Sunday, June 04, 2006

Melayu berjiwa hamba

Anuar Mohd Nor

Dr Siddiq Fadil dalam bukunya Melayu Baru menulis - selagi Melayu berjiwa hamba selagi itu kita akan terbenam dalam kancah ketinggalan. Benarkah Melayu masih berjiwa hamba dan dimana kesalahan kita yang terus meletakan Melayu dalam jiwa perhambaan. Ulasan Dr Siddiq dalam bukunya turut mengatakan bahawa salah satu kreteria yang perlu untuk memajukan Melayu ialah dengan pengikisan perasaan jiwa hamba dan memerdekakan diri. Namun sehingga ini antara pra-syarat jiwa merdeka masih belum dilunaskan lagi. Selagi jiwa merdeka itu masih tidak terlaksana maka selagi itu jiwa hamba orang - orang Melayu semakin menebal dan semakin tersorot Melayu dalam era milenia ini.

Kita dengar- kata - kata Dr Burhanuddin Helmy - " di atas robohan kota Melaka , kita dirikan jiwa merdeka" masih susut dari segi percapaiannya. Jiwa kita tidak merdeka - terkongkong dengan sifat - sifat perhambaan yang tidak menggalakkan perubahan lantas kita terkongkong dengan keadaan yang serupa - dari kongkongan feudalism " ke 'raja' an, "kesultanan" kepada kongkongan feudalisma "politik" dan penjajahan dalaman. Ini berlaku dan ini mungkin menjadi penghalang besar yang meletakkan kita masih ditakok lama dalam pencapaian ekonomi - malah tidak salah kalau kita katakan bahawa kita ke belakang.

Menuntut "jiwa merdeka"

Perjuangan menuntut jiwa merdeka tidak akan berjaya selagi kita masih kaku dibelenggu aspek - aspek ketakutan. Kita masih terus takut menuntut hak - takut menyuarakan pendapat - takut menongkah arus dan takut kepada diri sendiri. Adakah budaya - budaya takut ini akan dapat memajukan kita hatta mencapai satu tahap kemerdekaan yang berterusan? Kita dari satu sudut menuntut perubahan Melayu - menuntut perubahan minda - menuntut sikap Melayu Baru tetapi semua - belenggu halangan di ketatkan dan dalam masa yang sama Melayu terus terkongkong untuk tidak menggeleng tetapi mengangguk. Disuruh belari tetapi ditambat kaki. Hari ini negara kita merdeka - namun kemerdekaan yang dituntut tidak disertai dengan ruangan kemerdekaan yang sebenar lantas Melayu terpinggir dengan kemerdekaan kulit yang kebanyakan jiwa kita terkongkong dengan keadaan yang terbentuk dari penjajah - penjajah baru yang menerbitkan budaya perhambaan untuk terus dikekalkan.

Pembebasan diri dari jiwa perhambaan kepada jiwa yang merdeka adalah satu perjuangan yang pasti memerlukan pengorbanan namun kesedaran, bahawa kita belum lagi sempurna merdeka harus ada. Tanpa kesedaran itu maka selamanya kita terus dikongkong - tanpa mengetahui bahawa kita hanyalah hamba kepada pegangan kuasa yang ada dan selamanya akan ber-retorik untuk memperkasakan bangsa. Kesedaran dimana kita sekarang dan kesedaran kedudukan kita berbanding dengan bangsa - bangsa lain perlu kita lihat sebagai alasan yang memerlukan kita untuk berubah - membebaskan diri dari ikatan kongkongan yang ada kepada tahap jiwa yang bebas dan merdeka. Kesedaran harus dibentuk dengan mengakui betapa tercicirnya kita dalam semua bidang - ketinggalan dan kini bangsa kita Melayu terus diperhambat ketepi untuk menjadi penonton kepada pembangunan negara.

Kesedaran dimana kita sekarang dan kesedaran kedudukan kita berbanding dengan bangsa - bangsa lain perlu kita lihat sebagai alasan yang memerlukan kita untuk berubah - membebaskan diri dari ikatan kongkongan yang ada kepada tahap jiwa yang bebas dan merdeka. Kesedaran harus dibentuk dengan mengakui betapa tercicirnya kita dalam semua bidang - ketinggalan dan kini bangsa kita Melayu terus diperhambat ketepi untuk menjadi penonton kepada pembangunan negara.
Jiwa hamba akan hanya dapat dikikiskan selagi kita sedar bahawa bangsa kita akan pupus dan tanda - tanda awal kepupusan kita sudah terhidang tanpa kita sedari. Adakah kita akan terus menafikan perkara ini semata - mata untuk menghormati konon - konon keharmonian yang ada - kestabilan yang wujud sementara apa yang sebenarnya berlaku ialah kita sedang menonton drama terbitan mereka yang mahu meneruskan budaya asal Melayu - yang berjiwa hamba.

Menuntut jiwa merdeka - kekayaan fizikal

Kita hari ini hadir untuk mengejar kemewahan - kumpulkan harta sebanyak mungkin dan budaya jangan membantah - menggeleng dan jangan bersuara telah ditamankan sebagai pra - syarat kejayaan bangsa. . Kita ditakutkan dengan segala bayangan buruk mengenai huru - hara, kejadian porak perada sekiranya kita mula menyoal - sekiranya kita mula menuntut pembaharuan dan sekiranya kita berani bersuara. Kita hanya perlu mengikut - dan sekiranya tidak maka kita akan berdepan dengan krisis dalaman yang berat dan mampu menghancurkan negara. Ini adalah kreteria belenggu yang di terbitkan. Kita perlu meningkatkan perekonomian bangsa, kita perlu memperkasakan bangsa tetapi hanya segelitir Bangsa Melayu Perdana yang berjaya dengan segala ketamakan haloba. Kita akan terus difokuskan kepada pengejaran harta kekayaan dengan menggunakan elemen kekayaan sebagai keperluan dan janji - janji ditaburkan untuk tujuan ini. Elemen inilah sebenarnya menjadi penghalang kepada jiwa merdeka.

Ilmuan Indonesia Soedjatmoko pernah berkata : Kekuatan sesebuah negara di masa mendatang tidak begitu bergantung kepada kekuatan ketenteraannya, tetapi akan lebih bergantung kepada kekuatan ekonomi dan keunggulan diplomasinya. Sementara kekuatan ekonomi yang menjadi tunggak kekuatan negara itu pula tidak lagi bergantung sepenuhnya kepada kekayaan sumber alamnya atau jumlah penduduknya, tetapi akan lebih bergantung kepada kualiti manusianya - kekuatan intelek dan keunggulan wataknya. Dalam itu apa yang kita lihat ialah keunggulan watak ini harus terbit dengan kedudukan minda yang " psychologically liberated' yang turut membawa erti keperluan jiwa yang merdeka.

Kita harus bebas berfikir - terbuka "option" untuk memilih dan harus tidak terbelenggu dengan karut - marut kononnya apa yang ada sekarang ini adalah untuk menjaga keharmonian , mengikut acuan sendiri dan yang terbaik untuk kita. Bangsa Melayu perlu hadir unuk menyokong apa yang ada tanpa banyak mempersoalkan tindakan, harus mengangguk sementara Melayu Perdana wujud untuk terus memanipulasi keadaan untuk kepentingan segelintir yang akan meningkatkan statistik palsu kejayaan negara. Ini adalah peranan utama Melayu Perdana.

Melayu Perdana - budaya feudalistik

Dr Siddiq Fadil menyimpulkan " Unsur - unsur yang bersifat budaya feudalistik harus ditinggalkan". Ini termasuklah unsur - unsur pendewaan terhadap seseorang tokoh dan penghambaan diri kepada mereka. Budaya feudalistik inilah antara penghalang kepada kemerdekaan jiwa yang terus menghambat Melayu kebawah. Namun sokongan untuk meneruskan budaya ini semakin kuat dan akhirnya timbul terma yang kita sebut sebagai Melayu Perdana. Segelintir Melayu inilah yang nampak masih mempertahankan budaya feudalistik - mahu terus Melayu berjiwa hamba dengan menyarankan halangan atas apa yang dikatakan penting untuk keharmonian negara - khususnya dalam masyarakat yang berbilang bangsa. Melayu Perdana ini diperuntukkan - diberi peluang dan akhirnya mengongkong agenda rakyat dan mendahulukan agenda peribadi atas nama kecemerlangan Melayu. Banyak sekatan diterbitkan semata - mata menjaga kepentingan mereka dan akhirnya kita melangkah kebelakang.

Hari ini amat jelas budaya perhambaan yang dibentuk oleh Melayu Perdana ini berjaya menyekat Melayu - Melayu terus terpinggir dan Melayu Pedana terus berjaya dengan usaha nakal mereka. Inilah senario yang wujud dan ialah sebenarnya yang membataskan Melayu itu - bukan mudah lupa - bukan malas tetapi terus di tipu oleh golongan Melayu Perdana - berkuasa dan terus berkuasa.

Bebaskan - jiwa perlu merdeka


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalmualaikum Sdr Anuar,

Berikut ialah ulasan saya berhubung dengan rencana Sdr berjodol: "Melayu Berjiwa Hamba."

Pertama, sepertimana yang sering saya katakan, sesuatu perkara yang berlaku mestilah ada puncanya; atau sebab-musabab dan akibatnyua.

Kedua, kalau dah mengenali, mengecam atau menjejas puncanya, hendaklah kita cuba menganalisinya.

Ketiga, setelah menganalisisnya, barulah boleh kita cuba mencari jalan menghuraikannya.

Berikut ialah analysis saya:

Sejauh ini saya dapati (betulkan saya kalau saya khilaf) ramai orang yang terlibat dengan retorik, memperkatakan akibat atau symtoms kepada kebanyakan masalah yang kita hadapi; dan kurang yang cuba mencari puncanya.

Dalam perkara yang sdr sentuh ini, saya akan cuba beri solusi atau kesimpulannya dulu daripada menyentuh sebab-akibat mengapa "Melayu Masib Berjiwa Hamba," walaupun telah "merdeka" hampir 45 tahun sekarang.

Jawapannya, sebenarnya, ialah kerna "minda dan jiwanya - minda dan jiwa orang Melayu TIDAK merdeka" dalam erti yang sebenar-benarnya perkatan-perkataan tersebut.

Pada hemat saya itulah salah satu daripada punca utamanya. (Mungkin Sdr dan para pelayar laman web ini mempunyai pandangan yang berbeza.)

Sekarang, barulah kita boleh bertanya dan cuba menganalisis mengapa ia berlaku?

Pertama, ialah kerana sistem permerintahan yang dianut oleh sesebuah negara.

Malaysia, walaupun "merdeka", tetapi dari segi pemerintahannya, lebih tepat kalau dikatakan masih bersifat "feudal dan kapitalistik."

Mereka berpegang kepada kata-kata: "One must learn to obey before he is able to command." (Seseorang itu hendaklah belajar cuba mengikut perintah sebelum dia boleh memerintah).

Sistem yang berteraskan kepada sistem pemerintahan sekuliristik ini, menjadikan seseorang itu harus menurut perintah sehingga dia dilepaskan "pembelanguan jiwanya" mengikut acuan yang dikehendaki pemerintah untuk membolehkannya "memerintah" atas alasan demiki "kelicinan" perjalanan sesebuah pemerintah.

Mereka hendaklah belajar menjadi "Yesman" dan "mengikut telunjuk" dulu sebelum boleh memerintah.

Pemikiran kritikal tidak digalakan, khususnya sekiranya ia bertentangan dengan "acuan" pemerintah.

Dan cara pemerintahan yang berteraskan kepada sistem-sistem sekulristik ala-kapitalism ini, memang menekankan kepada "elitism" (the philosper king) yang terkadung di dalam unsur-unsur pemerintahan itu sendiri.

Diantara yang ketara ialah unsur-unsur yang melibatkan sistem-sistem Politik, Pendidikan, Kehakiman, Ekonomi, Media, dan sebagainya, yang melahirkan jenis manusia di dalam sesebuah negara.

Ringkasnya, manusia materialis, rakus, rasuah, hipokrit, petualang, individualis, dan sebagainya.

Kesemua sistem atau unusur pemerintahan atau penguasaan ini adalah bermatlamatkan
"pembelangguan" mental dan jiwa seseorang.

Diantara sistem-sistem ini, medialah yang memainkan peranan pentinguntuk "mencerna, membeku dan terus menerus membelenggu" minda seseorang itu.

Media juga memainkan peranan sebagai "penghakis" budaya.

Inilah yang dinamakan mental colonilisation (penjajahan minda) dengan mengwujudkan "kebudayaan-kebudayan" yang sekupu dengan sistem pemerintahan tersebut, atau yang ingin di"acuankan."

Sebenarnya, sesuatu sistem pemerintahan itu boleh "di reform" sepertimana yang sdr perjuangkan di dalam umno-"reform" ini, (hanyasanya sdr tidak menghuraikan secara terperinci bagaimana bentuk corak 'reformasi' yang sdr inginkan) dipinda ataupun diubah-suai mengikut selera rakyat sesebuah negara itu.

Maka itulah kita telah melihat dan diperkenalkan dengan beberapa sistem pemerintahan di dunia ini.

Kita punya sistem pemerintahan parlimentary democracy (demokrasi berparlimen) beraja, seperti di Malaysia, England, Jepun, Belannda, Denmark, dan lain-lain lagi.

Kita juga punya sistem pemerintahan Republik yang Ketua Negaranya dipanggil Presiden, seperti Indonesia, Filipina, Singapura, (bersistem demokrasi liberal, katanya), Pakistan, India, Korea Selatan, dll. yang mengamalkan demokrasi.

Satu lagi sistem, (yang tidak digemari negara-negara Barat khususnya) ialah sistem pemerintahan secara Komunis, sepertimana yang pernah berlaku dengan Rusia dulu, yang masih diamalkan terutamanya oleh China, Cuba, Korea Utara, dan lain-lain.

Semua sistem pemerintahan ini ada baik dan buruknya, kelebihan dan kekurangannya.

Hendak dikatakan sistem pemerintahan demokrasi merupakan yang "terbaik" sekali, tidak dapatlah kita menerimanya 100 peratus.

Demikian juga dengan sistem Komunis, atau apa juga "sistem" pemerintahan yang terdapat di dunia ini.

Demokrasi itu sendiri bergantung kepada "degree/darjah" demokrsinya.

Dalam demokrasi ada jaga yang dikenal sebagai "demokrsi terpimpin" yang tidak jauh daripada pemerintah yang berasaskan kepada "sistem pemerintahan kuku besi, otokrasi, ataupun dalam bahasa sekarang "dia-mahu-krasi."

Tidak ada negara yang mengamalkan demokrasi secara total (yang sering juga dimaksudan bebas sepenuhnya) tanpa sedikit sebanyak mengamalkan otokrasi; termasuk Britain, Amerika, negara-negara Barat, Asia, Afrika, Australia, New Zealand, dan lain-lainnya.

In the final analsysis, corak atau sistem pemerintahan sesebuah negara itu adalah bergantung kepada apa yang dikatakan "a given situation" (sesuatu keadaan yang wujud) sesebuah negara yang bertunjangkan latarbelakang sejarahnya.

Di zaman kini, kita tidak boleh mengatakan bahawa pemerintahan demokrasi, boleh mendatangkan kemajuan, kesejahteraan dan keamanan kepada sesebuah negara.

Demikian juga sebaliknya, kalau kita ikut sistem pemerintah otokrasi, sistem berperisiden, dan sebagainya, kita tidak boleh jadi maju seperti negara-negara demokrasi yang maju dan berjaya lainnya.

Walhasil, segala-galanya, apa juga sistem pemerintahan yang di anuti oleh sesebuah negara, adalah bergantung kepada "siapa" dan "bagaimana" manusia yang memerintah negara itu.

Sesuatu sistem pemerintahan itu adalah bergantung sebahagian besarnya kepada faktor kemanusiaan.

Dan di dalam dunia ini juga, (kalau kita harapkan di dalam sesebuah negara demokrasi ia mesti mengamalkan 'kebebasan') biarlah terus terang saya katakan bahawa: TIDAK ADA SEBUAH NEGARA DI DALAM DUNIA INI YANG MENGAMALKAN
'KEBEBASAN' MUTLAK (yang maksudnya sering juga disinonimkan dengan juga kebebasan bersuara) SECARA MUTLAK (TOTAL/ABSOLUTE).

Maka itulah tiap-tiap negara ada hambatan-hambatan kepada kebebasan bersuaranya, (to a certain degree), bergantung kepada keadaan negara itu.

Sebenarnya, ada satu lagi sistem pemerintahan kalau diamalkan mengikut ajarannya yang sebenar, (yang memang demokratik dan bebas), ialah sistem pemerintahan kaedah Islam.

Bagaimanapun, banyak negara Islam telah cuba mengamalkannya, mengikut interpretasi masing-masing, tetapi gagal.

Ia gagal, pertama, kerana faktor kemanusiaan - orang yang memerintah dan bagaimana dia memerintah.

Kedua, kerana sistem pemerintahan dunia telah berkeceramuk dan beradu-dumba dengan berbagai sistem pemerintah yang wujud di dalam dunia sekarang.

Lebih-lebih lagi kalau sesebuah negara itu pernah dijajah. Ia tidak dapat tiada akan mengikut sistem pemerintahan adunan dan acuan penjajahlah.

Kesan penjajahan di negara kita itulah yang menyebabkan begitu sukar dan lambat kita hendak dan boleh berubah menjadi sebagai sebuah negara yang kita semua "idam-idamkan" - sebagai sebuah negara yang berteraskan Islam sejati (atau Islam Hadhari?)dan bertunjangkan budaya dan aspirasi kaum Melayu/Bumiputra negara ini.

Ini semua adalah akibat daripada sistem pemerintahan feudalistik yang telah lama berakar umbi di negara kita sepertimana yang disebutkan oleh Allahyarham Dr Burhanuddin Helmi dan Sdr Dr Sidiq itu.

Disamping itu kita, mahupun pemerintah, tidak dan belum pula bersedia menerima "paradigm shift of the mind." (pemindahan predigma minda)ke arah reformasi cara pemerintahan.

Masing-masing takut kepada sebarang perubahan yang belum tentu menghasilkan kenikmatan, kemakmuran, dan kesejahteraan yang sedang dikecapi sekarang.

Ramai yang masih mahu mengekalkan
"cara hidup" sekarang yang telah berakar umbi sekian lama dan dipupuk pula oleh penjajah yang memang mempunyai agenda tersirat mereka sendiri, sepertimana yang disebutkan di dalam surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 120, yang bermaksud:

"Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasarani tidak akan senang kepada kamu hingga kamu mengikuti gama mereka (Jalan mereka)."

"Katakanlah: Sesungguhnya petunjuk Allah swt. itulah petunjuk (yang sebenar-benarnya.) Dan sesungguhnya jika kamu mengikut kemahuan mereka (orang-oang kafir) setelah pengetahuan datang kepdamu, maka Allah tidak lagi menjadi pelindung dan penolong bagimu."

(Lihatlah apa yang berlaku sekarang kepada dunia Islam sekarang)!

Dan, Allah swt. sekali lagi mengingatkan kita dalam surah Al-Maidah, ayat 51, iaitu:

"Wahai kamu sekelian yang yakin (kepada kitab Allah), janganlah kamu mengambil orang-orang Yahudi ataupun Nasarani sebagai sahabat atau pelindungmu.

Mereka adalah sahabat dan pelindung kepada satu sama lain. Dan (sekiranya) di kalangan kamu yang mengikut mereka (sebagai sahabat, maka kamu) adalah sama seperti mereka.

Sesungguhnya, Allah tidak akan memimpin orang yang zalim."

Demikianlah kita telah diingatkan Allah swt supaya kita sentiasa menjadikannya sebagai hidup kita sebagai manusia yang menamakan dirinya seorang Islam.


Uncle M

2:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sdra Anuar,

bukankah apa yg sdra maksudkan itu adalah kegagalan umno yg mahu terus melayu jadi hamba pada partinya tanpa ruang utk berfikir? kejadian dato shahril menyokong usul dap sudah cukup untuk kita melihat kongkongan - parti melebihi segala-galanya sehingga yang betul tidak boleh di sokong. ini cukup utk kita melihat betapa hinanya kepimpinan umno yg sdra namakan sebagai melayu perdana

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our Malaysia BN government is racist, corrupted and apartheid. Decisions are made for a few and a specific group and not for the masses. Period.

40 years ago Singapore left Malaysia. A little red dot with no natural resources has become a country which enables its citizens to average a per capita income six times that of Malaysia, based on foreign exchange rate.

The success story was made possible because the civil servants of Singapore are not corrupted, the ministers are not corrupted, and also the police are not corrupted.

Ministers in Malaysia may be paid RM300000 a year, but they live in palatial dwellings. Apparently, the ministers here only do part time job for their positions, and spend the rest of the time doing business. Is there no rule to prohibit minister doing business?

If there is, then it is easy enough to check whether their salaries and allowances could provide them the wealth and lifestyle. If not, then there is clear evidence of moonlighting.

Even though Malaysia ministers are paid maybe one-sixth that of their Singapore counterparts, Malaysia ministers are really Boleh in accumulating wealth. Either they earn it themselves, or they have especially gifted siblings or off-springs.

Without substantial inheritance to start with, there are many siblings and off-springs of past and current ministers who have accumulated hundreds of millions or billions in matter of years.

When ministers have such rich relatives, they are naturally surprised that price increase in ringgit and sen should arouse those "uncalled for reactions" such as what happened last time. The incident was a threat to the "Semuanya ok" image of Malaysia and had to be dealt with sternly.

If only Malaysia had uncorrupt-able ministers, then with our natural resources we should have at least the same level of per capita income as Singapore. If only the people subscribed to Malaysian Malaysia back then, we will not have to be so concerned about the price increase now.

Due to poor financial management of previous leader, the old man, the current government is running in deficit, thus the increase and change lifestyle. Most of the thing we buy today is not value for money.

A crooked people will vote for government that build crooked bridge. So as a corrupted people will vote for corrupt government. It is democracy, incompetence government reflects its incapable people. Wake up, Malaysians.

Most of government's subsidies were channeled back to support those Ali Babas, corporate bailouts for MAS and Proton, cronies, lazy-to-work entrepreneurs, university students with few As, and etc.

What is the use of saving government subsidies on oil? So that Umno leaders can buy more luxury cars and feed their cronies?

This is the corrupted lifestyle of BN politicians and their cronies. They should change their lifestyle first before asking the people to change! They are doing unimaginable damage to this country and its future through their arrogance, corruption, and sheer incompetence!

50 years is enough because we do not choose you to tell us "change our lifestyle". The BN government is not admitting its mistake in mismanagement of public fund.

Najib and all Umno leaders are living in a different world altogether. They do not have the slightest inkling about the pains the people have to bear. They are filthy rich. Without empathy, how can the leaders think of the sufferings of the people!

Suffice to say, the affluent are much too detached from the realities of ordinary people to empathise with the struggles of daily living and therefore, make nonsensical comments about a paradise not known to many simple Malaysians.

How many more years do we have to put up with this shitty thing call BN. Gosh……….50 years is damn long, enough is enough.

Yes, let us change lifestyle once and for all by changing the government - that make perfect sense.

5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This race stereotyping is actually the work of the present day government, headed by the Umno racist using race and religion as a tool to stay in power.

The native of this land a.k.a. son of the soil are the Orang Asli (Dayak, Jakun, Sakai, etc) in Peninsula and the natives (Dusun, Iban, Kadazan, etc) of Borneo. Not you malays arrogant pieces of shit!

Before the arrival of Islam into Malaya, the different races live in harmony without questioning religion or race . They may be cultural different but they accepted each other.

After independence, race was used by the Umno racist, and then formulated the NEP, which divided everyone. The Umno fascist use Islam in schools, universities and workplace to segregate, and in the name of fighting PAS.

The modus operandi of Umno has always be, divide and rule, and the devil is in the details and implementation of the religious department.

Umno is king creating diversion when they are cornered, use race and religion. Race and religion is the most explosive issues and they have used it successfully since independence.

All this is done to perpetuate their hold on political power. It is to Umno benefits to play the race card, because this is the only way to ensure their hold on to political power. And 50 long years have proven them right. The race card works well and works every time!

They have succeeded in keeping the races apart socially, and fanned animosity amongst the races with their racist and discriminatory politics.

All give politically reasoning - well here goes a correct one - malay is lazy because of Islam.

How can one pray 5 times and yet be expected to be productive? Wait for the foreigners to come and set up their factory and having to cater for Islam needs!

If malays embrace other religion then there is hope for Malaysia……….otherwise your hope is in the existence of Umno terrorist liars - don't count on them being there forever - we are factoring in Umno racist absence in our business plan!

The problem with malays is that they forget too easily. It was the Chinese, Indians and Malays who fought for the independence.

The NEP was design to help malays catch up with the Chinese and the Indians. Now looks like after 40 years, the malays are still behind and very proud of it.

Still want to receive handouts from the government! Still afraid to fight it out on fair ground with the Chinese, Indians and the other races! Fearful is the malay race!

Without the government subsidies and support - I don't know how many malay businesses will still stand? So when can we see some towering malays and who dare to refuse government help and still succeed? Grabbing other people success and call it your own success is not success but a disgrace!

Their laziness caused the nation's economy to slump and resources are wasted. They take 5 days to complete a day work. Malays always think that they are helping the other races when they are lazy. For God sake, please wake up! You are doing it for your own, not for anybody!

Majority of the nation need to be educated again. On the meaning of Malaysia.

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The truth is Chinese inject entrepreneurial and economic progress in South-East Asia. If the Chinese left Malaysia, your economy would be on the verge of collapse and will become little more than a backwater hellhole.

There are very simple reasons why Chinese do not fully assimilate into malays societies. It is because the malays people are very hostile and disrespectful to the Chinese. It is well ingrained in their society, this anti-Chinese sentiment.

Also, given this hostility, why should Chinese integrate with your society? Let me tell you, it is a very simple reason. Unlike primitive tribesmen minorities in your territories, our civilization and culture is actually far superior than your malays culture.

We are the inheritors of one of the greatest civilizations in human history. Why do we want to downgrade our cultural knowledge and perception, and accept a backward and undeveloped primitive culture?

You Filipinos, Indonesians and Malaysians need to learn from the example of the Thais. They are friendly to Chinese and many Thai Chinese are very integrated and are loyal to Thailand. However, they also have links to China and bring the two countries closer.

Hence, China and Thailand enjoy very strong relations and all of this bodes well for Thailand economically and politically. It is no wonder Thailand has experienced a great deal of economic progress.

Indeed right, in Malaysia the malays are like shit. They disrespect the Chinese. And you want to know why the malay government has money? It is because the tax! Chinese pay high tax to the malay government where the malay government even use quota control!

The malays given of special treatment, the government give money to the malays because without this, the malays will have nothing! We Chinese in Malaysia depend on ourselves! We earn money on ourselves!

Too, I lived in Malaysia before and let me tell you that Malaysia is not rich. The government owes a lot of money to Japan and other countries. The nation is corrupted! In outside look, you think Malaysia is rich but the truth is Malaysia is very poor. A lot of projects have been cancelled such as new airport in Kuching, and etc!

The Chinese in Malaysia is dropping rapidly, one day and one day will come, when the malays don't like Chinese and riot, then we Chinese move away and hahaha! Malaysia will become like Indonesia!

Now look at your Indonesia, last time when Chinese there, the government can be rich. Now when Chinese gone - your country like shit! Hahaha! This is dream funny!

5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big deal!

While the stupid malays scream and shout, the non-malays quietly dominate the economy of this country.

The malays can keep their special rights and privileges. I don't need it. If this is what having special rights and privileges mean, I would rather be like the non-malays who have nothing but are laughing all the way to the bank.

Malay rights means, if you are Umno malay, you get university seat even you are fool……….that is the right what we are talking about.

Malay rights means, you must be given shares. Once you got, you can sell it to non-malays and keeps on asking for one after another……….that is the right what we are talking about.

Malay rights means, you must be given 5% discount whenever you are buying a new house. No matter how rich you are……….that is the right what we are talking about.

Malay rights means, it is the duty and responsibility of government to keep them feeding with sliver and golden spoon……….the non-malays should not ask anything even the non-malays voted for BN.

Lastly, the malays will never learn anything other than blaming non-malays for their failure.

What malays should realise when they curse Umno is the indubitable truth that despite 30 years of handouts, subsidies, undeserved jobs in the public sector, undeserved overseas scholarships, undeserved places in public education, lavish expenditure of taxpayers (mainly non-malays) money on all things Islamic, the state of the malays today is indeed as described, which in short is, pathetic.

Who is to blame? Not Umno or implicitly the Chinese, but malays themselves.

Can you just imagine how primitive they would have been if Umno had not existed, if May 13 had not occurred and if the perversion of the NEP had not transpired?

No race in history has prospered without application, cohesiveness, diligence, hard work and ingenuity.

These words are anathema to malays and so after all the handouts that no other race in the world in the history of mankind has got, they still look rather pathetic.

Pragmatic malays know it and so in Malaysia the bumis policy will carry on forever, until stopped by forces other than malays.

I long for that day!

5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree with you……….

I feel so sad that our MCA and Gerakan……….all blind..........act like idiots, they even go to blame professional non-malays for leaving our country……….Sad to say they just want to serve their own private interests. They are the worshippers, followers of the great greedy.

They shamelessly lie, mislead and deceive on all issues, we find the traces of work of these running dogs. They distorted facts, twisting the principle of social fairness, justice and equality, for just to win a bone throws by their master.

The people acted like beasts, had already traded their soul with the devil.

My daughter scored straight As in her STPM exam in 2003, but she was only offered a place to pursue an ordinary science course in University Malaya instead of her choice pharmacy course. Other students (malay pig) with 2B 2C result had the opportunities to enter pharmacy course.

Eventually, my daughter decided to apply Singapore University, she was not only accepted to study a course of her choice, but was also offered a scholarship. Where is the justice?

Now I am thinking to emigrate to Australia for good.

Like many others say, losers will stay, go out winner.

I sympathize with you on your some bad experiences in foreign countries. I can relate 10 similar bad experiences in Malaysia, and I can also relate 10 good experiences in foreign countries. So it is not the few bad experiences that should determine your and your offspring's future.

You feel comfortable in Malaysia because that is your comfort zone, so you prefer not to leave. In a foreign country you don't know their custom as well so you might have behaved inappropriately that caused some bad vibes. Understandable.

All the same, a frog in a well can only describe the world as big as a well. I am not saying you are a frog, just a Chinese saying.

For my overseas experience, I can say that Australia is very beautiful, very high class, very nice country! Indonesia otherwise is making troubles, terrorists, robbers, pirates, they are a "negative group inferior people".

Never go to this inferior country travel, your life will be safe, don't forget terrorist attack in Bali Island. Never employ this inferior people working in your house, they can murder your family and took away your money. Never employ this inferior people working in your factory, they can damage your machines.

I suggest we must employ India, Thailand, Vietnam labours. Thank for cooperate.

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry. Many people are already leaving Malaysia for a better future elsewhere, where they are rewarded what is due them, their knowledge, intelligence and hard work. Blame people such as yourself for the brain drain in Malaysia is sufficient.

As far as I can recall, the Melaka Sultanate was not Muslim. Islam was introduced by the Muslim traders from the Middle East and some attributed it to Laksamana Cheng Ho, who was a Chinese Muslim. So please take note that the origins of the Sultanate was not one that is Muslim.

Second - technically and legally speaking, only the natives such as the Jakuns, Ibans and Bidayuhs are the original pribumis in Malaysia. Even the malays have bloodlines from Sumatra, Sulawesi and Jawa.

I am praying for the day that some rich person(s) would challenge the current legal rulings when it comes to the rights of the malays because the malays do not originate from Malaysia and thus, do not deserve the title "prince of the earth" and the rights that go with it.

I am all for special rights for people who truly deserve it - the poor, the needy and the natives, who are the true bumiputeras.

We are fast approaching the 50th anniversary of independence. Please ask ourselves what have we achieved in this span of time.

What has happened to our education system? How has our nation improved? How are we going to improve ourselves and make Malaysia a friendly and safe place for investors and tourists alike? Why is the crime rate going up, with numerous murder, robbery and sexual assault cases?

What conservative Islamic values? The correct term is conservative Arabic values. These values are alien to Malaysia. Girls in the kampungs used to bathe by the riverside.

Even P Ramlee movies hardly featured anyone in tudung. And now you have indoctrinated fools going scuba diving in the tudung. Oh, how the foreigners laugh!

People who want to live like Arabs should move to the Middle East. There is your cue, malay.

I personally think that men and women who do not have life experiences and relevant university educations should never qualify as politicians in near future.

After 50 years of independence, I expect a higher standard for politicians - well traveled, well read, well knowledgeable and informed. Plus admirable virtues such as respect, love, kindness and gentleness.

So our citizens and politicians (who represent Malaysia in the world front) ought to be more smart.

Malay, you should go to Afghanistan/Iran/Pakistan, on a one-way plane ticket. Make sure you strip off your Malaysian citizenship on the way there. Malaysia deserves much better than citizens such as yourself.

So please do us a favor and just fly to another country where your ideas will be welcomed and encouraged. Malaysia has no place for a person such as you.

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish to point out that the Orang Asli, not the malays, are the original inhabitants of Malaysia. Most of the malay Malaysians came from Sumatra and other parts of Indonesia. They only migrated here much earlier than the Chinese and Indian Malaysians. It does not mean they deserve privileges or rights just because they were the pioneer immigrants.

It is true that there have been abuses under the name of malay special rights and it is the duty of the malays in particular, and all Malaysians in general, to stop it so that the rightful malays get their rights, and the non-malays get their rights as citizens of this country.

It is a sad thing to say, but I do believe the main thing that is holding back malays is not the Chinese or the Indians, but the malays themselves. That is why Mahathir and Pak Lah have been quoted as telling to throw away crutches and work hard to face the challenges of globalisation.

The malay and others of the same mind should learn to stand on their own feet rather than claim for special privileges and rights. The world is becoming globalised and if they don't change their attitude, they will only become beggars in their own country.

As for the malays who insist on hiding behind the veil of malay special rights - you have lost the respect of non-malays a long time ago.

We also suspect that the current situation will, unfortunately, get worse if no action is taken now. Why? Because our kids in school hardly mix with each other. They will grow up with little understanding of their fellow Malaysians, and with the suspicions that exist, it will be worse.

The truth of the matter is that polarisation in Malaysia is caused by the discriminatory practises of the government - especially after the NEP - rather than vernacular education.

The NEP is upheld for the rich and not the poor in Malaysia.

Whether we admit it or not, the problem is that the special rights and privileges given have now resulted in only a selected few bumis getting richer and richer. The bulk of the bumis, especially in the rural areas are not benefiting from the system.

Poor people are poor people, rich people are rich people - no matter which race they come from.

The poor in Malaysia must be served but I am sure all taxpayers feel that this should be done in a manner which is blind to age, ethnicity, gender and religion.

What is wrong with extending help to all deserving citizens based on needs and merits regardless of race?

The Malaysia problem is that rich do become richer. And because of the political system, the players are the same.

Out of control - this is all I can say about any type of enforcement and the level of corruption in Malaysia. No idea what Pak Lah has done in his first year in office but judging from the ground, I guess nothing much.

If you have ever heard of the simple saying, "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime." you will realise that many non-bumis have learned how to fish but the government is still handing out fishes to the bumis. One day the fish will run out.

If you want to say discrimination is here in the US, yes, of course it is. Can you name a country where it doesn't happen? But let me tell you one thing - if you go looking for it, you will find it. But in Malaysia, you don't have to go look for it because it seeks you out, slaps you in your face every which way you turn, and is sanctioned by law!

Official figures have more than one million Chinese Malaysians emigrating over the past 25 years. Why did they emigrate? I am sure the government knows.

For most professionals, living abroad has its own ups and downs. But, you get dignity, fair treatment, and respect for your ability. You get a voice, too. And ears to hear you.

Brain drain by the tank-loads is what we get. Every single year, Malaysia loses people who could potentially contribute to the country immensely.

So the malay, you may keep your rights and perpetuate them. Such things are archaic. Who loses in the end? Your country, which should have been a first world one by today.

I sympathize with those that have benefited from the NEP, but the bad news is that the price he pays for his progress is much higher than what he pays for his benefit.

These special privileges and rights were once a necessity for them to move forward. Today, after many decades, they find themselves still standing in the same place.

It is a shame that our history has been constantly twisted so that our younger generation has no understanding of Malaysia's foundation and its true aspirations.

It is arguable that if not for the contributions of the Chinese and Indian Malaysians who helped in the development of this country tremendously, Malaysia would probably be in same category like Indonesia or the Philippines, if not worst.

To improve the malays lot, more have to be made to work in private companies where competition is real and what counts is your ability. If special rights only help malays to become government servants, then all the more reason not to invoke special rights.

But of course, the present ruling elite drunken with wealth, will continue to fight this dream to ensure that Malaysia is kept divided so that BN can continue to rule.

Alternatively, Malaysians may begin to realise the dream of a new Malaysia.

The bitter truth is that the majority of this nation don't see the need to change things yet and until then, we can do little about it.

The bottom line with present day globalisation is this: compete on a level-playing field or you will lose. Plain and simple.

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly, a government change is what we need, not a lifestyle change as suggested by our idiotic money sucking Najib. We have the biggest cabinet in the world (where - Malaysia Book of Records!). And with every problem up pops a cabinet committee. For that also we have the most in the world.

Ah, this really is Bolehland, everything also can. Shake head……….

In previous BN government, there always had been widespread corruption and come election season, they will hand out sweeteners to the voters who will happily cross the box beside despite complaining about the government for the previous 5 years.

But I am under the impression that this is the first time these BN politicians (including their local councils) are showing the irony of spending lavishly and yet tell the people to buck up. Am I correct, everyone?

In Malaysia, the purchasing power of the whole country seems to be going into the drain together uniformly. From the economical meltdown until these days, have you seen any significant recovery yet?

My point of view is, I see the economy becoming even more stagnant and dying a slow death in Malaysia. Hence the sinking purchasing power all over the country. Coupled with competitive markets from neighbouring countries life sure is getting harder.

The government however played active ineffective roles to 'help' the situation. Everybody knows they are trying to divert the funds to save their arise in their so-called businesses when Soros began the assault.

This is where a lot of the tax money has gone to. But it didn't help because of corruptions and more money spent on useless mega projects - hence the wealth of the country is once again being abused time and again.

So with the raise of petrol cost are they still expecting the people to just sit idly by and let them be trampled with? We are drilling petrol for goodness sake, and to have things so expensive flinging at us is just bullshit……….I don't know what to say.

Do you really think we are lucky? Yes, if you want to compare it to Africa. But look - our country actually have money. But where did they all go?

Alright so now is your chance to change, in the next election. Many people get carried away by the 'buying' over tactics used by BN. If the next election the BN (robbers) still win big, then the people do deserved to be punished.

The amount of taxpayers money they wasted on those mega projects are not even funny if you calculate it. The amount of money they spent for their lavish lifestyle is ridiculous.

It all boils down to the productivity, the real income per head. In Malaysia, one person works, and many parasites have to suck from him.

Now Pak Lah says with the 9th Malaysian Plan to be materialized, they need to increase the civil servants by a certain number. Come on, we have already had enough parasites and yet more has to be added on because of the problem of the unemployable graduates.

We have a king size cabinet and yet we have to increase the already oversized civil servants further. How not to get our purchasing power shrinking!

Who else you want to blame! After living on handouts for lots years or maybe after a couple of generations how to change.

Sigh loudly……….felt so sorry for this country.

Perhaps we should convey this to the people who are not reading this matter or have so little knowledge about what is really going on in our country.

Hopefully more people will be concerned and in time be active in politics. Who knows we may get another Lee Kuan Yew from among the young people. We may start to build Malaysia although it is already 50 years too late.

5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melayu wajip mengenal sejarah perjuangan pembebasan dan kemerdekaan tanahair ini dari penjajah Inggeris.

Melayu wajip mengenal sejarah kemerdekaan bukan sejarah UNITED MALAY NATIONAL ORGANISATION tetapi sejarah perjuangan parti politik Melayu yang pertama - PARTI KEBANGSAAN MELAYU MALAYA(PKMM) beserta ANGKATAN PEMUDA INSAF (API) dan ANGKATAN WANITA SEDAR (AWAS).

Melayu wajip mengenal sejarah pejuang kemerdekaan yang melaungkan slogan "MERDEKA DENGAN DARAH!" bukan slogan layu dan kuyu, "HIDUP MELAYU."

Melayu wajip mengenal para pejuang kemerdekaan Melayu yang ditangkap dan dipenjarakan dengan hukuman kerja berat oleh penjajah Inggeris.

Melayu wajip mengenal para pejuang kemerdekaan Melayu yang dihukum gantung sampai mati oleh penjajah Inggeris.

Melayu wajip mengenal para pejuang Melayu yang terkorban dalam PEMBEBASAN MALAYA - yang diputarbelit sebagai darurat pengganas komunis. Pejuang kemerdekaan Melayu bukan komunis.

Melayu wajip mengenal sejarah tokoh-tokoh kemerdekaan MELAYU YANG TULEN:

Burhanudin Al-Helmi
Abdullah CD
Rashid Maidin
Shamsiah Fakeh
Ishak Haji Muhammad (Pak Sako)
Kamaluddin Muhammad (Keris Mas)
Arshad Ashaari
Dahari Ali
Baharuddin Tahir
Khadijah Ali
Ibrahim Karim
Kamarulzaman Teh
Abdul Rahman Rahim
Usman Awang
A. Samad Ismail

Bukannya tokoh-tokoh palsu dan pengkhianat Melayu yang berKERJAsama dengan penjajah British:

Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang pertama,Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra AlHaj Ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, pernah berkhidmat dengan kerajaan penjajah Inggeris di Kedah sebagai Pegawai Daerah di Langkawi, Kulim dan Sg Petani.

Tun Abdul Razak bin Datuk Hussein pernah berkhidmat dengan penjajah Inggeris di Pahang pada tahun 1952. Tun Razak pernah berkhidmat sebagai Ketua Menteri kerajaan Inggeris di Pahang pada tahun 1955.

Tun Hussein bin Dato Onn, merupakan bekas komander depot polis Inggeris di Johor Bharu pada tahun 1945.

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, sebelum membuka klinik sendiri pada tahun 1957, juga berkhidmat sebagai pegawai perubatan Inggeris di Alor Star, Langkawi dan Perlis.

Kesemua mereka, kecuali Tun Mahathir diternak dan diberi pendidikan oleh Inggeris di London.

Cari, belajar dan kenal sejarah kita. Sejarah Melayu yang penuh keberanian. Bermandi keringat, air mata dan darah untuk MERDEKA.

Penjajah Inggeris biarpun telah pergi, tapi telah menjajah sejarah Melayu melalui balacinya UNITED MALAY NATIONAL ORGANISATION.

Selagi kita tak mengenal sejarah Melayu ini, selagi itulah kita akan kuyu dan layu. Akhirnya menjadi tunggul kayu!

9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you read our sekolah menengah history text book.. you will realised there are a few changes in the history... Did the malay change the history again?
how can you change the history to make our country and malay sounds like so marvelous and smart but the fact is not, and insert the wrong information to our next generation?
if there was a mistake made by ur ancestor, admit it!
so we can learn from the past, for god sake..
indeed, i wonder why the government can use our tax money to pay for a lamp post in cyberjaya for thousand of ringgit.... with the ugly design....
Build mosques, for another how many million dollar each year. and again, what is it for? praying?
DO WE still seee other countries still spend milllion of dollars to build another new cathedral?
they only spend money to renovated the new one..
while malay? they build things, leave them there... then 4 years later... it become another rubbish collecting area, never have mantainance over what we have.

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Going back to the history of Thailand and Malaysia, prior to the Western colonialism era, the entire Malaysia was part of Thailand; the same way Laos was part of Thailand. Back then, the fittest survived and ruled. There were no such things as international laws.

During the Western colonialism period, the British and the French came along. In order to maintain its independence, the Kingdom of Thailand was compelled to give up the currently called Malaysia part of Thailand to the British and the currently called Laos to the French. After that, the official boundaries that separated Thailand from Malaysia and Laos were drawned and recognized today by the United Nations.


10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aku baca penuh khusuk apa yang diaktakan sebagai sejarah yang dipaparkan oleh Cina Laknat ini. Cina datang dari mana - kalau bukan dari China - merempat dan tak pernah bantu dalam kemerdekaan, alih - alih hari ini Cina nak mengaku hebat. Sedar orang - orang yang masih bangang kalau tak suka berambus atau esok di halau - pilih yang mana satu

1:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the land is simply not belongs to you young man,
even we not dihalau, already alot of MALAYSIANS already gone to other countries to find better living, especialy the talented one, our country not appreciate smart talented indian or chinese, other countries like america, england or australia they do, thats why their country is so multi cultured yet advanced, who is the bangang one?
we are malaysian, but then all these years are we really treated equally? we all know about that issues, just that you guys dont wan to face it, try to hide it or halau people out of the country, well.. no need to halau all those talented people are already outsite the countries, well... lets see all those well known malaysian who works overseas.... the hollywood star.. michelle yong, US, the very popular violinist in German, Andrew Au Yong, The very smart author, Sandra Chen, in Aus, The very talented indian Chef, Sangkar something, In Paris, where are they from? Malaysia.. where are they now? other people's countries, and many many more medical practitioners are overseas as well.. who is left over in malaysia? those bangang one... We no need to DIHALAU, we CHOOSE TO LEAVE....

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

reply to this comment:

"Aku baca penuh khusuk apa yang diaktakan sebagai sejarah yang dipaparkan oleh Cina Laknat ini. Cina datang dari mana - kalau bukan dari China - merempat dan tak pernah bantu dalam kemerdekaan, alih - alih hari ini Cina nak mengaku hebat. Sedar orang - orang yang masih bangang kalau tak suka berambus atau esok di halau - pilih yang mana satu""


Independent is not by yelling, killing and say you love this country and this country is independent,
independent is how much work to put this country in a position where economy, education equality, up to certain standard, and also, the attitude and love towards your current job and how fast is ur productivity and also, of course cleanliness, health in a certain standard, thats what we call independent. Do we have them now? We only have no fair treat to non malays, and no fair treat if not are not muslim. And very slack government servants service. Lambat, Malas dan Tak Tepat. And the worst part is, the education, education suppose to be something very fair to every kids and everyone deserve to study what they like? Do we have that in Malaysia? No.
And you think chinese not helping in the independent? Open your eyes. Independent doesnt mean yelling you love your country, you have ur slacking life in the working place, not by killing, not by those syariah laws that they used hundred years ago, not by special rights. Independence is basically about how good are you among the race, not only by taking care of urself, but of course, raise ur standard to more advance... dun sayy chinese dun help, we helped alot, more than enough, and, well,
Cina, india, siam, biar, tak masuk university pun tak apa, that what we are facing now.
It might sounds rude, but thats the fact, dont tell me you dont realise that, If you are, i can only say you are barely understand your own country system.

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu'alaikum W.W., En. Anuar.

Thanks for having this blog.

Well, I just wanna make a comment on those cina2 yang tak habis2 nak kutuk Melayu macamlah diaorang bagus sangat. I just got back from China, cina2 sana lagi cool tak de lah nak sebok2 dengan adat2 LIKE, mesti bakar2 duit2 tipu EVERY month (like near my place in Setapak ni!).

Anyway, an example: si tim. He said:
" The native of this land a.k.a. son of the soil are the Orang Asli (Dayak, Jakun, Sakai, etc) in Peninsula and the natives (Dusun, Iban, Kadazan, etc) of Borneo. Not you malays arrogant pieces of shit! "

Apa bende ni??? Is he really blind or dumb? Geographically, we all know that Indians are peoples located in South Asia, Chinese are those in East Asia, & Malays are in South-East Asia.

He thinks only the orang asli saja yang duduk kat area Asia Tenggara ni, ke?? Betul2 naive, or, bangang?

It's easy for one (those Shallow- & NARROW-minded people like him) to mistook the Malay race's location; because, unlike Indians and Chinese where both races are located in primarily 1 big mass of land/little continent (India & China respectively), the Malays primarily spread over thousands of islands over South-East Asia.

The Malay race, over the millenniums & centuries, through history were then separated into 3 main countries by the Dutch, the British, & the Spaniards.

Prior to that, for example the SriWijaya Malay Empire (though Buddhist at that time) in 500 AD covers almost the entire of South-East Asia up until Kemboja (Angkor Wat - built by the Sailendras, ie. their Malay descendents who also built the Borobudur).

The Melaka Malay Empire (called Melaka "Sultanate", ie. in accordance/following the Moorish-style of Muslim kings), also covers almost all areas beyond the Malay Peninsular - which includes Sumatera (below Acheh), Riau, Kalimantan, Southern Thailand, etc.

Thus, the reason why the peninsular our country, Malaysia is on is called The Malay Peninsular. Yes, when the british started to "slowly conquer" the Malay Sultans on this Malay Peninsular, they called the "country", The Federation of the Malay States (FMS, in short). NOT the federation of the orang asli states! Understand???

Oh yeah BTW, you think in China & India, they do not have their OWN SONS OF SOIL??? Tak ade orang2 asli kat sana?? Wow!! Modern sungguh, ya??! Yang ceruk2 dekat Mongolia tu apa? (ie. samalah yang ceruk2 kat Borneo kita ni!! Logik lah sikit... Open up your mind &, PLEASE stop belittling the Malays as a RACE of the South-East Asia (just as the Indians of South Asia & Chinese of East Asia). OK???

So, bottomline, for those closed-minded individuals like si tim tu...: Indians = from India in South Asia, Chinese = from China in East Asia, & Malays = from (Malaysia+Indonesia+Philippines+Cambodia+Southern Laos+Southern Vietnam) in South-East Asia.

Hope you'll get your history & geographical data right! Kapisch?


3:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops, excuse me: tercicir... Southern Thailand, too! Thank you.

Cheers & PEACE to ALL Malaysians.

3:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello again,

I was replying to tim's narrowmindedness & shallowness earlier, but as I go down to view later inputs, I realize there seems to be SO MANY "tims" who are shallow & narrow-minded.

Point is... IF you are so hung-up on bumiputera issues, maybe you might as well just go to China - *NOT to halau balik kampung - BUT, to just go there & see if you CAN get any benefits there...?
In actual fact, there's none... Why? Because over there, & also in India, they're primarily ONE-raced nations...
**This is just an opening to open up your mind & set your mind frame up to be open. :-)

OK. The Malays - here in this South-Eastern region of Asia - are friendly enough to allow other people/races to come & settle here... No problem whatsoever.

Even though the British brought people from India & China as workers in the rubber estates & as tin-miners, the Malays/orang2 Melayu tidak kisah & tetap layan mereka semua seperti BIASA saja.
(* BTW, do you know that the chinese who were sent to the US (as gold-miners), were treated like slaves there? &, ONLY AFTER about 150 years or so in the 1980s, baru diaorang boleh hidup tenteram???)

ANYWAY... My point isn't to undermine those chinese yang suka sangat kutuk2 Melayu membabi buta & tidak sudah2 itu - BUT, MY POINT IS that, the Malays are such a hospitable lot of race where we respect whoever that comes to our shores (even when the British brought THEIR so-called "slaves" over).

It is primarily because Melayu yang hospitable ini yang sememangnya penuh dengan adat & bersopan-santun, adalah berugama Islam... Where, as Muslims, the Malays believe that we all the same.

Thus, when independence came, the Malays could then breathe easier... For example; without having their lands to be forced to be taken away by the british to be sold to the Few taukeh2 cina kaya, who Initially, made "tons" of money from the Thousands of the chinese Workers THROUGH gambling, candus & from brothels (* this is pure fact/history - & that's how KL, JB & several towns in Perak started...).

If you could comprehend this little fact alone, you'd understand the Malays' sentiments towards this homeland of theirs...
(... Maybe try imagining if things were the opposite, like, "WHAT IF" the Malays & Indians were to go to China & the situations are the same towards those Chinese people then by the British, etc.... MAYBE there'd be riot??? Who knows???!!!)

So, again to those who are like tim - narrow & shallow - PLEASE stop belittling the Malay RACE (yang pada hakikatnya memangpun bermastautin di kawasan Asia Tenggara ini...).

Terima kasih &, berterima kasih sajalah juga anda2 yang berfikiran seperti tim. Cheers!

5:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all the pathetic malay folks, use brain a little bit before you write down your comment on this board.

Imagine what will happen if all the non-malays leave this country, do you think you guys still have the privilege of all the favor policy from your same color skin brother government, such as 30% equity, discount at buying asset, easy access to government contract, education scholarship etc?

It is very likely to disappear all of a sudden right! Because when that time come, you guys will have not any scapegoat to blame for, and to verge your disgruntle feeling - stuff like "ini tanah melayu" collapse……….do you see the logic here, and at that time come, trust me - the progress of Malaysia will come a halt.

Malaysia has been blessed with all the natural resources, and yet our progress never go far enough like the speed of China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan (you know basically the orient - the yellow man) where there is no resources at all - and recently travel to Hong Kong, I was amazed that economy activity in this tiny island (comparable to Singapore), and the efficiency of the people here.

I guess your thin brain malay-led government is not doing a good job. They are more interested of pressing down the interest of their brother and pushing up the interest of one party at all cost, instead of the whole country progress.

I laugh at you, useless dumb malays.

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

salam kepada semua
saya tidak lah ingin menyentuh apa apa isu dalam rencana ini tapi saya hanya ingin berkongsi dengan anda semua
saya dibasarkan di kawasan felda di negeri sembilan
saya telah mendapat kan pendidikan awala di sana
sehingga saya darjah 6
tetapi pada masa itu saya tidak mempunyai apa apa tujuan dalam hidupp saya.saya juga tidak mrngetahui apakan yang terjadi sebenarnya krpada negara ini,
luaran maupun dalaman
apa yang saya tau
pagi2 pergi sekolah
lepas 2 balik rumah
pastu saya akan kesekolah petang pula
saya belajar
saya sering mendapat tempat yang agak baik dalam kelas saya
kami belajar
kami bermain
saya suka bersyarah
walaupun dalam sekolah saya, tiada kaum lain memandang kan kebanyakan peneroka adalah orang melayu, saya tetap gembira dengan idup saya
saya tetap suka belajar dan bercita2 tinggi
....pada pendapat saya, apapun bangsa kita, tapi kalu kita gembira dengan idup kita, kita tetap akan beryaja satu hari nanti,
sekarang ini saya adalah siswa tahun pertama , jurusan kejuruteraan mekanikal di UTP,
tapi bagi saya, saya memang layak untuk mendapat kan biasiswa petronas, bukan sebab saya adalah melayu semata2 , tapi pada keputusan saya yang agak cemerlang,
saya mendapat 6a1 2a2 2b3, saya juga mewakili negri dlam mssm selama 2 tahun berturut2
, adakan saya mendapat biasiswa sebab saya melayu,
pada pebdapat saya perkauman adalah berpunca dari pada sikap orang dewasa yang mementing kan diri sahaja
anda semua lupa kan lah masalah ini,
cubalah kita bersama2 bergandingan untuk membangun kan malaysia ini
baik cina maupun melayu anda sama sahaja
kita lemah bukan disebab kan orang lain tapi sebab diri kita semdiri
jangan asyik menuding jari pada orang lain sahaja


8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u got 6A1 2A2 and 2B3?
and u got a scholarship?
from Petronas?
wow...that really says a lot...
i ask u...
chinese people get full A1...cannot get scholarship..
what does this mean?
mind explaining?

3:36 AM  

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