Perlukah Khairy meminta maaf
 , melaporkan Khairy sebagai berkata permohonan maaf dari beliau kepada masyarakat Cina hanya umpama Lee Kuan Yew memohon maaf kepada Malaysia kerana itu tidak ikhlas. Ini membawa maksud bahawa kenyataan beliau mengenai segelintir masyarkat Cina akan mengambil kesempatan sewaktu UMNO dalam keadaan berkrisis adalah kepercayaan ikhlas beliau. Khairy yang berkata bahawa kenyataan beliau telah dimanipulasi oleh media tetapi gagal bertindak untuk memberi penerangan lanjut mengenai manipulasi tersebut. Sungguhpun begitu apa yang jelas kita lihat ialah Khairy berpegang pada kenyataan beliau sebelum ini yang mengatakan bahawa beliau tidak akan memohon maaf. Mengapa begitu. Adakah Khairy percaya bahawa kaum Cina benar - benar akan mengambil kesempatan sekiran UMNO dalam keadaan tidak stabil? Adakah kenyataan Khairy itu meleset ataupun itu sebenarnya hakikat yang ada.
Justifikasi memohon maaf sekiranya dilakukan hanya akan dibuat dalam keadaan yang tidak ikhlas menunjukkan bahawa Khairy masih percaya mengenai apa yang dikatakan oleh beliau. Adakah dengan tidak memohon maaf itu UMNO akan semakin sukar dalam memperolehi laluan mudah dalam pilihanraya akan datang? Memang benar perasaan masyarakat Cina tersinggung tetapi Pemuda Barisan Nasional dalam MCA dan Gerakan harus mencari sebab kenapa kenyataan itu dikeluarkan dan sama ada ianya betul atau salah. Adakah Khairy perlu minta maaf ?
biasa ragam la ni ,cari makan aje
Tak leh harapkan Lee Kuan Yew untuk meminta maaf kerana itu pendapat dia dan tak leh harapkan Khairy berbuat yang serupa kerana itu pendapatnya.
Kalau ikutkan salahke kenyataan Khairy tu. Kerana itulah Khairy keluarkan kenyataan tersebut. Sungguhpun mungkin ada kata org ini sandiwara tetapi memang nampak tiap kali kia bergolak tiap kali ada desakan dan permintaan.
Caya lah dekat pilihanraya nanti mesti ada yang mereka minta.
Dia sepatutnya mengeluarkan kenyataan yang lebih keras lagi dengan memberitahu umum secara tepat celaka yang kerap menekan dan mendesak pemimpin kerajaan ini.
Dia juga sewajibnya membongkar "kisah benar" yang pernah berlaku akibat tekanan dan desakan celaka ini.
Rakyat tahu selepas pilihanraya 1999 ada celaka yang begitu bermaharaja lela mengarahkan agar permintaan mereka dipenuhi dan dilaksanakan. Pemimpin kerajaan pada ketika itu telah tunduk patuh dan akur kepada celaka ini.
UMNO! sudah-sudahlah berparti kerana projek dan cari makan. Sudah sampai masanya kamu benar-benar memperjuangkan nasib BANGSA kamu. Jangan semata-mata kamu membenci seseorang maka kamu sokong segala permintaan celaka-celaka ini.
Kalau mahu jadi UMNO, biar ultra! Biar betul-betul keBANGSAan. Jangan hanya main wayang, didepan rakyat pegang keris, dibelakang rakyat "yamseng", sambil berkira-kira berapa untung dari projek Ali-Baba.
PAS dan KeADILan! kamu harus sedar, celaka ini hanya berpijak di tengkorak kepala kamu semata-mata untuk keuntungan atas desakan dan tekanan mereka. Mereka tidak pernah menyokong apatah lagi memangkah kamu.
Orang Melayu! dalam pada kamu duduk mengkritik pemimpin kamu yang memang sangat lemah dan bacul itu, kamu harus tahu bahawa apa yang budak hingusan katakan itu sangat benar. Mereka tahu dan kita tahu.
Tidak ada maaf untuk perkara yang benar! Hanya parang panjang!
Kita harus melihat dari segi sejarah. Peribahasa melayu lama dahulu ada mengatakan menegok di air keroh. Manusia ada mermacam macam ragam, ada yang berterus terang, ada yang tak kisah asal tempolok kenyang dan ada yang berangan. Yang penting sebagaimana ugama islam menyatakan bahawa setiap orang islam adalah bersaudara. Dari situ dah termaktub dah bahawa orang islam harus bersatu supaya orang bukan islam tidak mengambil kesempatan keatas kelemahan jika orang islam tidak bersatu. Seperti yang berlaku di bosnia, palestin, Irag secara globalnya. Cuma dalam kenyatan menantu PM ini ia cuma berbicara dalam ertikata kepompong parti BN saje. Ia harus terbuka luas dalam acuan agama islam itu sendiri.
Jika diambil dari skop kecil, kita akan terus kata ia menyinggung masyarakat lain. tetapi jika dibuka minda ini maka ia adalah satu peringatan kepada ahli UMNO untuk memikirkan perkara yang harus diperbaiki. Masyarakat lain diMalaysia yang menyinggung ugama islam tak de siapa pun suruh dia orang minta maaf. Salah satu hal menyinggung ugama islam sebagai contoh seperti jual arak bebas.
Tengok cara bgmn Lee Kuan Yew kononnya "minta maaf" tetapi sambil menghentam orang UMNO yang "double standard" .
Kemudian tengok cara menantu emas. Itu lah perbezaan antara seorang tokoh dengan seorang budak mentah yang sedang memanjat diatas kepala orang lain.
Maklumlah cara menantu emas ini "Cara Lampu Suluh" hanya pandai meyuluh kearah orang lain tetepi tidak pernah meyuluh ke muka sendiri.
Aku percaya in semua create isu seakan - akan ada okestranya. Saya percaya ini semua adalah untuk mengembalikan Melayu supaya terus menyokong UMNO.
UMNO perlu sedar bahawa orang Melayu masih tidak lari jauh dari menyokong Melayu tetapi sokongan beransur - ansur luntur. Ini semua kerana UMNO lebih selesa membantu sesama pemimpin dari bertindak untuk rakyat. Kita perlu mengubah mind set org org Melayu agar UMNO dapat disedarkan dan revolusi pemikiran Melayu dapat dilaksanakan demi pencapaian orang - orang Melayu.
Orang Cina setakat ini bagi saya mempunyai pegangan priority yang berbeza dan ini menyebabkan mereka lebih excel lagi dari Melayu. Meleayu ditakok yang sama kerana mereka tidak didik untuk berterus terang , tidak dididik untuk menjadi bangsa yang merdeka dan lebih buruk lagi mereka dipaksa mengangguk.
Saya yakin sekira perbincangan - perbincangan seperti dalam blog ini dapat diteruskan maka insyallah Melayu sedikit sebanyak akan maju.
Singapore facing a difference situation if compared to Malaysia. Singapore government cannot simply put a malay to hold a high post in order to fill the quota.
Singapore not like Malaysia where they can simply fill a incompetence malay in government company like Proton, MAS and etc……….If those parasite race failed, Malaysia government will ask the non-malay to clean up the mess!
Why Malaysia can afford this even though losing out so much of money? It is because we got so many resources to feed the malay pig if compared to Singapore which is got nothing!
That is why so many malays cannot survive in oversea because they need the government tongkat all the time!
Look, that seems to be the problem with certain countries. They seem to want to bash and victimize themselves every possible step of the way so as to not take blame for anything, and using sorry justifications to uphold their prejudiced and many times, racist policies and laws.
Look at Malaysia and Indonesia. It is not only the Chinese there that are suffering. And about "Chinese being privilege", yes, right……….many of us know of times where British put up those familiar "No Chinese and dogs" signs banning certain nationalities inside. I don't know how privileged is that.
Need I mention the thanks they give their minorities (that provide the iron rice bowl to the economy), for example, sin money (a tax that is considered dirty because it comes from license taxes paid by gambling resorts and pig farms and such, considered sinful and unclean by their majority religion, Islam) used for Chinese welfare - many Chinese there have slammed it as an "insult" to them.
Stop referring to some sob past to justify some country's unfair policies and laws that relies on leeching on certain races for certain things, while the locals or the majority (malays) just sits back and enjoy the spoils.
Indonesia has plenty of Chinese who were abused, raped by Indonesians and so on for being "richer" and "taking money away from the people".
Hello, if they didn't have the - cannot be bothered attitude - and actually work hard to make a proper living for themselves without wasting precious money on luxury or items not necessary, and saving money, living frugal, they wouldn't have fallen into their own financial muck, and resorted to blaming other races for their own misery.
Today it seems, other races seem to be holding the reins of the economy in certain countries and these countries, instead of realising, they are falling behind and bucking up to be competitive to regain their competitive spirit and improve their situations, resort to using cheap tactics that discriminate against every other race, clearly, it shows they have no intention of getting their sorry bums up and working hard for their families and their country's pride.
Even countries like Saudi Arabia, where unemployment, crime, and every other bane of a country is rampant, because of the cushy role, the monarch plays as some sled oil dealer of the world.
Unlike which incidentally, still has quite a percentage of their economy made out of oil revenue, but is improving where they have realised that if they continue playing the stereotype of the dumb fat oil sheik, they are not going to get anywhere and once the oil runs out they will have a major crisis in their country.
North Korea is another country in Asia that is decadent, and finds no end to blaming other person or country for their stupid mishaps.
There, discrimination is at its best. Policies and laws mutilated in the name of corrupted politics run amok, and despite depending so heavily on foreign imports, they yet label these people as the problems of society that spreads evil decadent ways of the outside world into their country and refrain from giving these people proper rights - yet these people (the Chinese) are the ones contributing to the country the most.
One could argue every country has its own policies and laws that place prejudice on certain parties - yes, that is true, but none so shamefully as those who (Malaysia) not only boast about it, take the credit for the successes of these people whom they slam their discriminatory abuses on, and have no intention to change it (and that said with a smug look on the face).
That is a slap on the face to democracy and equal rights for all.
Lately, I have travelled to Australia and Canada where I met quite a number of former Malaysians. In the course of conversation the topic of migration inevitably cropped up. Hence the question, why migrate?
Practically everyone gave almost the same answer - fair treatment by the government of their adopted country. No discrimination in education intake. No special colleges for any race. All their children sit for the same exam. No such thing as one race monopolizing the government jobs. The list goes on and on.
Look at our civil servants, how many are non-malays? All the comments that there are not many non-malay applicants are nonsense. A number of my non-malay classmates applied but none was successful.
Just look at the government offices and schools. They are virtually staffed by only one race. This is not healthy.
Special rights? Look at the level of service we get at public sector and that is special service for you. The best of the best gets slighted and what do we have left?
To improve the malays lot, more have to be made to work in private companies where competition is real and what counts is your ability. If special rights only help malays to become government servants, then all the more reason not to invoke special rights.
I left the country some 20 years ago. I am very glad I made that decision. My children got the education they desired and both enjoying their chosen professions after completing university studies.
I enjoy tremendously living and contributing to my adopted country. I am an IT professional, so are many of my friends who left Malaysia with me in the 1980s.
Most of our children are professionals in their own rights. They earned their places in the society on their own merits. Many of them are in the engineering, financial, IT, legal and medical professions.
Dare I say many of them won various scholarships throughout their academic pursuits. Oh Malaysia! You don't know how much you have lost……….
I would never come back to Malaysia. It sucks……….control of malays. They have no rights for Chinese or whatsoever. The Chinese, Indians and other races worked hard to pay their tax while the malays just spend it. Where is the rights?
I did watch a documentary on the history of Singapore……….few days ago. There is an incident of the joining of Singapore and Malaysia.
The main reason Mr Lee Kuan Yew doesn't want to join with Malaysia is because Tunku Abdul Rahman wanted the malays to stay power on the political side and the others be second class citizens.
If during that time Tunku Abdul Rahman were to treat everyone the same - Malaysia will be as famous and rich as Singapore today.
When we live by the power of the sword, we die by the power of the sword. We started as a nation build on principles and rule of law, and under Mahathir moved to one of a modern sultanate.
It is not just about weak leadership but about weak system. Mahathir way of doing things without sound principle has permeated all the way down to the very grass-root of civil service, enforcement and corporations officers.
The new thinking promoted by Mahathir implied that when your were not rich, you were a failure. Efforts at materialism and wealth justify the means at its attainment. Thus, power at the discretion of the police personnel was convenient means for enriching themselves.
It is known to everybody, including the policemen in the name of NEP, some malays were rewarded far more than their efforts entailed. Through cronyism, malays are made millionaires, company directors, Bankers, AP kings, etc. Some of these wealthy personalities might even be less endowed than the police personnel.
The fact that under the practice that the jobs in government service were not for the most suitable persons, rather than for the persons of the most suitable race, the incumbents took it upon themselves that it was a privilege of birth that landed them the jobs, and that privilege should be utilised to the utmost for personal gains.
Simply visit any local councils, land office, forest department, custom department, the same thing is repeated. How much you want to pay me, if not you will not get any service. It is no longer under the counter any more. They are demanding it as if they have earned it.
I have to deal with all these departments and it is becoming sickening. There is no longer any more honest civil servant, they are all out to make a quick buck. After all, our leaders are just as corrupt so there is no longer any fear because everyone is doing it.
No businessman wants to pay these corrupt civil servants but if you don't pay, no action will be taken on your application. So reluctantly you have to pay.
If all government personnel have internalised the thought that they are employed to their positions to perform specific tasks, and they performed the tasks to the best of the ability, then the institutional setup in the country should be able to ensure to a large extent, security and peace for its populations, for example in Singapore, Hong Kong or Australia.
There are certainly isolated cases of crimes, but they are exceptions. When we have a weak leadership, the whole country becomes weak and corrupt. There is no longer the fear factor. Every government servant becomes bold to the extent they are bold enough to demand bribes.
If what opposition proposed comes true, Malaysia will instantly have no more ministers nor parliamentary secretaries nor police. All of them will either be in the death row or in the prison for life.
The cabinet will cease to be. What is more - the next echelon of political leaders in the BN will also be in the similar predicament i.e. in death row or imprisoned for life.
Poor prime minister will have nobody to work for him if he himself is not with his cabinet colleagues. This is not possible, you say? Remember Bolehland always Boleh.
I read with great sadness over the controversy arising from the statement made by with regards to the concept of malays as the 'masters of the land'.
It now appears to me that the problem began with the concept of 'Ketuanan Melayu'. This concept was introduced around the time when Malaysia was working hard to achieve independence from the British.
As we are all aware, the malays were marginalised in the economic sector and perhaps to a large extend the political side as well. The malay leaders of the time tried to boost the spirit of the malay community by introducing the concept of 'Ketuanan Melayu'.
So, the malay leaders at the time used the concept 'Ketuanan Melayu' as a rallying point not as a tool to rid or oppress the non-malays, but merely as a cry to prevent the malays from drifting towards oblivion in the era of Malaysia as a country.
I am a son of a Malaysian career-diplomat. I have had the privilege of traveling around the world all my life.
Based on the input I received from many others in my journey, racist concepts as Apartheid; KKK; and many more cannot be compared to 'Ketuanan Melayu'. While the other concepts ranging from ethnic cleansing to white supremacy are meant to dominate and wipe out the other races, 'Ketuanan Melayu' is only meant to help the malays to get to equal footing with the non-malays.
We can see today the barriers for non-malays in Malaysia are slowly coming down as the malays have steadily climbed up the ladders. Today, UTAR, I am happy to say is finally set up. Furthermore, there are no longer ethnic quotas in public universities. It might take a little bit more time but we are surely getting there.
While our system might not be perfect, and rightfully we should criticise where need be, there is no need to throw mud across the table and certainly there is no need to use inflammatory words. Hopefully we can all steer our beloved Malaysia to a better future.
I think most people have missed the real issue in the Mahathir vs. Abdullah dispute.
Although there is some truth to Mahathir's assertion that Abdullah is weak and indecisive, ultimately it all boils down to one issue - a dispute over whose relatives and cronies benefit from the government treasury.
Mahathir is upset because his cronies have been largely left out in the current dispensation. At the end of the day, that is all there is to it.
Abdullah had a wonderful opportunity, when he took office, to set things right after 22 years of Mahathir indifference to business ethics.
Sadly, he has not only perpetuated most of the harmful policies of his predecessor, but there is a case to be made that he has even surpassed the wily and corrupt doctor.
But of course non-malays, especially the non-malays born after 1957 will see things differently.
First of all, they did not choose to come to Malaysia, especially not with its present system of government. It is not their fault that the British, more than one hundred years ago, brought in so many Chinese and Indians, and made the Umno-malays feel insecure.
It is not their fault that many of the immigrants, with the permission of the British, toiled to be successful and that made the Umno-malays felt threatened by it. And since when did success become something you have to be punished for instead of celebrating?
It is not their fault that English is the dominant language of technology, science, diplomacy, commerce, and just about any branch of knowledge and has been entrenched in Malaysia since 1786.
They can't understand why the government is hell bent on destroying the system of government left behind by the British, a system that Singapore kept, enhanced and used to become one of the richest, most well planned, most advanced, competitive, cleanest and admired countries on earth, despite being just a rock the size of island.
They feel puzzled that the Umno-controlled government talks with a forked tongue - asking Malaysians to be united and at the same time - asking the non-malays to accept second class citizenships, and then Tun Razak own son Najib threatened to bathe a keris (dagger) with Chinese blood. To them, this is a contradiction.
Why were Chinese and Indians in the armed forces here Malaysia etc, in significant numbers before the 1970s? And there are a lot of lucrative deals in the army and police, and some are below the table and some like it that way.
"Why is that there are so few Chinese in the armed forces?"
Well, I think you know the answer why. Like so many government institutions, there was a form of ethnic cleansing in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, which saw the determined push of non-malays out in favor of increasing the number of malays both at the rank and at the leadership positions.
That is why you see a dramatic change in the complexion of the government if you compare, say the 60s and 90s. That is why non-malays avoid government institutions, not just the armed forces - it is the same with organizations like Bank Negara, EPF, etc.
Over the years, the Malaysia government institutions have evolved into very hostile environments for the non-malays.
Look at Singapore, the Chinese are in the army etc, so are the Indians and the malays. Yes there was an issue with the malay pilots. But there are significant Indians there in the civil service as an example since the Chinese are majority there.
Anyhow, onto the comments that touch on Singapore experience. Yes, making English the medium of instruction has served Singapore well. Just the other day, I was at a conference held by an MNC and employees came from all over Asia.
One of the most senior people in from the Singapore office was a malay and he was highly articulate, and obviously made it to such a high position based on his capabilities. And he is not the first Singaporean malay I met that held an important position in an MNC.
I always wondered why some Malaysian malays in some other forums say that if Malaysia adopts Singapore system, they will not survive. The Singaporean malays I met are doing just fine. Yes, many Malaysian malays hate Lee Kuan Yew and indeed Lee may have been a racist, but the Singapore system existed before him, he refined it, and people who came after him keep refining it, and it works well.
Anyway, yes it is anecdotal but nonetheless, these Singaporean malays I met are doing well. Whenever I go to Singapore, I see Singaporean malays working productively, and everyone in Singapore is virtually guaranteed a decent house.
They have access to world class education, world class government planning, world class landscaping, world class medical facilities, world class public safety, world class shopping, world class transportation, world class working environment (and due to Singapore high per capita income and strong Singapore dollar, they earn enough to afford good stuff too).
You want to know why so many Malaysians choose to be discriminated in white man's land or go south? It is not because of the NEP.
It is because our right to be Malaysians has been questioned. It is one thing to have to sacrifice for your fellow citizen. It is another thing to sacrifice for a citizen of a country where you don't even belong.
Seems to me Malaysians are lucky to have Singapore to run for!
The brain drain that Singapore is experiencing, Malaysia is also experiencing. Singaporeans or Malaysians, all those who can fulfill the criteria for emigration (not "migration" - that term is used for birds, not people) to the US, UK or EU will go there if they so desire.
Except Malaysia also faces a brain drain in the direction of Singapore, whereas Singapore faces no such drainage in the direction of Malaysia!
All the non-malay Malaysians who can afford it send their children here to study to avoid the corrupt and racist education system in their own country. Malaysia is so much bigger than Singapore, so many different regions - so how come Malaysians need to come here at all?
Why are you here, instead of somewhere in your lush and plentiful land?
Two of my best friends are Malaysians Singapore PR working in Singapore. They looked at me in horror when I asked them if they'd ever thought of going back to live and work in Malaysia!
Even a weekend spent visiting their folks back home leaves them rushing back across the causeway in relief.
Malaysia has so many natural resources and a larger workforce. Singapore is just a miserable dot on a map and has so few assets. Yet Singapore is wealthier and has progressed faster than Malaysia (e.g. the standard of living is leaps and bounds better here, the currency stronger, etc).
It may happen, but it is going to take absolutely ages for Malaysia to catch up, let alone do so much better (would be like Africa catching up with Europe) that it is worth the while for Malaysians Singapore PR to go back kampung!
If Singapore dies, it will be most likely due to China snatching all our Singapore business. In which case, China will also snatch all of Malaysia's business.
The sad thing that many of you don't realise, is that the established 'racism' in Malaysia benefit both the Chinese and the malays, especially via the NEP. The unfortunate part is that it benefit a small minority, those that are willing to play ball with the Umno.
The malays get the contract, and sell it to the Chinese, both sides actually profit. And in the end, the malays blame the Chinese for being rich, and the Chinese blame the malays for being lazy.
Of course, since the malays blame the Chinese for being rich, they keep on voting their supposed 'saviour' - Umno mindlessly. And the Chinese, unwilling to give up any part of a 'stable' economy - keep on voting the BN, and are scared to death that the opposition, especially PAS will win.
Essentially, racism exist and it is a political problem. It will probably take a literal collapse of the Malaysia economy before anyone is willing to blame the BN corruption for it……….and even then, the Chinese will point fingers at the malays for the NEP and incompetence, the malays will point fingers at the Chinese for sending their children overseas and not coming back.
The standard of the government machinery has already dropped to rock bottom. In fact, this day a few will believe what the government says.
Police personnel in Malaysia are provided with proper training. The issue with regards to their efforts at preventing criminal activities seems to be more a case of willingness rather than ability.
What are the factors which might cause police personnel to be unwilling to perform the required duties. The Royal Commission might have an answer. I venture to suggest that it was a case of general mismatch between efforts and rewards in the society.
Look at Johor, when less tourist come, they accused the media for highlighting the crimes that happened in the city. Those who don't know or never heard before the criminal activities in Johor will you please stand up. Those who haven't heard before that to obtain your car license you have to give money to officer will you please stand up.
This is just another episode of the BN-lead government all these years, who has cover up their failure and publishing the success they had done to the people.
How can they improve when they know that they can cover up their failure. How can we Malaysians feel save when the BN-lead government always cover up all the stories that might deteriorate the image of the country!
The prime minister personally cannot possibly do much to solve all the recent problems. Neither can anybody else in the cabinet. Nobody will want to dirty their hands for fear of losing the opportunity to enrich themselves while the money is still there.
The government knows the problems but always chooses to cure the symptoms rather than the causes. Government leaders are only loyal to their race and religions, but not patriotic to the nation.
The end results is power vested in official positions were retailed for personal gains, hence the malaise we see everywhere.
It just boils down to the failure of not practicing meritocracy; getting the right people to do the job; round pegs to round holes and square pegs to square holes. It just needs to establish hire and fire system; just fire those rubbish who are incompetent, irresponsible and unaccountable.
I can see there are a lot of cowards in Malaysia, they say a lot of things, but do a very minimal.
To be able to live in a peaceful country is what everyone dream of. But to live in hiding and afraid that it would rock the very foundation of what we are accustomed to for so long is just not right.
Yes, we are a peaceful country, not like Iraq, Iran, Indonesia or any other troubled country. And why are we peaceful? Because we are afraid to stand up, afraid to be different, afraid to argue ISA.
What we all non-malays lack is not which God we believe in, where our ancestors were born, what color our skin is.
But it is how we treat it, I believe Malaysia is a great place to stay. But without unity, we are nothing.
Khairy, Sebagai seorang yang berkedudukan tinggi dalam arena politik, tidak sepatutnya mengeluarkan kenyataan yang bercanggah dengan parti. Lebih lebih lagi UMNO berkerjasama dengan MCA & MIC dalam BARISAN NASIONAL. Kenyataan beliau mengungkitkan kemarahan dikalangan orang melayu. Beliau harus bersikap terbuka & berfikir secara matang.
I am writing this letter as a Malaysian (citizen) anxious about and concerned for the well-being and future of the non-Malays in this country. This is the reason why I am asking Umno and its youth movement to stop producing statements whether through the mass media or at its meetings that will only reinforce the existing trend of racial polarisation and that contribute to further mistrust and discord, thus setting the situation to be a powder-keg for a dangerous friction of which nobody in his right mind wishes to see.
Stop scapegoating other races and start assuming the responsibility in forging the Malay race ahead to better prepare for the increasing globalisation that is taking place all around us.
Preach and re-preach the message of tolerance, recognition, trust and support for one another which serves to strengthen the bonds of unity amongst the various races, harnessing the "pull factor" which brings us closer together in a common socio-economic and political interest grounded as it is in the Rukunegara as giving _expression to the spirit and intent of the Constitution.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. No more racist statements from the ruling party. Let's move stay together and move ahead for a better future.
Bersatu Padu, Bergerak Maju!
I am writing this letter as a Malaysian (citizen) anxious about and concerned for the well-being and future of the non-Malays in this country. This is the reason why I am asking Umno and its youth movement to stop producing statements whether through the mass media or at its meetings that will only reinforce the existing trend of racial polarisation and that contribute to further mistrust and discord, thus setting the situation to be a powder-keg for a dangerous friction of which nobody in his right mind wishes to see.
Stop scapegoating other races and start assuming the responsibility in forging the Malay race ahead to better prepare for the increasing globalisation that is taking place all around us.
Preach and re-preach the message of tolerance, recognition, trust and support for one another which serves to strengthen the bonds of unity amongst the various races, harnessing the "pull factor" which brings us closer together in a common socio-economic and political interest grounded as it is in the Rukunegara as giving _expression to the spirit and intent of the Constitution.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. No more racist statements from the ruling party. Let's move stay together and move ahead for a better future.
Bersatu Padu, Bergerak Maju!
Kita harus tolak kenaytaan org separti parang panjang. Ini tidak membantu dalam kita mengetahui apa isu sebenarnya. Biar pun saya Melayu saya nasihatkan semua Melayu , cina dan bangsa lain untuk menolak org kolot seperti parang panjang yang akan hanya menyusahkan orang -orang Melayu. Saya nasihatkan moderator mengeluarkan kenyataan sungguhpun tidak men-delete-posting tersebut tetapi bersikap tegas membantah apa yang ditulis.
Sekian dan tahniah pada blog ini yang berjaya membuat diskusi secara terbuka
Perlu faham apa yang diminta oleh bangsa lain adalah kesaksamaan dan keadilan. Apakah ini dipanggil mengambil kesempatan?
Bangsa bukan Melayu bukannya meminta saham 30%, bukan meminta lesen AP, bukan minta dapat diskaun rumah dan bukan minta diistimewakan.
Sudah lebih hampir setengah dekad bukan Melayu hidup dibawah polisi diskriminasi kerana mempunyai sikap bertoleransi dan sanggup berkorban supaya Melayu boleh bersama menikmati kemajuan.
Malangya hari ini pemimpin Melayu menganggap polisi diskriminasi ini adalah hak Ketuanan.
Mereka ini telah menghampakan dan menderhakai pengorbanan bukan Melayu dan malah langsung tidak tahu berterima kasih.
Sekarang pemimpin Melayu seperti Khairy terus mengeluarkan kata2 yang menonjolkan keangkuhan dan mempermainkan unsur2 perkauman untuk memperbodohkan bangsa Melayu sendiri. Fikirkanlah.
Perlu faham apa yang diminta oleh bangsa lain adalah kesaksamaan dan keadilan. Apakah ini dipanggil mengambil kesempatan?
Bangsa bukan Melayu bukannya meminta saham 30%, bukan meminta lesen AP, bukan minta dapat diskaun rumah dan bukan minta diistimewakan.
Sudah lebih hampir setengah dekad bukan Melayu hidup dibawah polisi diskriminasi kerana mempunyai sikap bertoleransi dan sanggup berkorban supaya Melayu boleh bersama menikmati kemajuan.
Malangya hari ini pemimpin Melayu menganggap polisi diskriminasi ini adalah hak Ketuanan.
Mereka ini telah menghampakan dan menderhakai pengorbanan bukan Melayu dan malah langsung tidak tahu berterima kasih.
Sekarang pemimpin Melayu seperti Khairy terus mengeluarkan kata2 yang menonjolkan keangkuhan dan mempermainkan unsur2 perkauman untuk memperbodohkan bangsa Melayu sendiri. Fikirkanlah.
semua orang mau naik,tapi jgn naik sampai kj yang kurang ajar itu,university yang dia masuk itu kandang babi jadikan dia mulut busuk macam babi siah......kurang ajar
To tell you the truth those BN blokes brains are filled with mud! They cannot see the similarity between Khairy statement and Lee Kuan Yew statement. Both bear the same meaning. Only change the name of country and race.
Khairy said: Singapore marginalised the malays.
Lee said: Malaysia marginalised the Chinese.
Pak Lah, do you need an English specialist to explain to you the differences!
I must congratulate Lee Kuan Yew who really shows our half past six government that the Chinese are marginalised here. And at the same time to tell Pak Lah that it is time to teach your son-in-law how to behave.
This is not something new. They are God and they are also the devil. They can do all they want. I don't care about their stupid speeches, blames or comments game. The only thing I care about is how they are driving this country down the drain.
BN is a virus. They come and consume the land's riches, integrity and morale. When all is gone, they spread to other areas to sustain their destructive ways. BN is a disease country cancer.
DAP is the cure. And to use this cure, we must vote them into parliament.
Please tell Pak Lah to restrain his dog Khairy. He is barking and pissing everyone off. Maybe Khairy is doing this on purpose to bring down Pak Lah and then grab the post for his own.
Our leaders are all hypocrites. It is alright for them to criticise USA, Singapore, Thailand and any country they want to. But when other country criticise us they want apology. The government is really half past six and they should all resign.
Umno is trying very hard to portray a confident and strong party. But deep inside, they are very insecure. This could be seen in the unusual behavior and conduct of their members.
Why are we Malaysia not equal to Singapore, some hurtful truths:-
When we have to pay RM100 million for an abandoned bridge project.
When thousand of Malaysian motorists have to brace the jam, the fume, the carbon monoxide, and at the expense of the quality family time, to crawl through the causeway everyday to "cari makan".
When thousand of kids from Johor wake up in the wee hours of the morning to catch their school bus to Singapore for their quality education.
When they have one of the highest property ownership in the world.
When they are so many abandoned shopping complexes in Johor, e.g. Sun City, Pacific Mall, Lot 1, Kemayan City, etc.
When there is a railway line from Tg Pelepas to Senai in Johor, built at a cost of many millions but has never been used for at least the last four years.
When their politicians are ex-Malaysians, e.g. Irene Ng (ex-journalist), Khaw Boon Wan (minister of health) and Lee Bee Wah (ex-rubber taper daughter from Rumbai, Melaka).
When their per capita spending power is 5X per capita of an average Malaysian.
When their crime rates are negligible when compared to Johor Baru.
When the biggest shopping complex in Johor, City Square is majority owned by Temasek, an investment arm of Singapore.
When Singapore says cheap, cheap, cheap (like a bird) shopping in Johor.
When Singapore has the most efficient and world class airport, MRT and port system.
When Singapore is ranked so highly in the transparency index as compared to Malaysia.
When Singapore is ranked as the most business friendly place.
When SGD1= RM2.28.
When our public transportation is a real poor cousin of SBS and MRT.
When our professionals are attracted to Singapore in droves.
When our minister sits comfortably and not bringing in the much needed foreign investment to spur growth.
When our best brains in Malaysia are offered scholarship and subsequent citizenship to be Singaporeans.
When Malaysia stop the crux mentality and be more transparent with the award of the bridge, CIQ, other projects etc, without the due process of tender.
When as a wee nation, they are expanding their external economy at breakneck speed by strategic acquisitions.
When as a tiny nation, their foreign reserve is manifold of Malaysia.
When as a backward backyard with no natural resources, Singapore has made it to be one of the most developed nations in one generation.
The list goes on and I weep for Malaysia, not meant as a sarcasm but really as a matter of reality.
The trouble with some ministers is that they dream instead of actually think. Almost all the ministers in Malaysia like to talk nonsense ever now and then, and this is one of the examples. Ignore him and move on.
The English language - the education system has been destroyed through the regime of Dr M, and it will take even longer time to regain back the former status.
University Malaya is churning out a lot of bumi graduates majoring in religious studies, moral studies, Islamic studies, etc. These graduates are then given posts in GLCs.
Like the executive for MAS, an anthropology graduate, and like 90% of all executives in GLCs. No wonder all of them are making losses every year.
It is really a micros of the NEP policy. As the elite take more and more resources to put up a cosmetic appearance of development and progress, and hence denying effort, resources as well as sending the wrong signal to the average what they need to do who are lulled into complacency and lack of competitiveness.
It is sad that many people will not go and see the doctors (or other professionals) who graduate from local universities, as there are fears that these doctors are incompetent. Some of these doctors won't even touch you to give you a thorough examination. It is a fact.
The government would do well to ensure standards are kept high as otherwise it is the public that suffers.
To build, it takes a long time, sometimes generations. To destroy, it takes overnight.
At the moment, it seems there are gross lack of planning, effective leadership and management, effective enforcement and implementation, and continuous assessment of the objectives against actual results from time to time.
The politicians and those who could afford are not sending their children to local universities but overseas universities. That tell us what it is about.
The leaders of Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia, the Malaysian Chinese Association, the Malaysian Indian Congress, Peoples Progressive Party, will talk strongly on peripheral matters, but not on issues that affect the people they represent.
It is wrong to assume that Malaysians would remain quiet for all time.
No government GLCs are not successful any more. None are headed by a non-malay. They would rather employ a white man than a non-malay. Some like Bank Bumi, has been revamped four times, each time the government putting in millions ringgit, if not billions, to keep it afloat. Yet no official has been penalised for running the GLCs to ground.
The latest is MAS, but there are others. In one GLC, a malay is threatening to sue. Rather than face him in court, the GLC would rather give him one of its companies than face him in court. The malay culture of 'tidak apa' continues to dominate.
But who should stop this go along? The non-malay political parties in government will not lift their arm. Their leaders are more interested in being in the cabinet, and if that means stepping on the people they represent, then so be it.
They do not service their constituencies - a singular exception is Samy Vellu - but the people vote them in every time. They hear nothing, see nothing, speak nothing. That is their defensive mechanism to stay in the cabinet.
But politics in this country has reached the stage where the racial groups do not support their leaders, but unite among themselves to oppose them.
It will be a while, perhaps 2020 year, before they are a force. But the policies initiated in the early 1970s has brought this about.
"While other areas in Malaysia are considered as middle-income economy, many parts of Sabah are equivalent to Africa as they are categorised as low-income economy."
But, if we have all been unhappy with BN, why do we keep on electing them, time after time. Yes, I know, there isn't a viable alternative. But now, there is a ghost of a chance for an alternative party, and I think we should try that chance.
The non-malays, or other second and third class citizens have nothing to lose by voting in non-BN parties. After all what can be worse for these classes of citizens than the present situation. I say, give non-BN parties a chance.
Enough is enough.
Today is a globalisation aged, the government policies still like this cut Chinese to subsidiary malays, better we suggest foreign investors have a right choice to any other country to invest.
Why for we so stupid (look down by the foreigners). So many years we pay the tax but how many cents the malay government help our people - the Chinese and Indians!
The foreign investors transfer their business out off Malaysia to Thailand is right.
The so-called affirmative action in Malaysia as set out by the government is a form of racism in disguise. I remember my first taste of so-called affirmative action when buying houses. There is this popular housing estate in the Klang valley.
After the malays signed the sales and purchase agreement from the developer, I saw a few of them selling the houses to non-malays. You see, malays get 7% discount - so if he sells the house off at the normal price to non-malays, the malays would earn 7%. It is easy money for them, don't you think!
For shares there, when company go public listed, mostly a big chair will be reserved to "selected bumi investors" but who are they? And the most ironically, they sell it immediately after the company go public listed and they made quick money just like that.........who? Those cronies…….
For those who played fire will get burnt one day. Don't worry……….I witness this!
True………. it is very true……….
The malays are actually digging their own grave and they are trying to dig a deeper and bigger one now……….
But all of them I have to see are being manipulated by certain top malay politicians so they will support them……….
That shows there the general malays are quite stupid and can't think outside the box……….
Malaysia and Singapore used to be one body. Both started on par in many things, including their universities.
Now, 40 years later, Malaysia and Singapore are different. A tale of two nations. One is declining or stuck and the other is moving forward.
Why the stark difference? One obvious reason is the way human resources are used in Malaysia and Singapore. Another reason is accountability and transparency. Yet another reason is corruption.
The government of one nation has tunneled vision under a coconut shell while the other has good mission and vision. One is concerned with one dominant race and the other is race-blind.
Furthermore, one practices an officially approved apartheid policy while pretending to be a fair government that does not marginalise its citizens of certain ethnic groups. One is pretends to be global while the other is truly global.
Malaysia and Singapore: excellent examples for historical and social analyses and studies. Also, excellent case studies in evolution: survival of the fittest.
My dad said to me : Dont come back lah, the country these days run by a bunch of monkeys...
I asked: Why.... I was born there, and I wanna take care of you and mom when you both turn old..
Dad said: We are already Old you know.. to live another 20 years is a gift from god.
I said: I know, but you guys spent so much money for me to study in Australia.. and now you want me to apply for another PR will cost you a lot more... And Mom told me your food stall not doing so good these days and you both never even go out eat on your birthday.
Dad said: Is ok, we got food to eat at home.. Just try your luck in Australia first.. If you really cant deal with it only come back.
I said: Well, the current job is great, but I feel like coming home to work at least I am near to you two.
Dad said: You dont want your children to face the same thing like you did, and you dont want to become like Me right? Get a better living there... You are already 5 years in Australia you should get used to the life there.
I said: Dad, I have been here for 5 years, you never visit me once not even on my graduation...
Dad said: Is ok... I am happy If i know you are successful and have a good life there. Its for your children too...
I said: Well.. won't aunties and uncles say I am not a good child by leaving you both in Malaysia?
Dad said: No no.... its up to them.. they probably just jealous anyway... Listen here.. not that you abandone your parents in their old age, is your country that abandone you, and you got to get a good life there and maybe in the future you can bring us there... I want my grandchildren get proper education and being treated equally. I am regret I didnt finish my highschool, and sell hokkien mee for almost 40 years now... Its getting hard to live in Malaysia now, the MPPP want to claim this land and turn it into a bus station soon... If not I maybe will be more successful and give you and ur siblings a better life.
I said: Dad you did a good job.
Dad said: Just dont come back, there is nothing left here after me and your mom die. Remember , not that you dont respect your parents, Is you country thay dont appreciate you.
From a Malaysian:
I refer to the remarks made by Singapore’s Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew at a dialogue on good governance in Singapore on Sept 15, that among other things Chinese in Malaysia were being marginalised. This resulted in a subsequent furore in the Malaysian press and a request from the Malaysian Foreign Ministry for an apology from MM Lee.
Why should MM Lee apologise? MM Lee was merely stating the facts.
Article 153 of the Constitution of Malaysia safeguards the special rights and privileges of the Malay and other indigenous people of Malaysia, collectively referred to as bumiputeras.
The New Economic Policy (NEP) was a socio-economic affirmative action programme launched by the Malaysian government in 1971. The NEP ended in 1990, and was succeeded by the National Development Policy in 1991. Both these policies have reduced non-Malays to the status of second-class citizens while cementing Malay supremacy.
Examples of such policies include:
Companies listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange must find a bumiputera to take up a minimum 30% of equity to satisfy listing requirements.
A certain percentage of new housing in any development has to be sold to bumiputera owners. Housing developers are required to provide a minimum 7% discount to bumiputera buyers.
Certain government guaranteed and run mutual funds which are available for purchase by bumiputera buyers only.
Many government-tendered projects require that companies submitting tenders be bumiputera-owned.
Approved Permits (APs) for automobiles preferentially allow bumiputera companies to import vehicles.
Racial quotas exist for entry into universities.
Quotas also exist for Public Services Department (JPA) scholarships offered to students to study in leading universities worldwide.
My personal experience underscores the statement made by Lee.
I myself grew up in 'kampung'‚ selling 'rambutan' by the roadside when I was only 10 years old. I was motivated and did extremely well in examinations, but despite this, I was not eligible for a scholarship. However, many of my Malay classmates were offered scholarships despite poorer results. My family was by no means rich, just like millions of other ethnic Chinese in Malaysia, and could not send me overseas.
The Singapore government gave me hope and opportunity to realise my dream. In order to secure my future, the only possibility to further my studies was to go to Singapore if I did not want to be left behind.
I am not against the Malays - I grew up and studied together with them, have many Malay friends. But I disagree strongly with policies that discriminate and marginalise the Chinese who are supposed to be Malaysians too.
Should MM Lee apologise in this instance?
I think not, especially since it appears that Malaysian politicians use 'carte blanche' to criticise and marginalise their Chinese citizens.
Just prior to the remarks made by Lee on the Sept 15, Umno Youth deputy chief Khairy Jamaluddin, claimed that Penang Malays were marginalised, just like Malays in Singapore. It appears that nobody took him to task!
If there is anybody who should apologise, it should be him for interfering in the affairs of Singapore.
Lee was absolutely right when he noted that the attitude of Malaysia and Indonesia politicians towards Singapore was shaped by the way they treated their own ethnic Chinese minorities. Malaysian politicians and leaders seem to expect Singapore to be forever compliant, just like the ethnic Chinese in their own country.
I certainly hope that Lee will be non-compliant and offer no apology.
Apa jadi kes rasuah 9 juta ringgit Khairy? Rasuah diambil, apabila terbongkar kasih balik duit dan kes tutup.
Ini keadilan ala Malaysia? Ini satu saja kes, apa jadi yang tidak terbongkar?
Orang Malaysia memang diperbodohkan. Siapa salah kalau rakyat dimiskinkan, kalau nak dengki, dengkilah dengan orang2 sebegini.
Jangan dengki dan salahkan mereka yang berusaha dan kekayaan mereka dikecapi dengan pengorbanan yang setimpal.
sembilan JUTA? Oh My Gawd... Even A president of United State doesnt deserve that kind of money...
Shame shame shame... I knew he is kind of like a dick head from the start.. indeed..
i'm a malay - living in urban perimeter, schooling in SRK, going to private kolej loan by PTPTN, now working as professional, succesful i can say.
who says Malays are lazy?
i'm at worse dont even get or ask for any politician help to build up my own all my own sweat!
the wrong thing is our leader - that includes malay,chinese, indian dan lain-lain.
please, dont ever make any statement saying "general malay or all malay", BUT say our country leader is wrong!
Non Malays being marginalised is a fact that no malays would want to argue. There are quite a number of brilliant non malays who are now living in overseas in the countries that give them a fair chance of opportunity for every one. Malaysia should abandon the preferential treatment to the malays, or for a start limit it to those who are in great need.Like the poor malays in the kampong who are unable to continue with their education due to poverty.
At the same time, Chinese shools should be abolished. You don't find Chinese schools in US ,Australia or nearer to home Indonesia.Not even in S'pore. Let the medium of instruction be english, maintain malay as the national language without sidelining it.Non Malays must show greater sense love to the country. No Chinese love malaysia as much as the malay do. That is a fact no matter how hard Chinese argue. No Chinese love Malaysia as mich as the malays do. Where they can make money and continue with their prostitution business, they will stay.No money,no prostitute they won't stay. If any Chinese come and say they love Malaysia, well that is bullshit.If They don't even love China, much less they love Malaysia.Chinese companies that employ malays or indian for that matter can be counted by cock. Yes, for the positions of driver and security guards they with open arms employ malays and indians. When this is happening, tell me what is the rationale of employing Chinese into Govt depts? So greedy they are that they want the both worlds.
REPLY TO Talak sunat
Just to let you know.... We are Malaysian and not chinese from China, I never been to China, yes my ancestor from there, it is like American, I mean White American, their ancestor from european countries too... How can you say Chinese Do Not love their home country for god sake. Let me share my experience with you working in a Malay Company in PJ, I dont have to mention that Company name, It is run by a Malay business man, and of course Malay hold most of the share there, Do you actually know.. how badly the management is and they actually need to hire some Part time auditor and creative director to redo all the work mainly because the so called qualified Malay auditors fucked up their works and the creative directos simply not creative enough to think of the good ideas to sell their product...
And yeah.. it happens in many Big Companies around malaysia... Full time Malay Workers, fucked up, nevermind, hire another part time non-malay workers to fix it up again... Malaysia Boleh...
and thank you for saying we not love the country as much as you do, because with my 9 A's in SPM, i am not offered a seat in the Local Uni, and of course not eligible to apply for any loan... my country dont appreciate my talent and ability, why should I love it back as much as you guys? you guys 3 A's UTM, 5 A's USM, good on ya! Our parents pay for the Tax and we pay absolutely full price for everything we get, no discount or whatsoever, yeah and our parents need to pay for every single cent for my tertiary education as well... like I am totally not Anak Malaysia, well.. perhaps I am not Anak Malaysia... I thought I was, but you guys never think I am all these while. And you have such a stereotype vision , you said no money no prostitute chinese wont stay... do you mean our country has prostitution everywhere if the chinese really NO PROSTITUTE NO MONEY THEY WONT STAY?
I think you really look at the skin colour and culture background to judge someone or you measure it with their ability and knowledge.. There are smart Malays , Most of them overseas working for foreign companies earning big pound and Us dollar.. smart Malay can be COUNTED BY COCK. you are definately one of those in the cock count!
oh by the way.. You do find chinese school in their countries...
they are numbers of vietnamese primary school in Australia... maybe you are not aware of.
I forgot you are in one of the cock count.
Siapa itu KJ? Nak banding dgn LKY? Belajar lah 30 tahun lagi...
It is true that malays got priviledges in malaysia.So what? our country this is! That's the fault of malay leaders during early merdeka days for agreeing to grant citizenship to Chinese opium peddlers and prostitutes from Southern China. The British should have offered them better place to live. England for example, rather than selling cunts in then Malaya.
So malay auditors fuck up.Like Eric Chia fucking up malay money in Perwaja? Damn bloody brilliant CEO he was, So Malays are auditors for ENRON that led to its collapse. So malays are the owners of brothels full of prostitutes from China, so malays are bank robbers, owners of discotheque for the drunkards. So malays are the people who introduced prostitution to the world, Yeah yeah Chinese are smart.Name me one Chinese who does not cheat?Can count by cock.
hey come on guys....all of us are matured and intelligent people here (if u think u are lah...). stop cursing other races guys, it doesnt bring any good here. to me, all of us is human and also our leader. unfortunately, our leader is a very bad leader lor....
so, as rakyat, we should hold hands together and bring down any bad leadership isn't it?
so, stop all this races makes me want to puke man..
be intelligent guys!
focus to what it is important...ok
Jangan mengatakan orang, dia melayu ke, Cina ke, India ke. Ada perbezaan pendapat tapi kenalah berhemah dan bijaksana.Semua bangsa tidak sempurna, di dalam konteks hidup sebagai rakyat malaysia sikap toleransi hendak lah selalu diamalkan.
Dari situ dah termaktub dah bahawa orang islam harus bersatu supaya orang bukan islam tidak mengambil kesempatan keatas kelemahan jika orang islam tidak bersatu
Perlukah Khairy meminta maaf?
no need lah.... since LKY do not apologize in right way so the pm son in law no need to do it as well....
since the chinese will like to take advantage to malay so khairy also hv no need to apologize
since the chef minister in penang cannot protect the welfare of malay in penang so khairy is right loh
since the welfare at other place that malay hav lower life standard then penang malay then khairy also can say that malay was marginalised in other states so he can take over the menteri besar, i believe khairy can do better as the new menteri besar, khairy!!! i support u!!! pls come to kelantan to sav malay people from PAS!!!! yeah!!! khairy u r the best!!!
comparing Kelantanese and Penang malays they are quite poles apart. Penang under BN, Kelantan under PAS. Kelantanese malays comparatively better.Talking about marginalisation of race, i cannnot think of another better example than Kelantan. There the malays have been treated differently, Chinese in the west coast got better treatment.At least they could do government project,if not as main con, they do as sub or to put bluntly Ali Baba.In kelantan, the govt projects were stopped(under Mahathir, things are getting better under Pak Lah)Kelantanese malays went out to other states to earn a living.Some become very successful in other states.To Penang malays, take the marginalisation by Gerakan leader as a challenge. Proof your worth rather than busy with making comedy movies, amak mami,anak mamak etc...anak peliak..During the times of difficulty only UMNO members were given a pie, PAS members or non members of UMNO had to succumb to that sort of marginalisation, they accept in it with great honour,they struggle, some run tom yam business, batik to earn a meagre of money. To God they pray and have faith without uttering a word.So chinese friends, malays in kelantan being treated as such by their own brethens.Don't ever think that all or majority of malays just shake legs for fruits to fall.If Federal govt then(during Mahathir) did not lift a finger to help poor kelantan malays you think people bother about you? Who are richest in this country(if not you) and yet you want more and more? sorry not here, elsewhere. I notice kelantanese chinese are very accomodating,unlike Chinese in Penang.Both are 'squid like'(cockwise) but the sense of brotherhood and friendship is apparently more genuine in Kelantan Chinese.
i read one of this word above there....or in the other posting.
"....they (chinese) immigrate elsewhere except to China...."
is it true...
isn't it?
why ar...can any chinese answer this..
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Sekali lagi beberapa posting kami "delete"
Semakin memalukan melihat corak - corak penulisan mereka yang kemungkinan berbangsa Cina (sekiranya bukan berbangsa Cina - setidak - tidak itu yang digambarkan) Tulisan tersebut bukan ditulis tetapi di "paste" berulang kali dengan kecaman dan penggunaan kata - kata lucah dan kesat.
Sekali lagi , saya sanggup menerima sebarang hujah biarpun mengatakan Melayu itu berasal dari Indonesia asalkan ianya bersih dan berkisar untuk berhujah namun panggilan - panggilan berupa kecaman yang nampak mahu menjadikan ianya satu provokasi tidak akan dilayan dan kami berusaha untuk membuang semua posting berbentuk demikian
Sekian Terima Kasih
To Dear Talak SUNAT,
You say it all, I cheat as well! But we dont BEG, we have pride, we earn everything! Nothing is perfect! There is no point to argue with you as long as you see the chinese as China chinese, not malaysian, well 50 years to come.
How RICH are you now? after feeding by NEP, (I pay tax too you know) and also some extra coffee money? still poor? then you need to rethink what's going wrong with ur career or should i just say JOB? and ur money management.
since u have this narrow mind keep saying chinese run prostitution and using the word cunts... well.. prostitution business not easy to run you know, we rather trade our body to get money than just beg for other people hard earn money or keep yelling what they earn is yours... We have pride, body is just a tool. So what ? we all born naked and thats what god created us, why we never see the god put the sarung around our penis or vigina when we were born?
its 21 century man, look ahead! dont look back and talk about our ancestors, honestly I dont even know who they are... I just wan our country to be fair with all their anak malaysia, no matter what background what colour and what they look like... get the fair education treatment , and education is the most basic needs for every ANAK MALAYSIA, who is good, who should get the chance to further their studies, not about how many percent of Malay enter the University... !
Congratulation, you still got your NEP even after 1990. Tell you what, before I know about these NEP thing and before I change from Star Paper , Utusan Melayu to internet newspaper, before I finish SPM, I always thought i live in a beautiful country, with Mahathir that era, always MALAYSIA boleh, and I am so proud to my country, but then.. when I know about the real situation, I knew I haven been blinded by that government controlled Press , its like living in a dream world and only wake up after 18 years since i was born... thats the situation in Malaysia, our Young Generation dont even know whats really happening when they are in school.. they just kept blinded for a long time.. when they found out what is real what is not, they felt like the government/the country lie to them most of the time! well.. tell me... what to you think about that? whut? like matrix movie right?
and about the chinese never migrate to China, oh dear do you know how many malaysian chinese in china now? lord.. and one thing is China dont even wan to recognize us as chinese, do you know why? at least the country understand, you were born in malaysia, you are malaysian! and you are purely malaysian! not china chinese! and chinese is only your background..
I think the Chinese community did not 'harap sangat' apology from KJ. I regard the Chinese, Indian and Malay as brothers in this country called Malaysia.
In a brotherhood, if one made a mistake (said something wrong unintentionally), the one who made a mistake should apologize without the others demanding or asking it.
Why did KJ want to compare himself with LKY? If others is uncultured, he want to follow suit? KJ is orang Melayu. There is a saying that adat Melayu is 'tinggi'.
KJ should show it to the world how tinggi is the adat Melayu. Jangan memalukan Melayu. I don't think apologizing will bring down the martabat of Melayu. It takes a man of greatness to know how to bring himself down to put himself higher.
KJ is like a bear who has climbed up a tree but doesn't know how to come down. The only way for him is a fall.
What the point argue with Talak Sunat. He already 'Suanted' so where got cock to count.
Whe are we Non-Malay so worry about NEP? It has been more than 30 years and we already got use to it. The one that should raised the issue are the poor Malays. Got NEP so what, siapa yang untung. Tentulah UMNOputras like KJ and their cronies.. Well like alot of poor Malays I knew, whenever the poor Malays raised the issue, they will quickly keep quiet when given some 'small' benefits..
KJ tak payah lah minta maaf. Tengok dia punya lagak, orang buta pun tahu. Kalau minta maaf pun tidak ikhlas.. Hanya pandai main politik.. yang kesian, bangsa Melayu sendiri yang dipergunakan nya...
Dalam bulan Ramadan yang mulia ini, Talak Sunat boleh komen dengan perkataan yang lucah dan kesat. Inikah perangai dia sebagai orang beragama Islam.. Sungguh memalukan..
Kalau nak bilang kat Umnoputras.. lagi memalukan.. Alasan Islam untuk bermain politik..
We beg in our own country, you prostituting in other's. In our own country, we should not have begged, sadly here in Malaysia we beg simply because UMNO listen too much from whoring chinese, here we are we ended begging! Hai Ya!
Come lah UMNO be strong,don't be like 'parang pendek', a blogger who has only Chinese brain. Lu ala sunat or talak sunat parang pendek?
Parang pendek
Kroni dan kawan apa beda? KJ ada kroni fasal itu orang ada kawan. Kalau kita senang tolong kawan, tak bleh ke? Bukan dia makan sorang. Kamu ni..pilihan rayA besok pangkah BN.
Maaf Talak Sunat, saya ini tak pernah pangkah BN. Lebih baik saya ada otak Cina dari kamu, badan Melayu tapi hati and otak syaitan.
Hai Si Parang Pendek dan something is very pendek in your pants. Ai Seh!pangkah opposition,sia-sia hidup. no wonder speaking the same language like Mat Sabun calling people syaitan, who taught you to that? Poor parang pendek, being misled by opposition.Pangkah BN next election. Tau pangkah tak? Dah Sunat ke belum?
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