Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Tercabarkah Islam ?

Tercabarkah Islam ,Asimilasi agama, natijah di sebaliknya
Anuar Mohd Nor

Bagi memastikan ianya menuruti apa yang di sarankan oleh Perdana Menteri Malaysia maka " Inter - Faith Commission" harus di wujudkan kata Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, seorang peguam yang merupakan Jawatankuasa Penggerak Badan tersebut dalam Majlis Peguam Malaysia.

Tujuan asas yang dimaklumkan adalah bagi menyeragamkan pendekatan keagamaan dan bertindak khususnya kepada perkara - perkara yang melibatkan hak asasi kemanusiaan dan sistem perundangan yang bertindih antara agama. Secara mudah ianya seumpama Badan Perhubungan Agama yang akan membincangkan isu -isu keagamaan bagi menyelaraskan kefahaman dan pendekatan keagamaan yang berbeza dalam Malaysia.

Di beritakan bahawa Suruhanjaya Perhubungan Keagamaan ini akan di bawa untuk penubuhan formal ke parlimen bagi mendapatkan status yang sama dengan SUHAKAM atau Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia. Sebenar ini bukan kali pertama www.umno-reform.com memaklumkan tentang kehadiran badan - badan bukan kerajaan Malaysia yang bertindak atas paksi menyeragamkan kedudukan intipati agama - agama dunia untuk di jadikan satu bentuk pegangan kolektif yang meluhurkan nilai - nilai murni kehidupan tetapi mempunyai motif lain di sebaliknya.

www.umno-reform.com dalam membicarakan isu sebelum ini MENDAKWA bahawa asas asimilasi semua agama yang di cantumkan adalah bagi mengurang mampatkan "faith" atau pegangan Islam dan mengenengahkan asas prinsip agama baru dengan nilai kemuliaan semua agama untuk dijadikan pegangan agama global. Hakikatnya atur cara agama dunia baru yang mula menjadi agenda pokok badan - badan dunia khususnya mereka yang asasnya beragama Kristian yang kini bertapak di Malaysia bagi kami amat mencurigakan.

Bagi kami kalau nilai - nilai dan pegangan norma kehidupan yang berasaskan keadilan atau meneliti kata pegangan nilai seperti - jangan lakukan apa yang anda tidak mahu orang lain lakukan kepada anda (slogan pegangan oleh kumpulan yang mahu mewujudkan Badan Penyelaras Agama ini) maka pembabitan entiti agama itu sendiri tidak perlu. Kalau nilai murni agama itu mahu di cakup dan dijadikan asas pegangan kenapa perlu kita membabitkan penukaran asas agama kita itu sendiri ?

"Global Religion" tidak perlu wujud dalam erti kata mahu membuat dasar asas agama baru yang akan sebenarnya membahaskan Agama Islam itu sendiri khususnya di Malaysia. "Council for the Parliment of world religion" telah mengemukakan garis -garis asas pegangan yang melibatkan nilai - nilai murni yang setiap agama telah melakukan simposium mereka tahun sudah di Malaysia di bawah Badan Kristian Demokrat Germany - yang mengelar pertubuhan mereka sebagai Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung ini telah menyerap masuk ke dalam negara ini dengan tujuan bagi mempromosi asas keperluan demokrasi dan kebebasan media. Tujuan asal ini tidak akan menjadi bahan kritikan kami malah kalau hanya agenda ini yang ada maka www.umno-reform.com pasti akan menyokong. Namun perubahan mereka dalam mempromosi agenda agama dunia dengan kekuatan asas pegangan mereka pada agama Kristian - amat mencurigakan kami. Agenda Agama Dunia ini telah di bukukan khas oleh Interfaith Malaysia Network - satu badan bukan kerajaan Malaysia dengan kerjasama Institut Kajian Dasar dan semua perbelanjaan kos ini telah di biaya oleh Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.

Bagi kami ianya hanya bertujuan untuk menyarankan agar Islam khususnya untuk melepaskan mana - mana kandungan keagamaan dalam Islam yang di katakan oleh mereka sebagai terlampau ekstrem mengikuti definisi mereka sendiri. Ini bagi kami adalah strategi asimilasi bagi mencairkan kemampatan pegangan agama bagi membolehkan dakyah - dakyah baru meresap dan mengaburi erti Islam malah mencemar konsep Islam Hadhari yang menjadi agenda Malaysia ketika ini.

www.umno-reform.com pada asasnya menolak Suruhanjaya Penyelarasan Agama di bentuk yang dikatakan separa dengan Suruhan Jaya Hak Asasi Manusia.

www.umno-reform.com juga menyarankan agar usaha Global Religion yang menarik dari segi intipati tetapi mencurigakan dari segi penekanan serta perlaksanaan di teliti dan semua penerbitan mengenai erti agama sejagat ini di pantau oleh kerajaan Malaysia.

www.umno-reform.com juga menyarankan agar siasatan di buat ke atas 2 media utama Malaysia yakni Sin Chew Jit Poh dan The Star yang di katakan sebagai "partner" oleh Konrad Adenauer Stiftung ( rujukan http://www.kas-asia.org/Partners.htm Konrad adenauer Stiftung)

www.umno-reform.com mencadangkan bahawa kehadiran Konrad Adenauer Stiftung di Malaysia beralamat :

Peter Schier Suite
18.1 Level 18 ,
Menara Genesis 33,
Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250
Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
Tel.: 60 3 2713 73 21Fax: 60 3 2713 73 20

di pantau serta aktiviti dan strategi asimilasi agama yang di buat mereka di teliti.

www.umno-reform.com menegaskan bahawa tidak ada dalam agenda kami menolak sebarang kebaikan - kebebasan beragama dan kebebasan media tetapi strategi asimilasi yang bertujuan untuk mencabar agama Islam amat kami tentang.

www.umno-reform.com turut meragui www.malaysiakini.com yang kini dikatakan sedang melobi Konred Adenauer Stiftung atas alasan "free press" tetapi terpaksa mempromosikan isu agenda agama dunia ini.

Kami turut menolak bahawa Konsep Islam Hadhari dan kehendak Pak Lah adalah sebab penubuhan Suruhanjaya Penyelarasan Agama ini dicadangkan dan mahu dilaksanakan. Sekiranya mereka jujur maka tidak ada sebab untuk kita menolak tetapi kecurigaan pengasas dan dana penggerak untuk mereka menyebabkan kami dalam www.umno-reform.com MENOLAK sepenuhnya agenda yang kami rasakan jahat dan bertujuan untuk memecahkan saf - saf mereka yang beragama Islam itu sendiri.

Pihak www.umno-reform.com dengan itu menggesa bahawa pertubuhan NGO rakan www.umno-reform.com bertindak untuk memulakan diskusi dan penilaian bagi membincangkan isu asimilasi agama Islam dan khususnya cabaran yang di buat oleh mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saudara Anuar, saya percaya apa yang berlaku sekarang bukan angkara orang lain malah orang kita sendiri terutamanya Sisters In Islam. Saya mendesak agar kerajaan mengambil tindakan drastik MEMBUBARKAN SISTEM IN ISLAM kerana mereka sebenarnya yang berselindung dengan agama. Sebelum kita terus menghina PAS lebih baik kita musnahkan ideologi songsang SIS

12:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Editor,

Islam and Christian are basically from the same roots. Why is that so difficult for us to accept each other? Why is it so difficult for Muslim to accept Bible as they belief in Quran.

Even God mention about the New Testament over and over again in Quran and if God could save the Quran from any defect and manipulation, God can certainly preserved The Bible.

In the recent raise of concern by the people of Malaysia especially where they felt that they have been discriminated, finding a solution by the Prime Minister to satisfy all religion is most welcome and commendable.

I believe the moderate Islamic practice will benefit all races, despite differences in religion. I believed that the IFC will not interfere in the Muslim legal system but will contribute to a new acceptable engagement between Islam and other races.

Let those who wants to relinquish the faith in Islam be answerable to God. Be reasonable, we accept Islam as your religion, why not you accept us as what we believe.

1:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kepada saudara pengarang, pernahkan saudara berfikir tentang nasib orang bukan islam dalam mengamalkan agama di malaysia sebagaimana yang telah dimakbulkan dalam perlembagaan tetapi dihakis perlahan0lahan oleh orang islam? sekolah kebangsaan, jika dijadikan contoh, jelas menunjukkan pengopresian masyarakat bukan islam. acara rasmi sekolah di mana terdapat pelbagai kaum patut menghormati sensitiviti semua kaum. kalau nak beragama atau mengajar tentang agama, buatlah dalam kelas pendidikan islam. dan yang non muslim pula belajar pendidikan moral. tetapi ape yang berlaku hari ini adelah sebaliknya. perhimpunan sekolah dipenuhi dengan upacara islam. kelas dimulakan dan diakhiri dengan pembacaan doa islam. segala majlis rasmi dimulakan dengan doa islam. kadang kala, pengetua memulakan ucapan dengan asalamualaikum dan langsung tidak memberi salam kepada pelajar bukan muslim.adakah ini semua perlu?
jika putrjaya diambil contoh, dimanakah multi racial malaysia yang dilolongkan dalam kempen tourism?? hanya kelihatan sebuah masjid saja di sana. mana tohkongnya? mana churchnya? mana kuilnya? langsung tiada. dan ini belum lagi menyentuh tentang ketidak opresi dalma nama deb. saya tidak ingin menyentuh tentang deb kerana saya faham bahawa itu hak bumiputera. apa yang say cuba utarakan adalah pengopresian hak kami dalam menganuti agama kami.

3:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody is challenging your religion.."it is you challenging it, the challenger always lies within the believer"...

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous(s)and Dani,

Christianity is not the same roots from Islam.Christianity is a defination from different Gospels even there were more than 10 gospels during the creation of the 4 gospels that become part of New Testament.

Only the real Bible is acceptable by muslims not the Old Testament and New Testament.I suggest that all of you should watch Secret Bible Week from 30 April until 5 May in channel National Geographic.

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha...dani bodoh...bodoh...macam lembu

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looking at the replies by both muslims and non-muslims, this are the things that could be noticed:
1. when muslims talk about sensitivity and respect, it is solely being sensitive and repect to islam ONLY, conveniently forgotten that THEY SHOULD ALSO respect and be sensitive to other religions.
2. maybe muslims think only ISLAM is the REAL religion. Well, i don't give a damn of how the muslims, christians or buddhists think. JUst wait for the day- as the chinese like to say "everyone has to go the road- DEATH"....and you people shall know.
3. the malays/muslims say they don't hold a forum to discuss about "non-muslim religions". well, this is because the muslims here are already enjoying a great life, they are already the king and queen, they don't feel the oppression, hurt feelings of the non-muslims, so why should the muslims give a damn?
4. hyprocrite to the highest level. you can find these hypocrites from any religions, but as you know, the police officers, government officers in Malaysia are mostly Muslims and without specifying their attitude, values, beliefs, pls compare these Malaysian officers who are SO NOBLE and compare them to NON-Muslim Singapore police officers who don't accept bribes, are fair and honest people.
5. No point muslims keep on talking or thinking bad about non-muslims, non-islamic things. If you people are so against non-islamic things, i suggest you throw your car, computer, spectacles, radios, tvs...throw them away since these are foreign inventions...they are HARAM...so don't touch it

the conclusion here is: Keep religions, beliefs and values to YOURSELF. as the saying goes, "you behave civilisedly because u r a civilised person, not to show ppl that u r civilised!~

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

one more thing, islam will never get threatened by the non-muslims in malaysia. this is certain. the non-muslims will never (of course, we don't even have the intentions) have whatever power to close down mosques, ban islamic forums, whatever.

but the non-muslims rights semakin terkakis by the day. temples and churches being torn down and so forth.

SO,SIAPA YANG TERCABAR? it is obvious that the non-muslims yang TERCABAR...so i think you people, UMNO-reform is crazy to MENENTANG SEKERAS-KERASNYA IFC

9:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
one more thing, islam will never get threatened by the non-muslims in malaysia. this is certain. the non-muslims will never (of course, we don't even have the intentions) have whatever power to close down mosques, ban islamic forums, whatever.


but the non-muslims rights semakin terkakis by the day. temples and churches being torn down and so forth.


SO,SIAPA YANG TERCABAR? it is obvious that the non-muslims yang TERCABAR...so i think you people, UMNO-reform is crazy to MENENTANG SEKERAS-KERASNYA IFC


9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

KEPADA yang masih meragui kebebasan beragama and liberalisme. artikel in dipetik dari sebuah suratkhabar utama di UK.bacalah dan fahamilah betapa hebatnya sumbangan ISLAM dan hentikanlah perbincangan yang tidak munasabah seperti isu murtad and hudud.

How Islamic inventors changed the world

The Independent, UK

From coffee to cheques and the three-course meal, the Muslim world has given us many innovations that we take for granted in daily life. As a new exhibition opens, Paul Vallely nominates 20 of the most influential-and identifies the men of genius behind them.

1. The story goes that an Arab named Khalid was tending his goats in the Kaffa region of southern Ethiopia, when he noticed his animals became livelier after eating a certain berry. He boiled the berries to make the first coffee. Certainly the first record of the drink is of beans exported from Ethiopia to Yemen where Sufis drank it to stay awake all night to pray on special occasions. By the late 15th century it had arrived in Mecca and Turkey from where it made its way to Venice in 1645. It was brought to England in 1650 by a Turk named Pasqua Rosee who opened the first coffee house in Lombard Street in the City of London. The Arabic qahwa became the Turkish kahve then the Italian caffé and then English coffee.

2. The ancient Greeks thought our eyes emitted rays, like a laser, which enabled us to see. The first person to realise that light enters the eye, rather than leaving it, was the 10th-century Muslim mathematician, astronomer and physicist Ibn al-Haitham. He invented the first pin-hole camera after noticing the way light came through a hole in window shutters. The smaller the hole, the better the picture, he worked out, and set up the first Camera Obscura (from the Arab word qamara for a dark or private room). He is also credited with being the first man to shift physics from a philosophical activity to an experimental one.

3. A form of chess was played in ancient India but the game was developed into the form we know it today in Persia. From there it spread westward to Europe - where it was introduced by the Moors in Spain in the 10th century - and eastward as far as Japan. The word rook comes from the Persian rukh, which means chariot.

4. A thousand years before the Wright brothers a Muslim poet, astronomer, musician and engineer named Abbas ibn Firnas made several attempts to construct a flying machine. In 852 he jumped from the minaret of the Grand Mosque in Cordoba using a loose cloak stiffened with wooden struts. He hoped to glide like a bird. He didn't. But the cloak slowed his fall, creating what is thought to be the first parachute, and leaving him with only minor injuries. In 875, aged 70, having perfected a machine of silk and eagles' feathers he tried again, jumping from a mountain. He flew to a significant height and stayed aloft for ten minutes but crashed on landing - concluding, correctly, that it was because he had not given his device a tail so it would stall on landing. Baghdad international airport and a crater on the Moon are named after him.

5. Washing and bathing are religious requirements for Muslims, which is perhaps why they perfected the recipe for soap which we still use today. The ancient Egyptians had soap of a kind, as did the Romans who used it more as a pomade. But it was the Arabs who combined vegetable oils with sodium hydroxide and aromatics such as thyme oil. One of the Crusaders' most striking characteristics, to Arab nostrils, was that they did not wash. Shampoo was introduced to England by a Muslim who opened Mahomed's Indian Vapour Baths on Brighton seafront in 1759 and was appointed Shampooing Surgeon to Kings George IV and William IV.

6. Distillation, the means of separating liquids through differences in their boiling points, was invented around the year 800 by Islam's foremost scientist, Jabir ibn Hayyan, who transformed alchemy into chemistry, inventing many of the basic processes and apparatus still in use today - liquefaction, crystallisation, distillation, purification, oxidisation, evaporation and filtration. As well as discovering sulphuric and nitric acid, he invented the alembic still, giving the world intense rosewater and other perfumes and alcoholic spirits (although drinking them is haram, or forbidden, in Islam). Ibn Hayyan emphasised systematic experimentation and was the founder of modern chemistry.

7. The crank-shaft is a device which translates rotary into linear motion and is central to much of the machinery in the modern world, not least the internal combustion engine. One of the most important mechanical inventions in the history of humankind, it was created by an ingenious Muslim engineer called al-Jazari to raise water for irrigation. His 1206 Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices shows he also invented or refined the use of valves and pistons, devised some of the first mechanical clocks driven by water and weights, and was the father of robotics. Among his 50 other inventions was the combination lock.

8. Quilting is a method of sewing or tying two layers of cloth with a layer of insulating material in between. It is not clear whether it was invented in the Muslim world or whether it was imported there from India or China. But it certainly came to the West via the Crusaders. They saw it used by Saracen warriors, who wore straw-filled quilted canvas shirts instead of armour. As well as a form of protection, it proved an effective guard against the chafing of the Crusaders' metal armour and was an effective form of insulation - so much so that it became a cottage industry back home in colder climates such as Britain and Holland.

9. The pointed arch so characteristic of Europe's Gothic cathedrals was an invention borrowed from Islamic architecture. It was much stronger than the rounded arch used by the Romans and Normans, thus allowing the building of bigger, higher, more complex and grander buildings. Other borrowings from Muslim genius included ribbed vaulting, rose windows and dome-building techniques. Europe's castles were also adapted to copy the Islamic world's - with arrow slits, battlements, a barbican and parapets. Square towers and keeps gave way to more easily defended round ones. Henry V's castle architect was a Muslim.

10. Many modern surgical instruments are of exactly the same design as those devised in the 10th century by a Muslim surgeon called al-Zahrawi. His scalpels, bone saws, forceps, fine scissors for eye surgery and many of the 200 instruments he devised are recognisable to a modern surgeon. It was he who discovered that catgut used for internal stitches dissolves away naturally (a discovery he made when his monkey ate his lute strings) and that it can be also used to make medicine capsules. In the 13th century, another Muslim medic named Ibn Nafis described the circulation of the blood, 300 years before William Harvey discovered it. Muslims doctors also invented anaesthetics of opium and alcohol mixes and developed hollow needles to suck cataracts from eyes in a technique still used today.

11. The windmill was invented in 634 for a Persian caliph and was used to grind corn and draw up water for irrigation. In the vast deserts of Arabia, when the seasonal streams ran dry, the only source of power was the wind which blew steadily from one direction for months. Mills had six or 12 sails covered in fabric or palm leaves. It was 500 years before the first windmill was seen in Europe.

12. The technique of inoculation was not invented by Jenner and Pasteur but was devised in the Muslim world and brought to Europe from Turkey by the wife of the English ambassador to Istanbul in 1724. Children in Turkey were vaccinated with cowpox to fight the deadly smallpox at least 50 years before the West discovered it.

13. The fountain pen was invented for the Sultan of Egypt in 953 after he demanded a pen which would not stain his hands or clothes. It held ink in a reservoir and, as with modern pens, fed ink to the nib by a combination of gravity and capillary action.

14. The system of numbering in use all round the world is probably Indian in origin but the style of the numerals is Arabic and first appears in print in the work of the Muslim mathematicians al-Khwarizmi and al-Kindi around 825. Algebra was named after al-Khwarizmi's book, Al-Jabr wa-al-Muqabilah, much of whose contents are still in use. The work of Muslim maths scholars was imported into Europe 300 years later by the Italian mathematician Fibonacci. Algorithms and much of the theory of trigonometry came from the Muslim world. And Al-Kindi's discovery of frequency analysis rendered all the codes of the ancient world soluble and created the basis of modern cryptology.

15. Ali ibn Nafi, known by his nickname of Ziryab (Blackbird) came from Iraq to Cordoba in the 9th century and brought with him the concept of the three-course meal - soup, followed by fish or meat, then fruit and nuts. He also introduced crystal glasses (which had been invented after experiments with rock crystal by Abbas ibn Firnas - see No 4).

16. Carpets were regarded as part of Paradise by medieval Muslims, thanks to their advanced weaving techniques, new tinctures from Islamic chemistry and highly developed sense of pattern and arabesque which were the basis of Islam's non-representational art. In contrast, Europe's floors were distinctly earthly, not to say earthy, until Arabian and Persian carpets were introduced. In England, as Erasmus recorded, floors were "covered in rushes, occasionally renewed, but so imperfectly that the bottom layer is left undisturbed, sometimes for 20 years, harbouring expectoration, vomiting, the leakage of dogs and men, ale droppings, scraps of fish, and other abominations not fit to be mentioned". Carpets, unsurprisingly, caught on quickly.

17. The modern cheque comes from the Arabic saqq, a written vow to pay for goods when they were delivered, to avoid money having to be transported across dangerous terrain. In the 9th century, a Muslim businessman could cash a cheque in China drawn on his bank in Baghdad.

18. By the 9th century, many Muslim scholars took it for granted that the Earth was a sphere. The proof, said astronomer Ibn Hazm, "is that the Sun is always vertical to a particular spot on Earth". It was 500 years before that realisation dawned on Galileo. The calculations of Muslim astronomers were so accurate that in the 9th century they reckoned the Earth's circumference to be 40,253.4km - less than 200km out. The scholar al-Idrisi took a globe depicting the world to the court of King Roger of Sicily in 1139.

19. Though the Chinese invented saltpetre gunpowder, and used it in their fireworks, it was the Arabs who worked out that it could be purified using potassium nitrate for military use. Muslim incendiary devices terrified the Crusaders. By the 15th century they had invented both a rocket, which they called a "self-moving and combusting egg", and a torpedo - a self-propelled pear-shaped bomb with a spear at the front which impaled itself in enemy ships and then blew up.

20. Medieval Europe had kitchen and herb gardens, but it was the Arabs who developed the idea of the garden as a place of beauty and meditation. The first royal pleasure gardens in Europe were opened in 11th-century Muslim Spain. Flowers which originated in Muslim gardens include the carnation and the tulip.

2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


i think this fella tak baca suratkhabar english...of coz....utusan and berita harian wont publish that this church or temple has been closed down by the authorities.

u want to know more on this? y r u so interested? is it that, kalau the authorities wana close down my temple or church, u nak tolong saya fight the authorities?

actuali, non-muslims don't mind so many mosques being built using our money (no need to membantah...this is a fact...look at bigger picture economics and not simple economics)...but at least dont be so hard against non-muslims.....susah sangat for us to build just 1 temple or church...

muslims complain everything in everywhere in the world...it seems that they cant get along well with all the ppl anywhere..

in malaysia where they r majority, stil complain but of coz treatment given to them sudah macam king and queen.....if u still not happy...then y not u become non-muslims and try to feel how we feel?

in thailand and philippines...they bising wana buat negara sendiri, teritori sendiri...please lah.....u ppl really cannot adapt urself anywhere...

in singapore...bising pula tak boleh pakai tudung, tak boleh jadi pegawai tinggi tentera....bising apa? LOOK AT THE MIRROR FIRST....in m'sia...HOW MANY CHINESE AND INDIANS are pegawai tinggi tentera?

DONT ALWAYS TALK ABOUT ISLAMIC COUNTRY..this is unfair not just to chinese or indian....IT IS ALSO VERY UNFAIR to SARAWAKIANS AND SABAHANS WHERE 70% ARE NON-MUSLIMS...and the size of SABAH aND SARAWAK Already Much more bigger than peninsular

i think muslims and malays should try to understand 1 simple word, which is "SABAR"...this word although simple, has made the chinese successful everywhere in the world, and it is bcoz of this word, u don't c chinese anywhere in the world protesting or rioting or smashing or terrorists

and it is kerana malays and muslims, dont have this "SABAR" attribute, which land them in such a situation...some small thing happen...they buat demonstrasi, buat protest, riot...burn down cars...
sumore wana talk about islam the best religion?



9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

assalamualaikum and hello to you guys
Masya Allah..
to Dani, ISlam and Christian arent basically form the same root.ready more so that u can talk with knowledge.we dont believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
And to those ignorant non muslims out there.. do, PLEASE
read more about our religion..and dont blame Islam just because the muslims arent that good on your on views
Muslims, wake up! this is a BIG wake up call.we are 'tercabar'..seriously 'tercabar'.where are those spirit on the name of Allah? we are still day dreaming.protect the comfort zone that we are living right now.

12:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree sila nyatakan gereja yang di tutup, gereja yang di tinggalkan oleh penganutnya sendiri mungkin banyak kalau kat sabah sebab terlalu banyak tumbuh macam cendawan kat sabah ni, kadang2 kat kawasan islam pun ada gereja walhal tiada pengunjung. perlu di ingat dalam islam tidak boleh ada 2 masjid bagi setiap penempatan.
Islam dan kristian adalah berbeza dari segenap aspek, dari falsafah pun sudah jauh berbeza, dimana dalam aspek ketuhanan islam hanya mempercayai Allah tuhan yg satu dengan sifat2 20, berbanding kristian percaya trinity konsep iaitu tuhan bapa tuhan mama dan tuhan anak. sedangkan dalam islam tuhan itu tidak dapat di gambarkan dengan akal manusia cukup mengkaji dengan sifat nya sahja, hanya dari segi sejarah sahja islam, kristian dan judaism berkait rapat. Dan sejarah telah menyaksikan bagaimana kitab2 injil dan taurat telah di noda oleh mereka2 yang sesat akal, seperti yang di nyatakan dalam al-quran.

1:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Berikut adalah pencabar-pencabar agama islam :

1)Mereka yang melepakkan diri memakan aiskrim potong semasa berpuasa.

2)Mereka yang beragama islam berpakaian seksi and menonjol (ingin sangat mengikut budaya barat yang selalu dikatakan tidak bermoral).

3)Mereka yang bercumbuan and berkhalwat di taman kerana takut ditangkap basah sebab salah di sisi agama islam.

4)Mereka yang merogol ahli keluarga sendiri kerana tidak dapat menahan nafsu, kerana hubungan seks sebelum berkahwin adalah salah di ajaran agama islam.

5)Mereka yang tidak berperikemanusiaaan membunuh dengan menggunakan name Tuhan.

6)Mereka yang membuat VCD lucah di rumah.

7)Mereka meninggalkan agama sendiri menyembah BLACK METAL atau agama sesat.

8)Mereka yang gemar melakukan jenayah tidak kira membunuh, najis dadah, merogol, mencuri and merompak.

Pada pendapat saya, mereka yang tersebut di atas adalah suspek utama dalam kes yang dibincang dalam topik ini. Di minta tidak menuduh and mengaitkan aspek aspek lain atau agama lain. Setuju?

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we have to go back to basics. Non-Malays are not originally from Malaya. They are imported by the British to come in and work in Malaya. This is the history. So, with this reference, Malays are the original people in Malaya. You cannot change this fact and history.

As for Muslim, Al-Quran says that "Non-Muslim shall practice their religious and shall respect Islam. Muslim shall respect Non-Muslim in their beliefs as they want to be Non-Muslim." Your Religious is not the same as Islam(ours). It is like Day and Nite. It cannot and will not be the same.If you challenge Islam, we MUST fight to protect. Another 13th May is ok for me!

What happen with Malay who cannot success is due to many factors.
Why mojority of Non-Malay Chinese are successful ? It is because the former generations have been given chance and platform to do Biz.

If we want to be fair, we shall revoke all Licences for BiG Biz and distributed again.
This is also shall be done in Private sectors which are controlled by the Chinese. We shall have a FAIR distribution in both Government and Private Sectors.
We don't talk about one sectors only. We should have bigger picture.

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just believe whatever are you devoted with..
dont mess others' devotion because i dunt thnk that 'what you believe' asked you to questions others believes..
bout the sins, dont mention sins, bcoz we are all sinners, no body is perfect, the religion is perfect, not the devoters..
please be aware of this, and dont try to create a racial or religious prejudice here...
we all pray for safety, happy and wonderful life...
this one goes out to those who questions.. dani n etc..
islam is the 'light', you will never realise that until you 'see' it...

10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jihad! jihad! Jihad! 13-mei-2007

3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jadikan msia negara ISlam yg sebenar.selesai.perintah ikut cara NAbi..ahsan qudwah n uswah..didik menteri2 yg ada.yg xpaham agama islam..cuba belajar..faham bebetol..bukan main agak2 n pk ikut pkran..Islam buat cam 2 semuar ada sebb..tanya org yg pakar dlm Islam.kami tidak memaksa org yg bukan Islam supaya MAsuk Islam. hany menyampaikan apa itu Islam..dan yg bukan Islam boleh lihat kebenaran yg ada.kerana Islam bukan stu agama paksaan..berapa ramai yg cerdik pandai dr barat yg memasuki islam???Di pejabat NASA mereka mengkaji alam ini dan menjumpai apa yg terkandung dlm quran adalah benar..lantas mereka medapat hidayah Allah mereka masuk Islam.tiada lah ulama memasuki pejabat NASA setiap hari utk berdakwah.hanya meneyerah kan pada ALlah,kerana hidyah hanya Allah yg memberi.konsep trinity..bolehkah Tuhan2 mentadbir Alam yag satu??miasalan..3org perdana menteri dalam satu negara..sorang mengarahkan perlembagaan ini dugubal.sorg lagi nak tetapkan sorg lagi menghapuskan perlambagaan yg kedua2nya dan membuat perlembagaan yang baru dan tersendiri..dan kakitangan bwah tdk tahu nak ikut yg mana..sbb semua adalah perdana menteri..jadi jika tuhan itu ada tiga..jika satu nak kemarau 1 nak hujan dan 1 lagi nak taufan..apa tidak huru harakah dunia ini??bukan kah semua berkuasa?setujukah mereka yg non muslim jika sye mengatakan tidak dinamakan tuhan sekiranya mengikut kehendak?jika mereka ini(non)muslim kata tuhan bapa memerintah kan tuhan anak membuat sesuatu..adakan die dinamakan tuhan?banyak didalam injil yg mengatakan bahawa allah itu satu.setujukah non-muslim jika sya katakan tidak dinamakn kitab suci jika terdapatperselisihan dalam kitab itu.baik sye bawakan 1 contoh..(sila buka perjanjian baru,Mark chapter 1dan 2 yang mengatakan..
"Inilah khabar baik tentang jesus 'ANAK ALLAH'.khabar baik itu seperti yg ditulis oleh yesaya sperti ini"inilah utusan ku..kata Allah"..
Hah!!..pertama mengatakan bahawa jesusu itu Anak Allah,ayat yg kedua mengatakan "allah mengatakan inilah UTUSAN ku..sebnatar kata anak sebentar kata ustusan..bukankah anak n utusan itu 2 benda yg berbeza kata dan maksud?????..lihat pula ayat ketiga..
"ada org yg berseru2 di padang pasir..'siapkanlah JALAN utk tuhan'..
apa perlu tuhan memerlukan jalan?bukankan tuhan itu boleh pergi kemana2 sahaj mengikut kehendak???hanay manusia yang memerlukan jalan.di dalam injil juga terdapat pengakuan isa sendiri bahawa die adalah utusan..lihat perjanjian baru luke chapter 10 ayat 16..
"Lalu jesus berkata kepada pengikut pengikutnya'Orang yang mendengar kalian mendengar aku.org yang menolak kalian menolak aku,juga menolak die yang MENGUTUS AKU...sekali lagi isa sebagai utusan..mengapa ISA tidak cakap bahawa isa itu sendiri anak tuhan???banyak lagi perselisihan 2 yang terdapat dalam injil.didalam injil juga ada pengharaman babi n lelaki harus di sunatkan.
babi itu haram..buka imam-imam chapter 11 ayat 7..
"demikian juga babi hutankerana berkuku tajam yang kukunya berselang panang tetapi tidah memamah biak.HARAM ITU BAGIMU".
kalau begitu kenapa ramai antara pihakkristian membenarkan memakan babi???
dan buka kejadian chapter 17 ayat 14...
"dan org yang tidak bersunnat yakni lelaki yang tidak dikerat kulit khatannya maka orang ituharus dilenyapkan dalamdari orang2 yang sebangsanya...."..em..sekali lagi..lihat dan fikirlah sendiri...dan disini saya bawakan 1 ayat quran yang mengejutkan org2 yang pegang pada ALkitab..lihat quran surah Al baqarah ayat 79..
"Maka kecelakaan yang besarlah bagi orang yang menulis AL kitab dengan tangan sendiri.lalu dikatakannya.."ini dari Allah:,dgn maksud ingin mencari keuntungan yang sedikit dr per buatan itu.maka kecelakaan besarlah bagi merekaakibat apa yang ditulis oleh tangan mereka sendiri......".
mereka yang non muslim,fikirkan lah ,jika kitab yang kamu pgg ketika ini adalah dari tuhan, mengapa terdapat kesalah??sedangkan ALlah itu suci dari melakukan kesalahan??jika alkitab itu dr ALlah mengapa ALlah tidak memelihara kalamnya sendiri??apakah non muslim memikirkan ALlah tidak menepati kata2 nya sehingga boleh dicitak mengikut kehendak sendiri mengikut pkran paderi masing2??bagi yang menyembah patung2..ingin saya bertanya..apakah saudar suka pada melalui highway utk kesatu tempat @ melaui jln biasa??mana satukan yang lebih cepat sampai ke destinasi..jalan biasa kah @highway kah??sekiranya jwpn anda jalan biasa saya tidak boleh mengatakan apa2..kerana mengikut sunnah alam ini melalui highway lagi cepat tiba..jika tidak masakan highway di penuhi setiap saat??tapi jika jawapan anda highway..tepat lah anada..jika begitu,mengapa perlukan PERANTARAAN utk meminta sesuatu pada tuhan yang menjadikan alam?MENGAPA TIDAK MEMINTA TERUS PADA die YANG SATU?bukankah mudah sampainya dan cepat terimanya??baik..saya dulu pernah bertaynya..apakah patung2 itu yang menjadikan aku??sye berdiri die hadapannya..menggoyangkan badannya.."................".TIADA RESPON.seorg dtg utk menghancurkannya..duduk diam tanpa membuat apa2.menerima apa ynag ada..tidak wajar jika 1 'tuhan' tidak bertindak apa2 ketika utk dihapuskan.jika itu 'tuhan' telah di hapuskan..apaakan jadi pada KITA SEMUAAA???!siapakah yang nak 'menghidupkan manusia semula jika tuhan sudah musnah??(mengikut pahaman mereka ini manusia boleh hidup semula)"kelahiran baru ke dunia selepas mati"...dan mereka yang memegang "kitab Tilmud" juga terdapat banyak percanggahan..saya tidak mahu membahas lagi..fikirlah saudar2 semuslim..Islam itu indah dah mudah..tapi bukan untuk di permudah2kan..sekian saja..(syafM20johormalaysia)

3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

salam..sye terlupa ingin menerangkan bahawa dallah taurat yang kini banyak sekali ALlah mengatakan bahawa ALLah itu esa..mari saya bawakn pembaca2 melihat bhawa dlm kitab itu terdapat banyak sekali kesilapan dan keslahn.yang bercangganh sesama sendiri..bg mereka yg berpegang pada trinity sila lihat ulangan -6 -ayat empat.
"4.Dengarlah hai orang israel TUHAN itu ALLAH kita,TUHAN ITU ESA>"nah!..dlm kitab taurat itu berkata ALLAH itu esa.jadi mana pula datangnya konsep trinity?yesaya chapter45 ayat 5-6
"Aku tuhan tidak ada yang lain...."
6."....akulah TUHAN dan tidak ada yang lain.."..jadi yang mengatakan Allah itu esa ialah islam..bukan trinity...dalam katolik..kita dapati begitu banyak sekali patung..tapidalam taurat yag kini mengatakan..lihat KELUARAN chapter 20 ayat 4-5
"JGN buat bagimu patung yang menyerupai apa pun yang ada dilangit.....
5.JGNlah sujud menyembah padanya@ beribadah padanya sbb aku TUHAN ALLAHMU...."..lihat..perselisihan yang terjadi..jadi agama mana mana yang melarang keras sembah patung..dan akhir sekali nak kata bahawa nabi ISA itu diutus utk bani ISRAEL sahaja..bukan bangsa lain..lihat MATIUS chapter 10 ayat 5-6
"kedua belas muri itu diutus oleh jesus dan ia berpesan'jgnlah kamu masuk kebangsa lain@kota org samaria.6.Melainkan pergilah kamu kepada mereka2 yang hilang dari umat israel.."..sekali lagi perselisihan apa yag difahami oleh paderi kini dan kitab yang di pegg.!! lihat lagi MATIUS chapter 15 ayat 24
"Jawab jesus,"aku diutus hanya pada mereka2 yang hilang dari bani sirael.."(lihat KAU DIUTUS H A N Y A !!)jadi menagapa bangsa melayu,china.india ada yang menganut?bukankan isa sendiri die hanay utk org israel?????lihat lagi KISAH RASUL chapter 13 ayat 23
"dan dari keturunnnya lah sesuai yang telah di janjikan-NYA ALLAH utk membangkitkanjuruselamat bagi org2 israel iaitu jesus"
jadi kami umat islam menjadikan jesus sebagai rasul bukan tuhan yang dicanang2kan oleh mereka2 yang masih belom mengerti ini..
di dalam taurat juga ada mengajar tentang kalimah 'INSYAALLAH".tapi dlm fahamn mereka ini mereka mengatakan siapa yag mempercayai jesus"PASTI"//lihat pastu yang saya tulis..masuk syurga..fikirkan..lihat YAKOBUS chapter 4 ayat 13 - 17 (jika kamu melakukan sesuatu yang belom pasti hendaklah kamu mengatakan.."JIKA ALLAH MENGKEHENDAKI>"
lagi dalam ajaran trinity..ada mengatakan bahawa nabi isa diuji oeh iblis..masakan boleh IBLIS menguji tuhan???????????????!!!!.sekian sahaj..semoga kita fikirkan bersama..selamat sejahtera(syafM20johormalaysia-azharmansourah)

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bukan tak pernah ada masjid yang telah diruntuhkan tapi kami tak pernah riuhkan hal itu sampai MASUK DALAM AKHBAR! kalau dah pembinaannya melanggar undang2, bina atas tanah org, menghalang lalu lintas akurlah ia terpaksa diruntuhkan tak kira ia masjid, gereja, tokong atau kuil.

11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TqQxhR The best blog you have!

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2owPvq Please write anything else!

1:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

2:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

3:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

4:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!

5:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all!

11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job!

12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

2:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3o7z1a write more, thanks.

8:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job!

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all!

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all!

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all!

3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all!

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?

8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.

9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?

9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all!

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When there's a will, I want to be in it.

10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.

12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?

12:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.

1:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.

1:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.

2:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

3:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.

3:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C++ should have been called B

4:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?

4:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

5:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.

6:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

7:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C++ should have been called B

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job!

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Save the whales, collect the whole set

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All generalizations are false, including this one.

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Save the whales, collect the whole set

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.

6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When there's a will, I want to be in it.

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C++ should have been called B

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all!

10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all!

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!

11:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

1:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!

1:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.

2:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

3:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.

4:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all!

4:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agama di sisi Allah hanyalah Islam.
Walaupun agama lain ingin sekali berada di sisi Allah. Tetaplah tak akan diterima.
Agama yang diredhoi Allah hanyalah Islam.
Yang tercabar adalah orang Melayu bukan orang yang beragama Islam.
Islamlah supaya kamu selamat.
Terpulanglah nak Islam dalam kad pengenalan atau Islam yang dijamin Rasulullah selamat.

12:02 PM  

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