Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Rombakan Kabinet, simpulnya - ikut kata Pak Lah

Jam 2.45, penantian pengumuman Pak Lah mengenai rombakan kabinet hampa di depan kaca TV - saluran "Info - Entertainment" anda. TV3, siaran swasta yang menyiarkan pengumuman tersebut secara langsung dan bukan RTM 1.

Hari ini 14hb Febuari 2006, Zainuddin Maidin mengurus Kementerian Penerangan. Beliau dalam ucapan beliau telah mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Menteri terdahulu kerana banyak mengajar beliau dalam memimpin Kementerian Penerangan. Sekiranya ini senarionya kemungkinan RTM tidak akan berubah - dan kekal dengan keadaan yang sedia ada. Kemungkinan tidak banyak dapat di pelajari oleh beliau. Bayangkan, insiden penting melibatkan pengumuman Pak Lah - tidak disiarkan secara langsung dalam RTM 1 - saluran Media Perdana negara ini.

Itu satu hal yang berbeza. Berita panas hari ini ialah mengenai rombakan kabinet yang telah di buat oleh Pak Lah. . Kami di hujani dengan SMS dan panggilan untuk bertanya apa komen kami terhadap rombakan kabinet. Amat tidak kami jangka bahawa komen kami mahu didengari oleh pelayar www.umno-reform.comAsas rombakan adalah untuk memastikan perkhidmatan kerajaan berganjak - dari satu tingkat kepada satu tingkatan yang lebih memuaskan. Seharusnya tiga perkara utama menjadi asas bagi digandingkan dengan ilham Pak Lah untuk memulakan langkah merombak kabinet beliau.
  • Evaluasi Pak Lah terhadap prestasi barisan kepimpinannya
  • Prestasi perkhidmatan dari segi suara rakyat
  • Pandangan dan suara - suara ahli UMNO

Mengambil kira perkara - perkara asas ini, maka ilham mengenai rombakan harus di padankan dengan realiti harapan perubahan dan arah tujuan rombakan. Sekiranya hanya untuk memenuhi kerusi akibat kekosongan maka perkataan rombakan adalah terlalu drastik. Sekiranya rombakan mahu di buat maka beberapa faktor lain perlu dimasukan bagi mengertikan perubahan agar ianya akan bergerak ketahap satu standard yang ditetapkan ( secara relatif) . Pergerakan kita menunju kearah standard inilah yang di nilai sebagai peningkatan kualiti dalam pentadbiran. Apakah ini satu rombakan?

Melihat dari satu sudut, penguguran beberapa Menteri khususnya Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi dan Menteri Pelancongan menunjukkan ada usaha penilaian prestasi yang dilakukan. Namun pengekalan beberapa Menteri Kanan dan justifikasi untuk pengekalan Menteri Kanan tersebut tidak pula memberi indikasi yang serupa. Kenyataan Pak Lah berhubung dengan Rafidah Aziz hanya menunjukkan bahawa injeksi moral dalam kabinet tidak disertakan dalam penilaian rombakan kabinet Pak Lah. Ini juga dapat kita lihat dari pengekalan Datuk Seri Samy Vellu. Inkejsi moral ini perlu dibuat untuk memulakan satu kabinet baru - bersesuaian dengan imej pembentukkan Pak Lah sewaktu memenangi pilihanraya umum ke 11. Secara rambang - rombakan yang dinanti - nantikan adalah untuk melihat penyuntikan moral dalam kabinet Pak Lah namun kenyataan Pak Lah mengenai penetapan dan pengekalan Menteri Kanan hanya menunjukkan bahawa suntikan moral tidak diperlukan.

Apa yang jelas ialah satu bentuk re-konstruksi "struktur" dalam kabinet Pak Lah gagal kelihatan dan gagal menepati harapan, baik mereka dalam UMNO mahupun rakyat yang menanti perubahan tersebut. Membicarakan isu re-konstruksi "struktur" ini pasti akan mengambil masa yang panjang tetapi asas yang perlu kita lihat ialah kehadiran kementerian - kementerian yang sepatutnya hanya bertindak sebagai jabatan masih wujud. Ini akan menyumbang kepada masalah birokrasi dan selanjutnya kepada masalah rasuah yang semakin menular.

Injeksi moral

Suatu perkara yang di lihat agak penting ialah penyuntikan "moral" dalam kabinet Pak Lah. Kita faham dan menerima pengekalan menteri - menteri kanan sewaktu Pak Lah mula menerajui kuasa pemerintahan. Sungguhpun begitu, harapan perubahan pada rombakan kali ini adalah untuk menyaksikan penyuntikan keperluan penilaian moral dalam kabinetnya. Harapan bukan sahaja bersih tetapi nampak bersih bukan lagi asas penimbangan dalam perlantikan kabinet tersebut. Ini benar - benar mengecewakan berbagai pihak khususnya mereka yang pernah menyaksikan menteri - menteri ini beraksi sewaktu pergolakan politik tahun 1998.
Persoalan moral mereka - prinsip mereka dan keprihatinan terhadap isu kecil rakyat menjadi pengukur dan harapan agar rombakan ini dapat menunjukkan bahawa ianya adalah salah satu ukuran penting untuk menyertai "feel good" kabinet Pak Lah.

Namun hampa. Jawapan Pak Lah mengenai lantikan Datuk Seri Samy Vellu dan Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz seolah - olah menolak keperluan ini dan penolakan ini mengaburkan satu harapan perubahan baru dalam kabinet tersebut. Ini akan hanya menunjukkan kesinambungan pemerintahan Dr Mahathir kepada Pak Lah sungguh pun ada unsur - unsur perubahan secara asas tetapi tidak pada teras.


Kita tidak tahu apakah ada formula atau pun Pak Lah tidak mengikut fomula yang ada - khususnya dalam kenyataan beliau pada Bernama 14-02-2006 bagi memberi justifikasi perlantikan Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid yang turut kalah dalam pemilihan Majlis Tertinggi seperti Datuk Abd Kadir Sheikh Fadzir dan Datuk Seri Dr Shafei Mohd Salleh. Apa yang pasti ialah Pak Lah dalam kenyataan pada, Bernama melaporkan juag - "Mereka kena bergerak pantas, tidak ada masa untuk belajarlah," kerana itulah beliau membuat rombakan tersebut dengan menggugurkan, menaikkan dan mengekalkan beberapa pemimpin yang ada. Pak Lah mungkin terlepas pandang beberapa perkara lain yang perlu dalam menyenaraikan kabinet - baru/lama beliau. Simpulnya - ikut kata Pak Lah sahaja.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Betul, Pak Lah hanya tidak berjaya membersihkan persepsi rakyat terhadap kabinetnya. Rakyat menantikan saat Pak Lah benar - benar mencuci kabinetnya dengan memasukan menteri baru yang lebih bersih dari yang ada. Kegagalan Pak Lah membuang Samy Vellu meletakan Pak Lah sama sahaja dengan kepimpinan Mahathir - terus buta - pekak dan tuli

11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pak Lah kalut, rombakan tak serupa rombakan. Hari ini bagi warning, kalau tak larat , lepaskan jawatan.Ketua jenis apa, tengoklah sebelum lantik. Mana yg nampak korup, jangan lantik. Ini tak, main ambil ikut ilham aje

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cuma mahu bertanya - sendiri fikir sendiri jawab
Tuan editor, mari kita fikirkan bersama , Pokoknya UMNO memerintah - parti dominan tetapi hakikatnya semua orang tahu. Melayu merempat dan akhirnya kepimpinan menunding jari menyalahkan Melayu. Cuba lihat hakikat ini, bukan mahu menuduh tetapi fikir sendiri. Kepentingan kehidupan rakyat terbahagi kepada beberapa kepentingan asas.
Secara asasnya kita letakkan : Air, Elektrik, Perumahan, Kesihatan, Sumber Manusia termasuk pekerja dan pengangkutan. Siapa yang memegang kuasa dalam Kementerian tersebut? Ini dia - Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting - Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, Datuk Seri Lim Keng Yeik - Tenaga , Air dan Komunikasi, Datuk Chua Soi Lek - Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Fong Chan Onn - Sumber Manusia, Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy - Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Samy Vellu - Kerja Raya. Siapa yang bertanggungjawab kepada asas kehidupan rakyat Malaysia - mereka inilah. Cuba fikirkan - hari ini pekerja baik kerajaan dan swasta - siapa majoritinya, perumahan tempatan, setinggan dan asas kehidupan setempat siapa menentukannya. Fikirkan lah, dimana kita.

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melayu yang tinggal hanya org-org yang miskin dan rakyat kecil. Melayu yang kaya dan memimpin hanya pada zahirnya melay batinnya di tunggang dek bangsa lain. Itu sebab kabinet kita macam itu

3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The malays are a truly hypocrite bunch of people. All this bullshit about the 'freedom of religion' as only appears to apply to anyone but not the malays!

The malays have made Islam such a hated religion with many man-made laws and impositions, all to suit their own convenience, and yet they claim to be 'Islamic' without even practicing the religion as it was intended to be practiced.

If Malaysia only wants Islam, then get rid of all the other races and live truly as 'Malay'sia, and see the country being destroyed by brainless malays monkeys in a matter of one year!

Why can't all races live in harmony? Why must anything that is related to Islam be such a huge contentious issue?

What the hell is the Syariah Court? These so-called Syariah 'lawyers' are a joke to the legal profession. The travesty of justice in Malaysia regarding converts to Islam especially is demeaning and a pathetic joke.

The Federal Court which is the supreme legal authority in Malaysia is 'impotent' against this useless Syariah Court when it comes to matters dealing with conversion! What absolute rubbish!

The malays are nothing but over-zealous hypocrites who don't even understand Islam in the proper context, let alone profess to practice it!

If malays want to progress in the world, you malays will have to rid the notion of God and your religion. It is your backward religion that is holding you back from every strata.

Look at Muslim countries. They are absolutely backwards in every aspect, living in the most poverty-ridden corners. But when it comes to religion, and building mosques which is half empty always, they build the best ones. Ignoring the poor people who live in shacks.

In Malaysia there is a mosque about every 100km and now they are built along the main streets of all towns. Is it to prove that you malays are so very religious? You malays think that every one has only sex in their mind all the time! This is a fault that undermines humans.

Now you malays have to rid your backward religion and go forward. And you malays must learn to accept that there is no God but dog.

Malaysia will never achieve developed status, certainly not with the malays. At least Mahathir built two tall structures that got the attention of the world, as he knew that the intellectual 'capabilities' of the malays were as good as a cow in the padi field, regardless of any kind of miracle!

Despite all that the Malaysia government has been doing for the malays for ages, the malays are still way behind in terms of everything. They are lazy and have become so accustomed to handouts that they refuse to work to earn an honest living.

It is very sad. Why can't all races compete fairly? Remove all the barriers and ensure free competition based on merit and capability, rather than by race. Will that ever happen?

Everything in Malaysia is a joke when it comes to the malays. They are laughed at by everyone in this world for being incompetent, lazy, useless morons.

Be like Raja Petra……….a self-made man to be proud of, also a malay that is objective and can distinguish right from wrong.

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry. Many people are already leaving Malaysia for a better future elsewhere, where they are rewarded what is due them, their knowledge, intelligence and hard work. Blame people such as yourself for the brain drain in Malaysia is suffering.

As far as I can recall, the Melaka Sultanate was not Muslim. Islam was introduced by the Muslim traders from the Middle East and some attributed it to Laksamana Cheng Ho, who was a Chinese Muslim. So please take note that the origins of the Sultanate was not one that is Muslim.

Second - technically and legally speaking, only the natives such as the Jakuns, Ibans and Bidayuhs are the original pribumis in Malaysia. Even the malays have bloodlines from Sumatra, Sulawesi and Jawa.

I am praying for the day that some rich person(s) would challenge the current legal rulings when it comes to the rights of the malays because the malays do not originate from Malaysia and thus, do not deserve the title "prince of the earth" and the rights that go with it.

I am all for special rights for people who truly deserve it - the poor, the needy and the natives, who are the true bumiputeras.

We are fast approaching the 50th anniversary of independence. Please ask ourselves what have we achieved in this span of time.

What has happened to our education system? How has our nation improved? How are we going to improve ourselves and make Malaysia a friendly and safe place for investors and tourists alike? Why is the crime rate going up, with numerous murder, robbery and sexual assault cases?

(But yes, by all means, continue to call someone a bitch. She is more articulate than you anytime of the day. More well read and traveled. In almost every sense, she is better than you. So if she is clueless, I wonder what do you call one who is like yourself?

And no matter how terrible/sinful/bad a person is, I am sure every religion promotes respect and love. No doubt even the Prophet would be respectful and patient of womenfolk.

Shows your family upbringing at home and how you treat your mother truly.)

What conservative Islamic values? The correct term is conservative Arabic values. These values are alien to Malaysia. Girls in the kampungs used to bathe by the riverside.

Even P Ramlee movies hardly featured anyone in tudung. And now you have indoctrinated fools going scuba diving in the tudung. Oh, how the foreigners laugh!

People who want to live like Arabs should move to the Middle East. There is your cue, malay.

I personally think that men and women who do not have life experiences and relevant university educations should never qualify as politicians in near future.

After 50 years of independence, I expect a higher standard for politicians - well traveled, well read, well knowledgeable and informed. Plus admirable virtues such as respect, love, kindness and gentleness.

So our citizens and politicians (who represent Malaysia in the world front) ought to be more smart.

Malay, you should go to Afghanistan/Iran/Pakistan, on a one-way plane ticket. Make sure you strip off your Malaysian citizenship on the way there. Malaysia deserves much better than citizens such as yourself.

So please do us a favor and just fly to another country where your ideas will be welcomed and encouraged. Malaysia has no place for a person such as you.

7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine our prime minister lecturing on the real facts of peace and unity in Malaysia.

"We (government) do not practise meritocracy and social fairness. We practise discrimination and racism in our education system, housing discount and allocation, jobs, university entry. We blackmail and extort non-bumis through Approved Permits and shares equity. We dish out handouts to bumis, etc. That is how we achieve peace and unity in Malaysia."

The only reason why there is peace and unity is because the non-bumis are tolerant, progressive, peace, moderate, magnanimous and loving, despite the racism, keris wielding and discriminatory policies.

If the future leader is bollocks then the future of this country is also bollocks.

The education system in this country from top to bottom is going from bad to worst, we are producing robots, incompetent, hapless, crony and brainwashed leaders.

Going by that, the track record of the Umno government is nothing less than embarrassing and shameful.

While the rich and famous in the Umno coalition is feasting off the richness of the land christened Malaysia, thousands more are languishing in poverty, sickness and adverse social circumstances.

I care for my fellow citizens regardless of race and religion and there is nothing more I wish to see that for them to be able to lead a decent life through diligence and honesty. But such values are of no worth in a corrupted and racist system like the Umno government's.

The current debate is not about race, religion or political ideology. It is about good values or rather, the lack of them in the current Umno politicians.

One must not mistake hatred against racism with hatred against race. The former is admirable, and the latter is deplorable.

From the comments of you malay, I can conclude that he is either delirious and confused or he is simply a typical Umno politician - colored-vision, conceited and paranoid.

Your comments clearly show your insecurity as well as your inferiority complex. Unfortunately, your comments suggest that your views represent all the malays.

It also shows that you, as representing the malays, concede that you are not prepared and will never be prepared, even in the future, to meet with competition. You suggest that you need to be wrapped in cotton wool for all time.

The world does not owe you a favour and will not wait for you. A big problem is that you expect the world and everyone to owe you a living. Get real the world owes you nothing!

You may be the ketuanan of Malaysia but what kind of Malaysia will that be by then if you continue with your tunnel vision and refuse to meet and compete with the rest of the world. You will be in a very small country and a small world of your own. You may be the ketuanan of such a country which may be weaker than a banana republic in time.

Under those circumstance, it may not be important whether you are the ketuanan of such a country which is not third rate but fourth rate, and which may be open to be taken by a stronger force. By then you will be too weak and friendless to defend yourself.

Please don't think that Malaysia belongs to one particular race, you are insulting yourself, and your race, don't ever forget that some key leaders in top government are with mixed blood, not pure malays……….please know your mission as a Malaysian, to live united with the other races and fight independently with the globalised world.

Don't be narrow-minded anymore, do correct thing to make things right.

The "bumiputera" stole the land from Orang Asli. By right all of Malaysia should belong to them. If recall history as the current generation of malays came over from Sumatra, Jawa, and the island around.

If your thinking remain the same - please go back to Indonesia where you can proudly call yourself bumis there.

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Malays are lazy, narrow-minded, racist, in the real world. But they blame Chinese, Indians, white man, for many things. No wonder many person label malays as disgrace animals.

It is good for malays to go back to jungle or Africa, in order to avoid so many problems. Enough said.

Like what one said, your Umno racists label is to just rob the benefits and rights of the poor and unassuming malays who think that you are fighting for their cause. Whom are you trying to bluff?

There is nothing to be proud of melayu racist. If at all, it is only the personification of the ills facing the malays in general today.

Minus the nation building and economics, you malays are left with only politics - right before and after independence. Creeps like you should find out and address this - talked and discussed problem which does not seem to go away.

If even after almost 50 years, and after all the generous handouts, you are still a bitter man, lamenting at our Chinese and Indians successes, then go back and do a bit of homework to find out why you need to talk less and work more.

Everyone knows that they worked and struggled to build a nation, I mean sweated it out. Lest you forget history, the Chinese and Indians came here to build a country which was largely neglected. Ask yourself why?

Their sweat and pains may have been forgotten by selfish creatures cloaking in disguise in the likes of you, but this Malaysia nation shares a rich history of the "other races" contributing to the nation building, which you cannot be proud of.

Well, there are always guys like me who have tried and have been continuously denied the opportunity to "serve" this country, basically with the race card thrown at me.

Look around yourself and tell me as honestly as you can be whether, under such circumstances, I would have reasons to love this country? Unless you have a different definition for that word "love"!

To further prolong the grips of the Umno racists over the greed others, especially the Chinese, is been made the scapegoat for all things.

A fear that had has no concrete socio-economical standings. It is more psychological. For that all the Malaysians are been pull and push into the self-dug hole of only melayu racist matters most. All things are secondary.

He forgets that what he has been written is just like the saying: spitting skywards and get own face smeared.

Such a mind is wasted by simple forms rather than the deep down substances, show this guy's mind is as empty and twisted. The saddest part is that racist can write better, indicating a higher level of 'education' but more tunnel understanding of historical facts. His education is wasted, and another basket case of form over substance.

From what Umno racist has been written, it can be seen that these malays are still at the balls despite of the facts that the globalization will eventually making their factitious claim obsolete.

Many would like to dispute and point to whatever reports that claimed glories for all the developments stated for Malaysia now. There is only one word for this spurious cry - form over substance. Please think deeper to reflect this.

Just think about how Philippine goes down the drain under Marcos government. Sadder still, we are not catching up with the top. Instead we keep comparing ourselves with the bottom and sliding down the rank as we "proudly" proclaimed these achievements. How pathetic can one be!

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fucklah bangang

1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i studied in a school with all races...somehow we are united and friend to each other...and we are equally treat.
But when i came to university, i found a lot of lazy malays. Can u imagine, although the quota already being cancelled, still the university lecturers do apply quota. They help their malays to get the course they want although their results is bad than the non-muslims. How can a country grow if stupid malay students take the lead. For the people who have the ability and cant become what they supposed to be, they were just thrown into some other courses. The main objectives in university is to give malay everything they want and to the non-muslims u get what is left. How can we stay united?
I'm very dissapointed with the country. Anybody know anything about hang tuah is a chinese? Is it true the subject about hang tuah is drop out of sejarah cause they found out that the earliest race to be in this country is chinese and not malay???

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No surprising with such emotion running high: More to emigrate. This is brain drain. Bolehland has no vision for its all people except for the Umno malays.

Who not afraid of the keris waving politician? Even my malay classmate emigrated to New Zealand recently, sick of the polemics and the politicising of religion here, good thing got money shall travel, no money no talk.

Should have left 10 years ago when I saw that we have no equal opportunities. But I hesitated and said there will be a change when Badawi takes over. Well! Guess that was not the case. It got worse and the future of Malaysia is bleak!

Pack my back and left the place to look for better opportunities and fight on merits. I am better off in Australia than the "dark hole" of Malaysia. At least you get respected for your recognition and skill. In Malaysia, how good you are is always a second class citizen. No promotion for us but their own kind.

NEP to malays is like drug to drug addicts. Once they started to taste it, they will never let go till they die. Tough they all know very well NEP is just like drug, not good for them in the long run, but they can't resist the short term temptation and fall deeper and deeper into the abyss of NEP.

Since now, the NEP had become Never Ending Policy, the little hope of getting out of the NEP drug will dismiss and leading to the destruction of the malays. By then maybe all the able non-malays had already emigrated to greener pasture in overseas. I forecast 2020 year is the doom day. Thanks to selfish Umno malays.

We are at our own liberty not to live in this controversial country. The government does not discourage us to leave this country. For Chinese and Indians, Malaysia perhaps is not a good place to stay because your mother countries to with China and India are now thriving. Just leave malays to manage their own country. Let Malaysia ruin with the malays.

The Chinese culture is compatible to other cultures in the world. The Chinese will have no problem adapt to other cultures in the world. There are many China Towns in overseas countries. So the Malaysian Chinese will feel at home wherever they go.

Real sick and tired of all these Umno babiputras, the sob in Malaysia Umno babiputras!

Yes, the only realistic proposition is encourage all Chinese to emigrate to Singapore and leave Malaysia for the malays. Trouble is Singapore is so small, its land mass will not allow a huge population to live in the island.

So next choice for the Chinese to emigrate is to Australia and New Zealand. The exodus has begun. Those who can afford now have started to go. The signs are already there.

There is no future in this country anymore. In a few years time this country will be in ruins when the oil money runs dry. FDI has already dry up and gone to other countries like Thailand and Vietnam. Foreign factories have closed shop migrated to China and India.

Chinese planning to emigrate should also consider option to return to China. Some of my friends went to invest there and within a few years become millionaires. There are much more opportunities and being Chinese there shouldn't be any problem.

By my own experience I can tell you that it is great being a new citizen in Singapore. You are judged by what you can contribute and not but some NEP policies.

The education in Singapore is also about the best in the world. Yes, even the educators from the native English-speaking countries adopt how mathematics and science are taught here.

Best of all, every time you cross the causeway to visit Malaysia you are rewarded by at least 2 or 3 times in your spending capability.

Oops……….now that this is happening, in the next 5 - 10 years, Malaysia will end up looking like the Philippines, where their main export is maids. Lack of income from tax, will see economy melt down. Skilled professionals all fled from the country.

Yes and having lived overseas, I have a nice bird's eye view of how Malaysia is heading towards the sewers.

Malaysia has spent the last 3 decades focusing on physical infrastructure without developing the human capital. Never mind the restrictions and stifling of independent minds - let us not even go there yet.

Let us start with basic education and providing of higher education opportunities for the best and brightest. We have cultivated at least 2 generations of dumbass.

Too many unqualified malays have been force fed into colleges and universities and the end result is you have the same bunch of witless village idiots, except now they are holding a piece of paper they don't know what to do with. A minority is absorbed back into the tertiary education system……….no prizes for guessing what that has caused over the last 30 years.

For the majority remaining, real world corporations wouldn't even hire them if they offered to work for free. So you have a bunch of jobless numbskulls who think they are too good for the common labor jobs, which they would have ended up in anyways given their aptitude and qualification, and desire a pen-pushing corporate position (if they could push that pen to string one coherent sentence in English, that would be another thing).

So we bring in all sorts of foreign labors to do our work for us, and we have a youth bulge of unemployable (and grossly unqualified) graduates walking around with a sense of entitlement.

Sounds familiar? It should. This is what is happening in the Middle East.

This trend towards greater Islamic extremism is also no coincidence. It is merely the natural path of development that a failed society embarks upon.

The malays have failed. Plain and simple. Their policies stink, they have screwed themselves more than they have others, in fact. The only reason the shit hasn't hit the fan sooner is because, like their desert co-religionists, they have petroleum propping them up.

That will go soon……….not totally, but it won't be at the present rate it props the country up. And it is closer than you think.

Those who can should emigrate and get the hell out - and that includes our malay brothers and sisters who have the means to. When the dust settles, no amount of cyber cities, longest bridges and tallest buildings, are going to save you from the disaster of a fourth world country that is being developed.

I am one of the cows applying for migration. How do I feel? I feel that the world is my home. If I am not treated well here, I will go to another country.

It is not about fighting for the country or fighting for the world. I am fighting for a better life and that is what everyone craves for.

Anyway why limit ourselves to one country when we can explore to other places. We only leave once, make the best out of it.

Well, the most popular countries to emigrate are Australia, New Zealand and USA. For those who wanted to emigrate to any of these countries and not prepare to pay the extra migration agent fees should consider apply themselves, it is not difficult as long as you meet the respective country criteria.

I know because I am a migrant myself and I helped my friends to emigrate to all those countries in the past three years.

3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is why malay is the most arrogant, corrupted, racist and terrorist race in the world. To the world population, malay is only a minority. And yet, still keep on talking about Islam, Muslim, Syariah law. Shame on you.

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oii stupid umno haha - not so tough anymore aiii!!

11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now that opposition is stronger - it is time to 'make spr pay!!", buat rombakan - there's a lot of example from other countries.

11:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

khir toyo?? ketua pembangkang selangor ha ha

12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

terima kasih paklah!! if you don't sleep too much, no way we pas/dap/pkr can win this many. thanks again.

oii umno i suggest u keep him as your president.

1:13 AM  
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Even in the most sexually liberated and self-satisfied of nations, many people still yearn to burn more, to feel ready for bedding no matter what the clock says and to desire their partner of 23 years as much as they did when their love was brand new.
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