kaum Melayu tetapi sekiranya kita pergi lebih khusus lagi seperti peruncitan dan sebagainya pegangan hampir 90 % adalah pada kaum – kaum lain.

Penegasan perlu dibuat – tidak ada usaha untuk merampas pegangan yang ada pada bangsa lain tetapi partisipasi Melayu harus dipertingkatkan.

Kita boleh membicarakan pegangan AP milik Melayu dan sebagainya tetapi kadang – kala isu ini ditimbulkan oleh orang Melayu dengan hasrat - hasrat tertentu.

Kita tidak pernah pula menceritakan mengenai isu pegangan seperti gula, ayam, ikan dan sebagainya. Asas mungkin nampak nama Melayu tetapi persoalan pegangan oleh siapa perlu kita teliti dengan lebih mendalam.

Adakah tidak benar kalau saya katakan bahawa asas Melayu ini tidak semestinya terasnya Melayu. Ini yang menjadi persoalan utama. Siapa yang merasa hak keistimewaan Melayu dan dari ketirisan yang ada siapa pula kalangan bangsa lain yang turut menikmati limpahan DEB.

Mr Lee,

Dari janji yang telah dibuat dahulu dan dengan hak – hak keistimewaan yang menjadi pra – syarat perjanjian, ekonomi bangsa lain tidak terbelenggu dan tidak ditindas. Mereka terus maju sungguhpun ada yang perlu juga dibantu hasil dari keciciran. Ini menjadi tanggungjawab kepimpinan yang ada baik dari apa bangsa sekali pun. Universiti yang dahulu tidak diberi kelulusan kini diberi kelulusan malah lebih dari itu , kolej – kolej bertaraf Universiti semakin banyak tumbuh.

Ini satu perubahan Mr Lee. Banyak lain yang boleh kita huraikan tetapi saya fakir kita perlu melihat pada perkara – perkara dasar lebih dahulu.

Tunku Abdul Rahmat pernah berkata “ janji hak keistimewaan kepada orang – orang Melayu tidak bererti Melayu sudah dapat mengecap kejayaan”. Chandra Muzaffar dalam artikel beliau mengenai Intergrasi Politik turut mengatakan bahawa hak – hak keistimewaan tidak bermakna kepada mereka yang berada di luar kawasan bandar. Hak – hak keistimewaan bukan syarat untuk mereka bangkit menuntut apa yang telah dimiliki oleh bangsa - bangsa lain.

Namun lebih serius dari itu – adakah tidak kita nampak persoalan – persoalan yang seolah – olah mencemburi antara satu sama lain. Siapa pegang itu dan siapa pegang ini. Sebenarnya kita patut akur dengan keadaan sekarang mengenai cabaran – cabaran global, tetapi mampukan kita berlari sedangkan kita masih baru belajar merangkak.

Mr Lee,

Banyak lagi yang mampu kita bicarakan tetapi keadaan masa yang agak terhad. Saya masih membuka semua ruang perbincangan. Soalan - soalan yang belum sempat saya hujah saya mohon maaf tetapi ingatkan saya dan saya akan terus berhujah dan memberi pendapat.

Buat masa ini sekian dahulu

8:13 PM  
Blogger Admin said...

Hak Siapa Tercelar

We don't want anything from the chinese, we only want them to remove thier graves on our hills on every parts of the country. Why, because thier graves become the symbol for thier egoness. Let be practical, put up thier graves in multi storey buildings like in Singapore, even thier own race thinks it is the best, why not we here.

We want them to speak Malay, in the place where the malay are around. We don't want them to speak chinese langguage because that langguage is not commonly used in in this country.

We dont want them to think that being Chinese is also a link to a China indentity. Of course chinese is from China, but please show that you are chinese from Malaysia who speaks Malay fluently and does not cheat Malay at the back with chinese langguage.

If chinese think that they want to be more chinese than the Malay want to be with chinese, it is than better for the chinese in malaysia be sent back to china, after all china is progressing and as in all cases chinese will alway back chinese. I am sure there are millions of chinese in China that are happy to do it for all you guys Chinese.

10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, a lot of non-malays in Malaysia are leaving this country. But what the hell, they (babiputras) don't care. They are happy that we leave.

I do agree with you of those you mentioned, our country is stepping backward, we are loosing in all aspects and yet overdue and retard ministers are still available on shelf. The ministers think that they are the only ones capable and qualified to be there and not replaceable, otherwise the country could collapse.

Looking at Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq likes looking at this country future. The well connected babiputras are getting richer. This government is spoon feeding the babiputras at this nation expense. I am sick of this country too.

My advise is let them rot in their own stew.

The Barisan government has achieved 0% in reversing the trend of racism.

While South Africa has disbanded racism through the government's initiative after the global news onslaught, our Malaysia government leaders are propagating RACISM and FACISM in every way.

In term of racism, we are the most uncivilised country in the world. Look into our neighbouring countries of Asia, they are advancing economically on a straight forward objective, for their citizens.

Whereas we are moving in deviationist path, widely off the international economic theory for the sole objective, of propelling the well being of a supreme race.

Mahathir era is over, here we have Badawi. Is he changing the trend? Not a single sign of it.

How about the future under Nazib? Sad, sad. They have more camouflage in readiness.

Hey, you pathetic cow and all the malay pig who have the same feeling/thinking like them. You malay pig don't feel shame being spoon feed by government using the taxpayers money?

I guess all the protection policy make you all even more lazy and narrow minded and stupid. The majority of you malay pig once step out of the Malaysia soil will sure starve to death.

Hoy, I think you malay pig should try some pork meat once a while to make you more intelligent a bit. Look at around the world region, anti pork meat countries are mostly rippled with starving and war or worst, non-stop crying for government policy protection.

Fact is fact when you malay pig are stupid is always stupid - although it can be help by consistent protection and nourishment policy but the end result will not go far because the quality of gene is there.

5:27 AM  

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